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    PointyRemote 0.000012a released

    By Gryph,

    Pointless has alerted us via this post that he has released a new version of his VNC-like app for the DS. Here are the changes:

    -better control "protocol"

    -updates on "click" and "area to zoom"

    -turn off the lcds when it's closed

    »» Original Thread/Download

    In Heaven Everything Is Fine...Or is it?

    By Wizard,

    Remember that dude who macked on the PS3? He got fired.


    Bold is PS3week to differenciate in this post


    Today's interview confirms that Robinson lost his job at Sony as a result of the article. He discusses his dismissal from Sony, his new job, the genesis of the PS3 article, and the reactions to the story from around the web.


    You made some pretty big waves, at least in the gaming press, with your article about PS3 development. Tell us how your life has changed since that article, and what you’re working on now.


    Yea I can’t believe how out of control everything got. It’s absolutely absurd how the internet can take something relatively harmless and turn it into something so insane.


    Let me first just say, all I really did was write a few paragraphs that gave my opinion on publicly released information. I never actually released any information. After reading my small article the reader is not any more informed about the PS3 than he was before the article. I didn’t reveal any tech info and I didn’t reveal different shipping plans. I’m still in awe at the whole uproar over what amounts to NO information.




    Did I knowingly break NDA? I absolutely did not. I would never do that and I would never want to hurt Sony Online. Did I dance in the grey area by even opening my mouth? Yes I did and I was fired for it. So I guess the new rule for me is, don’t ever say anything at all about anything. Ever...ever.

    Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3 and Devil May Cry 3 PC

    By Wizard,
    Revealed a few days ago, today it's confirmed. Ubisoft is bringing out the big guns and has signed an Euro/US agreement with Capcom to bring some of its best franchises to the PC.


    Ubisoft will publish/distribute Resident Evil 4, Onimusha 3 and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition for the PC, beginning in February 2006 with the release of Onimusha 3: Demon Siege.

    >>Evil Avatar Forum | Worthplaying.com

    Mednafen 0.4.7 released

    By Robert,

    The changelog for 0.4.6 is included as it was not released to the public.



    * Fixed the NES PPC AltiVec resampling code by properly aligning an output array.

    * Fixed NES sound emulation on 32-bit platforms(omitting the buffer size to Blip_Buffer::set_sample_rate() was causing an assert to go off on



    * Dropped the libsamplerate dependency.

    * NES:  Replaced the resampling code from the intermediate frequency after FIR resample with Blip_Buffer.  The only audible effect seems to be a slight lowpass filter effect.

    * PCE:  Integrated the CDDA playback code into the main PCE CDROM emulation code by using Blip_Buffer.

    * PCE:  Removed the compressor and cddaquality settings.

    * Updated the Russian PO file, mostly to remove or fix grossly incorrect "fuzzy" entries.

    * Added an incomplete Spanish(Spain) PO file.

    * PCE:  If a data sector read from a physical disc fails, it will be reattempted continuously until it succeeds, or the user presses the exit key(F12 by default). (note that this may appear to lock up Mednafen, but the exit key will still work). This *should* fix problems with physical PCE CDs under Mac OS/X and MS Windows.

    * Merged trio(http://daniel.haxx.se/projects/trio/) into Mednafen to fix format-string problems on non-glibc systems(MS Windows for example!).

    * GB:  Modified the APU emulation code to silence a gcc warning.

    * PCE, Lynx, GB, GBA:  Doubled the size of the Blip_Buffer phase offset table for slightly higher sound quality.

    * PCE:  Fixed ADPCM playback code for when sound is disabled(it was ultimately causing a crash in earlier versions).

    * Converted the MD5 functions to a class.

    * Fixed(hopefully) compilation on non-Apple PowerPC systems.

    * Fixed save-state support for saving/loading arrays of 16-bit and 32-bit variables(the hints were already there, but the code to handle the hints was nonexistant).  Note that this change will cause incompatibilities between old save states and this version on big-endian platforms.

    * Removed the included "m4" directory, updated autogen.sh, and reran it to regenerate aclocal.m4 with newer(and fixed on AMD64) versions of the gettext autoconf scripts. See: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=349845

    >> Get it HERE

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