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    Final Burn Evolution 3.02 released

    By Robert,


    - Updated The whole "2003" Sets (fixed and working) - thanks iq_132 for the help with the drivers

    - Fixed bug on "How to play" screen on kof2002 (and clones) - thanks to iq_132

    - The emu was returning a wrong value for the video hardware, 0, and it should be 0xFF

    - Re-added "vs-bios.rom" as japan bios, and updated the bios patch code - Thanks to iq_132

    - Updated Universe Bios to the latest version (2.2)


    - Added the korean sets for the following games:

    -- Art of Fighting 3

    -- The Last Blade (The Last Soldier)

    -- Samurai Shodown 3 (Fighting Swords)

    -- Real Bout Fatal Fury 2


    CPS 1 & 2


    - Fixed Dip Dipswitches on CPS1 games

    - Added Hyper Street Fighter 2 (NOT WORKING)

    - Just for reference until the xor's (or the phoenix set) come out

    - Added "[4 Player]" hack for the following games:

    -- X-Men Vs. Street Fighter

    -- Marvel VS. Street Fighter

    -- Marvel Vs. Capcom

    - Renamed some sets to match with the latest mame




    - Fixed bug with Neo-PCM2 code - Thanks to iq_132 (It works perfect now)

    - Updated some games inits




    - Fixed the annoying noise when you paused the game with the "Low pass filter" on - thanks to mai

    - New skin,"about" picture and FB EvO icon - thanks to Coffinator

    - Fixed a bug with the inputs when you tried to rename it after a recording

    - Changed the saved input name, to this:

    "gamename [Mounth-Day-HourMinuteSecond].fr" (like the screenshots)

    - Added a "Recording Input Slots" option: (It works very much like kawaks inputs now, read "rec_inputs_tuturial.htm" for more infos)

    - Added a code to disable the pause if you start recoding an avi

    - Added the follow shortcut keys:

    -- Alt + I = Replay normal input

    -- Ctrl + A = Record AVI

    -- Alt + A = Stop AVI Recording

    - Changed the follow shortcut keys:

    -- F5 (configure inputs) ---> F10

    -- F10 (save state) ---> F5

    -- F7 (Memory Card) ---> F9

    -- F9 (Load state) ---> F7

    -- F6 (Load Game) ---> Ctrl + L

    -- F8 (Atc. state slot) ---> Shift + F8


    Credits for the article go to Emu Dreams, and you can download it there as well.

    Dualis 17.2 released

    By Robert,


    * CPU:  Added a few missing LDM/STM instructions 

    * CPU:  Added MRS/MSR SPSR 

    * CPU:  SWI 3 emulation is more accurate 

    * MMU:  Fixed some timer bugs 

    * MMU:  Fixed some VRAM mapping bugs 

    * MMU:  Fixed handling of out-of-bounds ROM accesses 

    * GUI:  Fixed some bugs in the disassembler and memory viewer 

    * GUI:  Added an auto update mode to the I/O register viewer 

    * GUI:  DMA transfers can be logged to the debug console 


    The CPU plugins is this release are not compatible with earlier versions of the MMU and GUI.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Daphne Source code released

    By Robert,

    Here's one just for developers, the source code for Daphne v0.99.7b has been released under the GNU General Public Licence.


    >> Get it HERE.

    MAME32qa released

    By Robert,

    The MAME32qa team have released an amended MAME32.


    >> Get it HERE.

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