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    Mocha v1.19 Released

    By olaf,

    Emu#dreams reports that Mocha, the Java-based TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo) emulator, has been updated to version 1.19. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Improved layout manager. Code cleanup.

    You can visit the official homepage of Mocha here.

    AppleWin v1.12.7.0 Released

    By olaf,

    Emu#dreams reports that AppleWin, the open source Apple //e emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to version Below are the changes in this version.


    - Public release

    - Fixed Apple][+ ROM (IRQ vector was vectoring to $FF59/OLDRST)

    - Added cmd-line switches (-f, -d1, -d2)

        - -f: full-screen

        - -dn <image>: Load a disk image into a drive. A disk in drive-1 will force a reboot.

    - Extended 6502 debugger (M1, M2, P0,...P4)

        - Mn <addr>: Memory window 1/2

        - Pn <zp-addr>: Display a zero-page pointer

        - Extended memory-dump to output SY6522/AY8910 regs with SYn/AYn, eg: M1 AY0

        - Added support for ACME symbol files

    - Phasor support (defaulting to Mockingboard mode, available in slots 4 & 5)

    - Display updated at ~60Hz (instead of 20Hz)

    - Emulation broken into 1ms units (instead of video-frame units)

    - Uses internal CPU emulator instead of DLLs (DLLs to be phased out)

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

    MAME Classic v3.4.2 Released

    By olaf,

    Emu#dreams reports that MAME Classic, the "first Windows Front-End for M.A.M.E. to feature independent default settings for raster and vector games", has been updated to version 3.4.2. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Fixed an issue that would not allow you to add a game to the favorites list if another game with a similar title was already in the list.

    - Fixed an issue where deleting a game from the favorites list might also delete another game with a similar title in the list.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

    Virtual Aquarius v0.72 Released

    By olaf,

    Emu#dreams reports that Virtual Aquarius, the Radofin Electronics Aquarius Home Computer System emulator for Microsoft Windows, has been updated to version 0.72. Below are the changes in this version.


    - Added ROM, cassette, and Quicktype images from several different sources.

    - Util/WAV->CAQ logger. It's enabled if ROM Hacks are enabled. With this selected, the emulator will write out a CAQ file for WAV data it attempts to read during a normal cload/cload* operation. Please note that cload truncates files when it reaches some number of nulls. Also, cload* truncates files when it reaches the end of the array it's loading. And, of course, the Aquarius tape format has no checksums or qualtiy-of-data checks, so it's entirely possible for framing errors to occur and you'd never know about it. Caveat Emptor. You might want to wait for someone to write a real WAV2CAQ utility.

    - Slightly changed WAV file handling, which, I hope, makes it more like the real computer. The real computer won't change state unless the input level hits a certain point, which smoothes out noise. Also, previous versions of the emulator were reading the waveform inverted; that's been fixed.

    - Fixed WAV loading to recognize WAVs written by programs that don't do the header right (which unfortunately includes most sound editors, but not the one I use so I didn't know about this problem).

    - The power up beep now works reliably. The emulation is now delayed until well after the window appears on the screen, but you didn't need to know that.

    - Full Screen mode can now access the menus. Right click on the full screen to toggle menus.

    - ROM Hacks are enabled by default. ROM Hacks provide emulation trapping for faster I/O for cassette input, cassette output, and printer output. This feature is available only when using the built-in S2 ROM.

    - Save RAM behavior changed; now the file is saved to the directory the program was run from.

    - Save RAM behavior changed; now filters memory through the cartridge scrambler.

    - Fixed a bug in which bringing up a dialog box would zero the AY sound registers.

    - You can't turn off the border any more. On the plus side, you got Full Screen mode. On the minus side, you need a better computer to run Virtual Aquarius. But then, your computer is probably newer than mine anyway (mine is from, like, 1998), and mine runs it just fine.

    - The sound buffers will attempt to resynch themselves when no sound has been playing for a while (a half-second or so). This is detected by the speaker clicker not being written to and by the three AY chip volumes being set to 0.

    - The POV hat can be used as the control disk in a modern USB joypad.

    - The Help/About box has my newer pictures on it. :D

    - Util/Load Binary -- This is useful for assembly language program development.

    - Util/Screenshot (F11)

    - Util/Full Screen mode (F12 to toggle)

    - Util/Paste -- this Quicktypes text that was on the text clipboard, i.e. Copy from Notepad and Paste onto Virtual Aquarius.

    - Some file access routines are smarter about remembering which file you were using last. It takes getting used to, but it really is better than before. Really.

    - The emulator should no longer crash when you have Configure/System Timing>Speed up when accessing files checked.

    - Soft Reset is now F9 on the keyboard.

    - Hard Reset is now Shift F9 on the keyboard.

    You can visit the official homepage here, or simply download it here.

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