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    Jemu2 v3.1 released

    By Robert,

    For some reason the 3.0 notes were not on the site until now, so here they are!


    March 26, 2006 - JEmu2 version 3.1 released

    New in this version:

    * Added state saving in the Sega Master System driver (F6=save, F7=load).

    * Much improved compatibility, accuracy and performance of the Sega Master System driver.

    * Added 28 Sega Master System games.

    * Implemented online high scores for 10 more Sega Master System games.

    * Fixed a small problem in the MSX driver (fixing the border of Firebird).


    March 17, 2006 - JEmu2 version 3.0 released

    New in this version:

    * Brand new Sega Master System Emulation!

    * Added 23 Sega Master System games.

    * Implemented online high scores for Sonic The Hedgehog, Hang-On, Out Run, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Super Wonder Boy, Shinobi and Alex Kidd in Miracle World. The current SMS emulator still has some room for improvement, although it will play the current games just fine.

    Read more about it on the JEmu2 Development Blog.

    The SMS emulator is currently only available using the Java Web Start link, applet support will follow soon.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Xbox 360 hackjob useless?

    Elazul Yagami
    By Elazul Yagami,

    Joystiq reports that the Xbox360 firmware hack, made to run backups of Project Gotham Racing 3 is more or less useless to the common joe:


    After previously boasting about a DVD firmware hack that made it possible to run a backup copy of Project Gotham Racing 3 on a modified Xbox 360, one of the hackers behind the mod has joined Microsoft in calling it "useless". Apparently the mod is useless to the general public due to its complexity (the mod "requires that the flash chip is removed from the drive circuit board and inserted into a special flash programming device") and the fact that it could easily destroy an Xbox 360 in the wrong hands.


    However we must agree with one of the other members of the mod team when he said "given the complexity of the software it seems unlikely that there's no [other] way in." Did you know: Microsoft also make a popular operating system called Windows, an OS notorious for its backdoor vulnerabilities.

    Sony Finally Stops PSone Production

    By Wizard,

    Sony stops making original PS

    With the PS3 launch looming, Japanese electronics giant shuts down production of the console that brought it to the industry in the first place.


    Sony entered the global gaming industry with the Japanese release of the original PlayStation in December of 1994. More than 11 years and two more consoles later, the electronics giant has pulled the plug on its first console, ceasing all production of PS units. Last September, Sony announced that the original PlayStation and its PSOne redesign had surpassed the 100 million units sold milestone.


    Despite the news, Sony representatives noted today that the end of production does not necessarily mean the end of availability. PS hardware and software are still selling in countries around the world.


    Even if original PlayStation systems and games are becoming slim pickings in the US, gamers likely won't be going without for long. As part of its PlayStation Business Briefing 2006, Sony last week announced that it is working on an emulator that would allow gamers to play PS titles on the PSP. Details haven't been released yet, but Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi said the games would be digitally distributed.


    While the PlayStation's decade-plus production run is certainly impressive, it isn't the longest life span for a gaming console. Atari released its Video Computer System (more popularly known as the Atari 2600) in 1977 and didn't officially pull the plug on it until 1991.


    - Gamespot


    For one, I didn't know they still made PSones. Yes, 2 days old, stfu. Oblivion runs on my computer. Take a guess what I'm doing most of the time now.

    The end of DeSmuMe

    By Robert,

    The latest DS emulator project has been closed due to France cowering to corporation demands, and implementing new tough copyright laws.


    DeSmuMe project is over.

    You may don’t know but there are a new law in France that could put me in big trouble.

    With DeSmuMe, I have closed the doors of game company but I can not offer to pay for it.


    The worst thing is that I have found the bad coded instructions.

    For those how have download the sources you have to look in sbc, rsbc instructions the Carry flag updating is wrong.

    Sorry for the home brew programmers.




    Credit: AEP emulation

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