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    Ootake 0.56 released

    By Robert,

    PCE/TG16 emulator


    2006/07/22 0.56 released


      - The problem that the sampling voice of a part of game("KLAX"etc.) has quickened (It is generated since v0.54) was corrected.

    >> Get it HERE.

    dualSwan v1.2.1 released

    By Robert,

    Wonderswan emulator for the DS


    dualSwan v1.2.1 (21/07/2006)


    * Fixed window mode 0×20

    * Added support for M3SD and SCSD

    * Source: Moved menu handlers to menu.c/h

    * Final release

    >> Get it HERE.

    SnezziDS 0.24b released

    By Robert,

    SNES emulator for the DS


    SnezziDs - The DS port of Snezziboy


    Only flashcarts supported currently.




    - Sound is working pretty well now!

    >> Get it HERE.

    MAMEplus! 0.106u13 released

    By Robert,
    MAME Plus! 0.106u13 2006-07-20


    * GUI: generating the command line options string from new option core

    * GUI: create ctrlr\Standard.cfg automatically when necessary

    * neogeo: removed all decrypted rom sets

    * neogeo: fixed some error in rom names and checksums

    * custom buttons are sorted before inserting to input menu

    * fixed crash in .inp recording

    * fixed scale buffer banking

    >> Get it HERE.

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