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    Mocha 1.25 released

    By Robert,

    TRS80 color computer emulator


    Release 1.25 04-20-2006


    * Added tab for 'snapshots' (saved machine state). Press F9

      while in emulation to save state. Review all saved states

      from the 'Snapshots' tab. The signed applet can save

      states to the local hard drive. The description column

      can be edited by clicking on the cell.

    * Automatic support for Napkin Look and Feel and Substance

      Look and Feel. Get the jar files from the respective

      web sites and either put them in your classpath or simply

      drop them in the jre/lib/ext directory. The next time you

      start Mocha, the look and feel will be listed on the

      config screen. Napkin is a hoot. Java 1.5 required.

    >> Go HERE for more.

    GameEx 5.94 released

    By Robert,

    Multi-emu front end


    20th April  2006 - GameEx 5.94


    * Fixes and improves font anti aliasing.

    * 5.93 was an update to the model 2 emulator autoit script to hide the mouse pointer.

    * Install now has a simple license agreement, in regard to commercial use of GameEx.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Roberto Fresco (MAMEdev) WIP

    By Robert,



    I assume he's talking about MAME....(if not let me know)


    --- 2006/04/20 ---

    More Fixes...

    A lot of modifications to dec0.c DIP switches....


    hbarrel, hbarrelw :


    - Removed the default dec0 coinage (wrong) and written the complete coinage.

    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.


    baddudes, drgninja:


    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Changed "Unused" (DSW0, 0x80) to "Unknown" (according to some technical sources should be "Cabinet")

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.




    - New DIP switches from the scratch (separated from hbarrel)

    - Added "Coinage" DIP switch.

    - Added "Service" DIP switch.

    - Added "Demo Sounds" DIP switch.

    - Added "Flip Screen" DIP switch.


    robocop and clones:


    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.


    hippodrm and clones:


    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Changed "Enemy Power on Continue" options from "ON / OFF" to "3 Dots / 2 Dots" (dots left in the enemy power on continue)

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.


    slyspy and clones:


    - Fixed "Energy" DIP switches.

    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.


    midres and clones:


    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Put a note in both "Unknown" switches (DSW1 0x10 & 0x20) because some technical sources pointed them related to extra lives.

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.


    bouldash, bouldshj:


    - Removed the default dec0 coinage (wrong), figured out the real one and written the complete coinage from the scratch.

    - Fixed "Difficulty" DIP switches.

    - Removed "Unused" (DSW0 0x10) and the former "Demo Sounds" DIP switch (DSW0 0x20). Both are in fact part of the new coinage.

    - Changed "Game" DIP switch title to "Game Change Mode" (according to technical sources).

    - Added "Demo Sounds" DIP switch (DSW1 0x80).

    - Turned to PORT_BIT the confirmed "Unused" DIP switches with handling prohibition.

    Gens32 Surreal v1.66 released

    By Robert,

    1) Improved Cheat system;

    2) Improved Rom Explorer;

    3) Improved 32bpp graphics system;

    4) Improved Controller Config system;

    5) Some change on menu (Surreal Menu)

    6) Add a function to disable short cut (Surreal Menu);

    7) Default BIOS supported. Not let you run game without config BIOS, but let you rename your BIOS to default name, and put them into bios folder. Then, no need to config them anymore.



    1) Can not update to this version by Power Up.

    2) You must reconfig your controllers when you first use this version.

    >> Get it HERE.

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