- Automatic script handling.
No more need to handle scripts installation! No more need to worry whether an emulator needs a script or not to work, mGalaxy will manage it by itself! - RetroArch added to available systems.
- Command window hidden.
The command window may now be hidden when the emulator is launched (for systems allowing it, like ‘Mame’ for instance) - Uppercase and lower case rom file extensions are now allowed.
- Screensaver/Attract Mode.
- Theme switching (Premium).
Set one (different) theme per system. - Localization (French, German, Portuguese for now!).
- mGalaxy_Runway system creation setup revised.
You now drag and drop the system you need (as many instances as you want) to build your system list (this would allow you, for instance, to create 3 different MAME systems!) - Systems window: filtering on arcade/computer/console.
- mGalaxy_Runway: box/marquee images support (for themes allowing this functionality).
- Scroll speed setting.
Let you define the scrolling speed of the list when direction keys are held. - Pre-Launch settings.
Allows you to launch another application/script/document before launching game (for instance, to auto load map to ‘Ultimarc Ultrastik 360’) - Child lock (per key/button).
When set, the key/button has to be held for 3 seconds to run. - Compatible with every screen resolution (e.g. 640x480px).
- mGalaxy_Runway: database creator (with resume functionality).
- mGalaxy_Runway: database editor (Premium).
- mGalaxy_Runway: data/media export (database, favorites, roms, snaps, boxes, videos).
- Multiple monitor support.
- Command Help panel.
Displays all the actions available and their corresponding key/button shortcut - mGalaxy_Runway: Mame database creation updated
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mGalaxy v6.0 released
Incredible amount of new features into v6.0!!
Spread the news !!
More info and download on http://www.mgalaxy.com
Ami/WinArcadia 24.35 released
WinArcadia 24.35 (Windows): 9 July 2016
AmiArcadia 24.35 (AmigaOS 3): 9 July 2016
AmiArcadia 24.35 (AmigaOS 4): 9 July 2016
AmiArcadia 24.34 (MorphOS): 6 June 2016
Super Bug Advance 1.3 (GBA): 11 September 2009
AmiArcadia and WinArcadia are multi-emulators of these machines:
* Emerson Arcadia 2001 console family (Bandai, Emerson, Grandstand,
Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu, Palladium, Poppy,
Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix, etc.) (1982);
* Interton VC 4000 console family (Acetronic, Fountain, Interton,
Prinztronic, Radofin, Rowtron, Voltmace, Waddington, etc.) (c. 1978);
* Elektor TV Games Computer (1979);
* PIPBUG- and BINBUG-based machines (Electronics Australia 77up2 and
78up5, Signetics Adaptable Board Computer, Eurocard 2650, etc.) (c.
* Signetics Instructor 50 trainer (1978);
* Central Data 2650 computer (1977);
* Astro Wars, Galaxia, Laser Battle and Lazarian coin-ops by Zaccaria
* Malzak 1 and 2 coin-ops by Kitronix (c. 1980);
* Chaos 2 computer (1983);
* Dolphin trainer (1977);
* PHUNSY computer (c. 1980);
* AY-3-8550/8600-based Pong systems (c. 1976-1977);
* Ravensburger Selbstbaucomputer aka 2650 Minimal Computer trainer (1984);
* MIKIT 2650 trainer (1978); and
* VTech Type-right machine (1985).
Features include: ReAction GUI, load/save snapshots, windowed and full-
screen modes, CPU tracing, trainer, drag and drop support, graphics
scaling, automatic load/save of configuration/game, keyboard/joystick/
gamepad/paddle/mouse/trackball support, autofire, turbo mode, gameplay
recording/playback, PAL/NTSC modes, sprite demultiplexing, help windows,
source code, debugger, frame skipping, redefinable keys, save screenshots
(4 supported formats), ARexx port, network play (IPv4 and IPv6), real-time
monitor, locale support, game selection sidebar, text-to-speech, printer
output, artefacting, support for ZIPped games, clipboard support, palette
editor, tone retuning, high score management, force feedback, sprite
editor, 3D, assembler, CALM support.
The supported languages are currently English, Dutch, French, German,
Greek, Italian, Russian and Spanish.
Changes since V24.34:
* Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
2016-07-08 Recent Releases
* Dolphin 5.0 [Wii, Gamecube] - https://dolphin-emu.org/download/
* higan v100 [sNES] - http://byuu.org/
* Emu Loader 8.1.7 [FE] - http://emuloader.mameworld.info/downloads.htm
* FEEL v. [FE] - http://feelfrontend.altervista.org/download/
* Mame Classic 8.4.0 [FE] - http://mameclassic.mameworld.info/
* QMC2 0.65 [FE] - http://qmc2.batcom-it.net/download/win32/
* Romulus 0.031 [RM] - http://romulus.net63.net/
* BitComet v1.42 [bT] - http://www.bitcomet.com/doc/changelog.php
2016-07-03 Recent Releases
To anyone who didn't receive an activation email, your accounts have been approved and you can log in with the credentials you signed up with.
* MAMEUI64 0.175 - http://www.mameui.info/
* MAMEUIFX 0.175.1 13th Anniversary Edition - http://mame32fx.altervista.org/download.htm
* DSVZ200 (2016-06-27) - http://www.gstsoftware.co.nz/
* Steem SSE.3.8.2 - https://sourceforge.net/projects/steemsse/rss?path=/
* History.dat 1.75A - http://www.arcade-history.com/?page=download
* FEEL v. [FE] - http://feelfrontend.altervista.org/download/