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    Ootake 0.55 released

    By Robert,

    PCE/TG16 emulator


    2006/07/21 0.55 released


      - The noise that happens when the sampling sound of the wavy memory sound source is uttered is reduced, and tone quality has been improved.

      - The menu to select "Window mode start" or "FullScreen mode start" was added.

      - At the first stage of "Shubibinman2", the problem that the screen falls into disorder in the place of one frame was solved.

    >> Get it HERE.

    NESCafe 0.703 released

    By Robert,

    NES emulator (java)


    NESCafe 0.703 (July 2006)

    - Fixed bug with Override addresses in lowercase hex format

    - Fixed bug where screen was greying out when entering Game Genie codes

    - Fixed bug where forcing of Animated GIF recording mode wasn't working

    - Fixed bug where DisableSaveState was preventing Trigger Saves

    - Added TRIGGER DELAY option to Overrides

    - Added DisableReset flag to NESCafe settings file

    - Added graphics option to clip screen left and right

    - Added graphics option to horizontally flip the screen

    - Added Debug output for Keypresses

    - Made speed improvements to the NESCafe Override Engine

    >> Get it HERE.

    MAME GP2X 2.4 released

    By Robert,

    Arcade emulator for the GP2X




    New MAME GP2X 2.4:


    - Updated Cyclone 0.0086 core by Notaz. Golden Axe and Altered Beast now run ok!.

    - Optimizations in M6809 cpu core.

    - Speed improvements in Double Dragon and Xain'd Sleena.

    - Command line support for future external frontends, thx to Zaq121.

    - Controls fixed in Millipede, thx to Slaanesh.

    - Graphics fixes in Gauntlet.

    - Controls fixed in Tehkan World Cup.

    - Optimizations in H6280 cpu core.

    - Compiler optimization flags.

    - Fixed the LCD timing issue (washed screen). Thx, god_at_hell and Aruseman.

    - Squidge MMU hack and Hardware Blitter are implemented but deactivated due to several random problems (see source code) :banghead:.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Mame 0.106u13, Intermediate Update

    By Robert,



    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


    resolutionrating0106u12yel [Aaron Giles]



    Source Changes


    Some more fixes for the DTD in the -listxml output. [Krick]


    Added more previously dumped PLDs to a number of games. [MASH]


    Fixed uninitialized variable in the debugger commenting code. Cleaned up allocations. [Nathan Woods]


    Improved multisession support with the new renderer. [Nathan Woods]


    Hooked up color PROM for schaser and fixed DIP switches. [Robert]


    Fixed bug that caused -prescale in Direct3D mode to fail in the last release. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed bug that led to black crosshairs in lightgun games. [Aaron Giles]


    Reimplemented the sparkle circuit to bring back stars in Tempest. [Aaron Giles]


    Removed the background brightness in vector games by default. If you want to see the overlays faintly on vector games, increase the brightness a bit. [Aaron Giles]


    More Crystal Castles tweaks: [Aaron Giles]

    * Connected EAROM correctly (passes POST now)

    * Added a guess for what the "POTATO" chip does. If you're a CC fan report to MAMETesters how MAME looks compared to the arcade when the screen scrolls up inbetween level 4 and 5.


    Rewrote Cloud 9 driver to mimic the Crystal Castles driver since it is obviously an early version of the same hardware: [Aaron Giles]

    * Implemented video RAM banking correctly based on tracing out a Firebeast PCB, which appears to be identical

    * Traced out color mapping and implemented correctly

    * Reduced EAROM down to 4 bits

    * Fixed DIP switch definitions


    Some minor modernization of the xxmissio driver. [Aaron Giles]



    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    Firebeast (prototype) [F.J. McCloud]

    Digger Man (prototype) [MAME32Plus]


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