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PSone emulator for PSP released
Not sure how you could mount an ISO on it...
Thanks to Romshare: http://bbs.romshare.net/showthread.php?t=24852
and DCEmu: http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthrea...&threadid=17246
A new emulator called PSPSone has been released that is supposed to be able to run PS1 games on your PSP. See the DCEmu thread for the download, comments and other details.
PacManFan has released a new Alpha version of his Playstation Emulator for the PSP, heres what he posted:
"Well everyone,
I've decided to release another ALPHA version of the PSPSOne emulator as a demo so everyone can see how much the speed has progressed.
No BIOS is required for this demo, I'm using the internal HLE Bios built into the emulator. This is the same Paradox demo I released last year, except this runs much faster.
Some techinical info:
-This version is running with the interpreter CPU core, not the recompiler.
-This is running with full 256x256 textures (I can get better speed with 64x64 or 128x128 textures)
-No sound
-Partial debug loggin enabled
-partially optimized build
I'll add a fps counter to all future versions so you can see speeds for yourself. Remember that this Paradox demo was designed to test the very limits of the Playstation."
Thanks to miemt11 for the news
clrmamepro 3.83b released
3.83b (18/Jan/2006)
* misc: removed scanner checkbox-bindings (missing + name check / unneeded check + name check) so you can toggle each checkbox now independently. For unsafe scans you'll see a warning.
* fixed: several 64bit rom-filesize issues (including scanner, rebuilder, setinfo, dir2dat)
* fixed: datfile forcezip tags didn't apply to the rebuilder when called through the scanner.
>> Get it HERE
MFME 3.1 released
R.Belmont WIP [17-Jan-2006]
Namco is insanePhil Stroffolino was able to trojan and dump the BIOSes from the C71 3D math engine (actually a TMS32c025) and the C74 sound/inputs MCU (actually an M37702). He’s already flying high with the C71 - using that code many long-standing graphics problems are now gone and several games that didn’t work properly now work 100% (such as Ace Driver: Victory Lap).
The C74 is a bit more interesting. Unlike Super System 22, which has one M37710 (37710 and 37702 are the same MCU, just ‘02 has an internal ROM and ‘10 boots externally like a normal CPU), original System 22 has 2 M37702s (C74) with identical internal BIOSes. Based on the state of one of the MCU’s inputs, the BIOS boots one of 2 different programs. The first one, intended for the C74 on the I/O board, reads all the inputs, massages them, and transmits them via the MCU’s built-in serial port to the second MCU. The second MCU recieves the data via it’s own serial port, puts that in shared RAM for the 68020 to see, and handles all the sound and music duties.
There is no reason I can think of that you would *ever* design such an over-complex system - even “annoying emulator authors” wasn’t on their radar at the time. But anyway, I’ve gotta get back to making this train wreck work…