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clrmamepro 3.84 released
* added: profiler option: 'parse merge tags' (default = off) Enabling this will add support for 'merge' in datfiles. This is generally some additional merging information, commonly used to ignore identical files within a parent/clone relationship with different names. When you enable this option and scan sets which were scanned without that option in the past, you run into some wrong name / unneeded file (move to parent) messages. That's normal (since that's exactly what the merge tags were made for) and if you enable the fix options, they get fixed.
* added: profiler option 'don't create dummy clones' (default = on) Enabling this option will allow clrmamepro to split-merge fake clones (100% identical sets within a parent/clone relationship). In other words they will be fully merged into the parent. Toggling these new options will clean the profiler cache, too.
* misc: little merger speed increase
* misc: using latest zipclass library
* If you keep the 'dont' create dummy clones' option enabled and have chds in subfolders, you might see some "wrong merged" entries for the former 'fake clones'. Move the chd to the parent folder and remove the empty subfolder then.
>> Get it HERE.
February 23rd, 2006Tuesday saw the failure of my sturdy old Powerbook. The little Kanga had struggled along for about 8 years before ever it saw my grubby mitts, and then I got a hold of it, and strangled the last vestige of life from it. The hard drive lasted nigh-on two years, before it collapsed under the strain of serving this place and oopsilon.
Concurrent with the failure of the webserver drive, I've decided to throw in the towel regarding development of DSemu-ng. Before the crash, I hadn't touched the codebase for over a month, since just after the new year in fact, so the project has become somewhat stale.
To that end, I'm releasing the code as the final iteration of DSemu-ng, hoping that someone can find a use for it. At some point, I intend to use the code to generate a tutorial series on how (or how not, dependent on your view) to write an emulator, focussing on the plugin architecture; at least this iteration of DSemu has a plugin system.
>> Get the source codes HERE.
>> More info http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17299
RomCenter 2.71 released
Fixed:- Toolbars settings saved.
- Fix Handle leak (This should address some crash issues).
- Updated Logiqx Datutil.
- Language pack is included, so the GUI are translated into your system language. If you don't want it, delete or rename the 'romcenter/locale' folder.
>> Get it HERE.