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    PSPectrum v0.22 released

    By Robert,

    Sinclair spectrum emulator for PSP


    A new build of PsPectrum is available. It is a new core test that improves compatibility and some timing problems (still not perfect). Only EBP is included, so, overwrite old one, and you're done.

    >> Get it HERE.

    jENESIS 0.5 released

    By Robert,

    Java MegaDrive/Genesis Emulator


    jEnesis v0.0.5 (2006-05-14)


      - some minor changes in LWJGL initialization

      - some bugfixes

    >> Get it HERE.

    Hu6280 v0.5 released

    By Robert,

    PCE emulator for PSP


    * ARM CPU-CORE (V0.1) - Moved over to an ASM cpu core..., only about 10% of instructions in asm so far... nice speed hit!

    * Modified IRQ code to more accurate version (was in simple mode before)

    * Modified sprite pre-process routine to accurate version

    * Cleared up a memory leak, wasnt freeing some stuff properly


    >> Get it HERE.


    Credits: Thanks to Emuholic for the changelog.

    Greenboy 0.5 released

    By Robert,

    Green Beret emulator


    GreenBoy V0.5 14 May 2006

    Smal fix to the Green Beret emulator, now also plays Mr. Goemon.


    *Added Mr Goemon.

    *Fixed sound after restart.

    >> Get it HERE.

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