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    Vexed (Beta 1) Released

    By olaf,
    PDRoms reports that zambo has released his port of Vexed for the GP2x. Vexed was the winner of the Handheld Computing Best Freeware Game award for 2001, reports PDRoms. Vexed was originally for Palm OS, and is a puzzle game. It is temporarily hosted at PDRoms here.

    Frotz Released

    By olaf,
    PDRoms reports that AdamC has released his port of Frotz for the GP2x. Frotz is the interpreter for playing all of Infocom's text adventures, as well as other Z-Machine games. You can obtain it here.

    NEOGEO CDZ 12/07 (Test 1) Released

    By olaf,

    AEP Emulation Page reports that NEOGEO CDZ, the Japanese Neo Geo CD emulator, has been updated today. This is the first test version for today's release. Below are the release notes for this version.


    * Bug Fix

    --- During IPL.TXT processing when you reset, after returning to the picture of BIOS, it copes with the bug which has stopped reacting to the replacement and the like of CD-ROM.

    --- Correcting the bug where the game of VIDEO SYSTEM has stopped operating.

    --- It copes with the problem where the picture of big tournament golf is cut off provisionally.


    * Changes

    --- The reading processing of CD-ROM on the basis of the analytical result modification. About 2 MB use memory was decreased.

    --- Way processing of the load picture, the actual cord/code is executed with the simple MC68000 interpreter, modification.

    --- Due to the above-mentioned modification, it reached the point where the load picture of NEOGEO CD SPESIAL operates.


    Memo such as the item which was corrected from open version.

    So other than the over top whether it reached the point where all load pictures can be indicated that.

    For a while only test edition is release.

    You can find more at the official homepage here (Japanese).

    StarBugz Released

    By olaf,
    PDRoms reports that dr_watson has released StarBugz. StarBugz is a Space Invader clone for the Sony Playstation Portable. You can find out more information here.

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