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    Stella v2.0.1 (GP2x) Released

    By olaf,

    The Emulation64 Network reports that Alex Zaballa has ported Stella, the Atari 2600 emulator, to the GP2x. Below are the release notes (quoted from The Emulation64 Network).


    This is my first port. This is not optimized and a few things could be implemented differently. This port is still in it's early beta phase and needs further work to insure reliability and full functionality. In order to load roms successfully, I am using Selector V0.1 by Kounch © 2005. Both Selector and Stella are covered under the GPL Version 2, June 1991, as is this port. As with all things licensed under the GPL, this software is offered AS-IS with no warranties stated or implied. Use at your own risk. For more information, see gpl.txt included in this package.

    There is no official homepage yet, however it is available here and here.

    MAME GP2X 1.2 released

    By Robert,


    Happy new year!. New MAME GP2X 1.2:


    - Support for complete MAME 0.34 romset (1024 games). New available games i.e. Liquid Kids, Shadow Warriors, TMNT, etc.

    - Video scaling / stretching corrected in some games i.e. Pang.

    - Whatsnew.txt is now available in spanish (novedades.txt), thanks to kolakola.

    - List of supported games corrected (gamelist.txt).

    >> Get binary and source HERE

    Xe-06.01.01 released

    By Robert,
    [Xe] Fixed remember memory card option on running machine.

    [Xe] Fixed bad cartridge start up

    [Xe/Win32] Fixed screen clearing.

    [Xe/Win32] Removed some dead code.

    [Famicom] Fixed 6502 IRQ stall.

    [Mark III] Changed "YM2413" option to "FM Sound Unit".

    [Mega CD] Implemented VRAM Image.

    [Mega CD] Implemented Dot Image.

    [Wonder Swan] Removed "Vertical Button Mapping" option.

    [Wonder Swan] Auto vertical button mapping when screen is rotated.

    [Wonder Swan] Fixed EEPROM access command.

    >> Get it HERE

    MAME CENTER v0.00 Released

    By olaf,

    Emu#dreams reports MAME CENTER, a new unique graphical front-end for MAME32 Plus!, has been released (as version 0.00). What's so unique about this front-end, as I can see from screen shots, is that it actually acts as a game. You can find out more for yourself by visiting the official homepage. For now, here's a quote of the release notes taken from Emu#dreams.


    - It is a launcher only for MAME32plus(es) now.

    - It is a beta version. Be careful of use enough.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

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