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    EmuZWin v2.7 release 2.7

    By Robert,

    Sinclair Spectrum emulator


    [-] Core emulation fixed for all undocumented instructions (including BIT n,(HL)). Now ZEXALL test and other tests are executed exact as on real Spectrum machine. A selection of Z80 chip clone added into configuration.

    [-] Scorpion model multicolor fixed.

    >> Get it HERE

    MAME32FX 0.104u4 released

    By Robert,

    MAME32FX has been updated in line with the latest MAME "u" interim change.


    Get it HERE

    Haze WIP (Neo-Geo)

    By Robert,

    Just when you thought you had all the roms...


    Korean Censorship

    When you think of most Korean arcade games ‘Censorship’ isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. The Koreans are unrivalled in their ability to take an arcade game, and add adult content to it.


    For the Korean releases of NeoGeo games we see a rather different story. I’ve added support for a number of Korean sets, and the main difference you can see with them is how heavily censored they are.


    The first thing you notice is that all of the Blood and various other bits of violent content are completely disabled, there is no longer an option in the service mode to enable it, or if there is you can’t actually change it from ‘White’.


    Secondly the games are locked to the English language versions, running with a Japanese bios won’t give you back any of the blood, nor Japanese text, nor a Japanese title screen, only the standard ‘For Use In Japan’ message.


    A number of characters have been renamed too, the character select screen in Last Solider (the Korean release of Last Blade) is missing the usual character name overlay, ‘Wang’ in Art of Fighting 3 is now ‘Park’ and ‘Xiangfei’ in Real Bout 2 is now ‘Hannah’.


    There are a number of other changes, but I found the censorship especially amusing considering the lack of it present in most Korean games.

    Source --> http://haze.mameworld.info/

    Dualis 17 released

    By Robert,


    * CPU:  Added SWI 3 and 6 

    * CPU:  Fixed some problems with SWI 5 

    * CPU:  Modfied MSR a bit 

    * GPU:  Added support for the VTX_DIFF command 

    * GPU:  Fixed some bugs with rotation parameters on the sub core 

    * GPU:  Fixed the GL_INVALID_OPERATION error that could occur when switching back and forth between different renderers 

    * MMU:  Fixed accesses by the ARM7 in the 0x02100000-0x023FFFFF memory range 

    * MMU:  Changed initial value of WRAMCNT to 3 

    * MMU:  Fixed a typo that lead to bad 16/32-bit WRAM writes from the ARM7 

    * GUI:  Added a few more Thumb opcodes to the disassembler 

    * GUI:  Added a "Turbo SWI" option on the CPU tab for ARM7 binaries that mainly sit and wait for vblanks

    >> Get it HERE


    The screenshots page shows a SMS emulator running, also Snow Wars and Wolfenstein-3D.

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