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    PsPectrum v1.0.4 released

    By Robert,

    Sinclair Spectrum emulator for the PSP 1.5


    ---=[ What's new in PsPectrum 1.0.4? ]=---


    - FUSE 0.7.0 port

    - Savestates support(1 per game).

    - AY3-8912 support (128k games have sound now)

    - File selector can browse through dirs and delete files.

    - Memory Poker.

    - Lots of new snapshots and tape formats introduced.

    - Fixed some OSK bugs.

    - Border emulation introduced.

    - More I can´t remember.

    >> Get it HERE.

    MAMEplus WIP

    By Robert,
    Future releases 2006-06-11


    * there will be no public releases before the new render is finished (v0.107?)

    * to avoid people posting useless/annoying bug reports on MAMETesters, ICC build is cancelled

    What kind of n00b would complain to mamedev about bugs in a derivative build?

    GameEx 6.31 released

    By Robert,
    11th June, 2006 - GameEx 6.31


    * New feature - ability to export all favorites, most played, and external applications to windows media center.

    * The games run straight from MCE but using the GameEx engine to avoid audio and video conflicts, and allowing return to MCE when the green button is pressed and ability to exit with the remote.

    * Registered version feature.

    >> Get it HERE.

    GP2X HU6280 Beta 1.00 released

    By Robert,

    PCE emulator for the GP2X


    Finally made the transition from alpha to beta.


    ** 11/6/2006 V1.00 BETA


    Recoded audio mixer for SDL, and enabled it for the first beta release...


    Enjoy... Donate so I can buy a GP2X developer breakout box thing...... Enjoy some more...



    >> Get it HERE.

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