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    Ootake 0.52 released

    By Robert,

    A new PCE emulator, based on PC2E has been developed by Kitao Nakamura. This is the third release. Thanks to Emulation9.com for the heads-up.


    ----- Upgrade history -----

      2006/07/09 0.50 completion

      - It is the first version of a formal opening to the public.


      2006/07/10 0.51 released

      - A numbered "Save State" "Load State" menu was added, and it was made to save of two or more.

      - It was made to preserve the state of the screen when saving by "Save State", and to stop with the screen had been displayed when the number was loaded. Therefore, the capacity when the state is saved has increased by 512KB. The state saving preserved with v0.50 can be read as it is.

      - The default of the buffer for CD-DA was changed from 40 to 48.

      - The PC engine mouse was described to the manual. (The selection button and the orchis button can be operated by the wheel operation of the mouse.


      2006/07/12 0.52 released

      - The processing fall had generated by the personal computer that did not have power was canceled for software with extremely a lot of frequencies in which the input of the pad was referred.

      - It corresponded to reading the "hes file"(music tune performance program using a built-in sound source of PC Engine). - Please note that distributing the "hes file" Rippinged from the "Hu-Card" and "CD-ROM" to the other becomes a breach of the Copyright Act. The "hes file" of the self-made tune is safe.

      - Spelling the folder of the source file was corrected and it was corrected to "Source" as "Sorce" to have made an error in writing.

      - The matter of the sound card and the game pad was added to the system requirements column of Readme.txt(this file).

    >> Get it HERE.

    PCSX2 - WIP

    By CKemu,

    PCSX2 a PlayStation 2 emulator, is as ever getting constant development, recent WIP has been posted on the official site:




    Work has never stopped since the release of PCSX2 0.9.1, infact it rarely does :lol:


    Refraction has made significant fixes to counters, making games much more stable, for instance Final Fantasy X-2 is now stable enough to be classed as "playable". Disgaea will play story scenes without freezing, and Resident Evil 4 is much more stable during gameplay!


    Saqib, has been bustling away with IPU, more and more games are playing videos, without looping or crashing mid-way through playback, effecting games such as Grand Theft Auto III, Final Fantasy X and WipEout Fusion.


    Zerofrog, busy as ever has been fixing vuREC0/1 issues, and making those games that do go 'Ingame' look correct, including Rayman M, Silent Hill 2, and a personal favourite WipEout Fusion.


    Saqibs IPU fixes combined with ZeroFrogs work on the graphical issues (I bugged him to death about this game :angry: ) have made WipEout Fusion playable! So head to the Videos section to watch this game for the first time running brilliantly on PCSX2, also checkout the recent Final Fantasy X-2 Video.

    :: Video Downloads

    :: Screenshots Thread

    JAPE 0.2 released

    By Robert,

    Arcade emulator


    JAPE is written in Java and aims to copy each version of MAME since the beginning. So far, version 0.1 and 0.2 have been released.


    07-11-2006 - JAPE 0.2


    And a second release yet: here is JAPE 0.2 with full sources and binaries. All changes from MAME 0.2 are here except sound support and a few issues in Crazy Kong, Crush Roller and Mr. Do!. In order to use it, you need Java 1.5 and also old compatible MAME 0.2 ROMs.


    07-11-2006 - JAPE 0.1


    A first release to wet your appetite: here is JAPE 0.1 with full sources and binaries. Everything from MAME 0.1 is here except sound support and issues in Crush Roller. In order to use it, you need Java 1.5 and also old compatible MAME 0.1 ROMs (I am looking for people to build datfiles).


    WARNING: I do not provide ROMs and will never provide them. You can only use JAPE with ROMs that you legally own.

    >> Get them HERE.

    SDLMAME 0.106u10 test 3 released

    By Robert,
    Let there be 3!

    SDLMAME 0.106u10 test 3 is here for real this time [701K].


    IMPORTANT: It’s a patch over test 2, so be sure to “make clean” (Linux/Mac) or “mingw32-make -f makefile.w32 clean” (Win32) before unzipping the patch in order to ensure an orderly build.


    There are 3 interesting changes in this version:


    * OpenGL is now available as the backend renderer. This brings major speedups vs. software rendering, especially in hi-res full-screen situations. Additionally you may choose to bilinear filter the game graphics when stretching them (or not if you like to see all the pixels). Plus the artwork/bezels/etc are now handled by your video card instead of the CPU (don’t worry, they’re never bilinear filtered), and vector games are drawn entirely by the video card using antialiasing and translucency for a more accurate looking effect. Try Star Wars or Tempest on a big LCD at full native and you’ll never go back.


    * Fixed an issue with the -fullstretch mode where you could cause a “death spiral” and crash by repeatedly rotating a lopsided game such as OutRunners in windowed mode.


    * Added -rdtsc (Win32, Linux, Intel OSX) and -machtmr (PPC OSX) switches so you can choose your timing source. If you have a recent Intel or AMD CPU and your sound fluctuates and skips, these switches are what you’re looking for.

    >> Get it HERE.

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