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    DSRemote v0.2.5a Released!

    By Alpha,

    "DSRemote is a small program similar to sgstair's udptest program, only more advanced. This program has more functions, and supports direct chatting between DS and PC. For now, this program is only server-side, hence the raw commands. A more capable DS-program will be probably released once the full wifi library is released by sgstair. This is basically a demo, but it might come in handy to change Winamp songs or something :P." - infernoDS


    Update v0.2.5: Solved the Winamp "Play"-command problem, added a "minimize to tray on startup" function, fixed memory leak, fixed DSRemote still being active in tray once you close the program

    Another great homebrew app for the Nintendo DS based on SgStair's DSWifi!


    »» Original Thread/Download

    DS2Key Released! ~ Sending shockwaves to 1Emu :)

    By Alpha,

    DS2Key is an application that sends PC Keyboard signals through wifi so you can use your Nintendo DS somewhat like a PC Gamepad. We want to apologize for missing on this release until we saw the online user count double.





    1. Replace in DS2Key.bat with your lan ip address.

    2. Execute DS2Key.bat and a console window should open and remain open.

    3. Copy DS2Key.nds or DS2Key.ds.gba to your flash card.

    4. Run DS2Key as you would the official wifi test application.





    Modify key port numbers (9501 is default) and keys (the other numbers)

    for more then one DS at a time. The numbers represent Direct Input Key

    Codes, look them up if your able.





    (01.17.06) 0.1

    First Release


    (01.19.06) 0.11

    Fixed bug where light would be off by default manually booting with a *me.



    Whats Next


    Much more organised and userfriendly everything in the next version.

    I'll be releasing source code. I'll release my DS Winamp Controller

    with source.

    The response for DS2Key has been amazing and we hope everyone can realize what 1Emulation has to offer and get some new members because of it. We're also very pleased at the response of DS2Key and happy that Sypherce has posted it first here on 1Emulation. :P


    »» Original Thread/Download (DS2Key)

    Jemu 2.0 released

    By Robert,

    Jemu now has MSX support!


    Jan. 20, 2006 - Version 2.0 released!

    New in this version:

    * Added MSX emulation with support for 9 classic Konami MegaROMs (Nemesis, Penguin Adventure, Maze Of Galious, Nemesis 2, Nemesis 3, Salamander, Parodious, F1 Spirit and King's Valley 2).

    * Added support for Konami SCC sound.

    * Increased sound volume of the AY-3-8910 and YM2203 sound chips.

    JEmu2 is now not arcade only anymore. With this release people who are not familiar with MSX can check out what fun games were made for this system. Especially Konami's games are all pure classics.


    >> Get it HERE

    PCSX2 Progress - Tekken 4

    By CKemu,

    PCSX2 progresses further with Tekken 4 'playable', here is what General Plot hed to say on the official site:

    Nachbrenner made this video from ingame on Tekken 4. Game looks very good, with only slight graphics issues which rarely occur.


    Video is WMV using Windows Media codec, so you will need a media player capable of playing back this format. This file is being shared using Bit Torrent, so you will need a torrent client, such as uTorrent to download this video.


    Tekken 4 Ingame

    2 Minutes 0 Seconds | 5.60 MB | Real Ingame Speed - 1.5-6 FPS.


    :: Visit the official PCSX2 site.

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