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    Dualis 18.2 released

    By Robert,


    * CPU:  Added the LZ77UnCompWram SWI 

    * CPU:  Fixed a typo in the SWI 3 emulation that caused single cycle waits 

    * GPU:  Added the option to display only one of the DS' screens (useful in fullscreen mode if only one of the screens are used) 

    * GPU:  Added support for texture alpha bits (for 16-bit textures) 

    * APU:  Optimized the resampling filter a bit, and applied filter to PCM16 samples as well 

    * APU:  Added PSG emulation (rectangle waves only) 

    * GUI:  Added fullscreen support (toggle with Alt+Return) 

    * GUI:  Added a couple more registers to the I/O register viewers 


    The preferred fullscreen resolution can be specified in dualis.ini.

    Some new keyboards shortcuts have been added: Ctrl+Shift+1..Ctrl+Shift+3 to select which of the screens are displayed, and Ctrl+Shift+F to toggle on-screen fps display while in fullscreen mode.

    I've also written a little PSG demo that plays 3-channel rectangle wave music.

    >> Get Dualis HERE, and the demo HERE.

    SSF 0.07 beta 3 released

    By Robert,

    Sega Saturn emulator. No English changelog.


    >> Get it HERE.

    ClrMamePro 3.85b released

    By Robert,


    * fixed: profiler doesn't list new dats





    * added: rebuilder advance option for a remove-only run. Although you have to specify a destination folder. Disabling the 'normal' remove-rebuilt-source option will disable that advanced option, too

    * added: scanner view popup menu set...(showfolder/size/manufacturer/sampleparent/parent)

    * added: scanner view popup menu rom...(show size/crc32/complemented/md5/sha1)

    * added: scanner view popup menu chd...(show md5/sha1)

    * removed: old profile-based 'show manufacturer' option

    * removed: old profile-based 'show complemented crc' option

    * misc: improved the profiler refresh speed (for all optimizations the profiles have to be rescanned though) but even without you should see a speed gain.

    * misc: improved scanner speed for biosroms

    * misc: changed some samplepath warnings

    * misc: changed the order of the popupmenu a bit

    * misc: no tree refresh when nothing important was changed in 'checksums'

    * misc: optimized loading speed of scanresults a little bit

    * misc: speed optimization on profiler-refresh

    * misc: removed leading 0x from exported dats

    >> get it HERE.

    GameEx 5.85/5.86 released

    By Robert,
    21st March  2006 - GameEx 5.85


    * Button 4 on game pad should tell GameEx not to exit attract mode/screensaver

    * Smoother transition from MCE when launching GameEx

    * Fixes Favourites by system not showing all systems when navigating back

    >> Get it HERE soon, when they update their site.

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