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    Xpired Released

    By olaf,
    PDRoms reports that Xpired has been released for the GP32. Xpired is an action puzzle game written in C using the SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_image, and SDL_gfx libraries. It's distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License. The goal of the game in each level is to reach the exit square by avoiding exploding barrels and other obstacles. You can find out more information here.

    PSPsetX v0.1 Released

    By olaf,
    After several people asked me, if I could make a Button-Swapper for 2.0, I finally decided to make PSPset for 2.0. Unfortunately there are still some problems and I cant write into flash0. But that will be corrected until the next version. Until now you can only swap buttons. The new PSPset for 2.0 called PSPsetX. Attention: If you do Button-Swapping all your settings get lost. 1. Restorte factory settings before using x-o swapper.

    This news comes from PDRoms and more information is available here and here.

    F.O.S.K. Updated

    By olaf,
    F.O.S.K. is the Fast On-Screen Keyboard-based TEXT EDITOR requiring only two (!) keystrokes to enter any character. The on-screen QWERTY keyboard is divided into 7 blocks, each one with a square shape, containing 3x3=9 on-screen buttons (therefore icon.png.) The first keystroke selects such a block, while the second one takes one of the nine chars inside the block.

    This news comes from PDRoms, be sure to note that this is for the Sony Playstation Portable. You can find more information on this here.

    S.E.U.C.K. v0.0.7 Released

    By olaf,
    PDRoms reports that Wub has updated his "Shoot 'em Up Construction Kit" (S.E.U.C.K.). S.E.U.C.K. will allow you to build your own custom "shoot 'em up" games without any coding knowledge. You can find out more information here.

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