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    GameEx 5.23 released

    By Robert,
    26th November 2005 - GameEx 5.23


    * OK, the new working of show desktop was not working for everyone so I've reverted back and tried a new approach.

    * There's a new display setting to hide the desktop. With this setting on when in full screen mode GameEx will hide the desktop ICONS, and set the Wallpaper to tiled black. This is a much better approach, and assuming you have no other apps open, the transition to apps and emulators that need the show desktop setting should be normally seamless.

    * I also modified the wait before keys setting to be used even if no keys are specified, as HideOS.exe is not closed until this timer has passed.

    * Therefore to load Visual Pinball seamlessly set this setting to about 8000 (8 seconds)

    * Fixed: text and layout now resizes correctly when going from windowed to full screen.

    * Fixed: Snap and background videos now show and reload when changing Windowed/Full screen.

    * Just to clear up things about.net framework 2.0. GameEx does not use version 2.0 (yet). You should install 1.1. 

    * Microsoft seem to be creating a bit of a dll hell situation with the different versions. If you have version 1.0 installed, Windows Update will give you the option to download 2.0 only. Where GameEx runs on 1.1 with support for 1.0

    *.net 2.0 if installed broke GameEx previously even though GameEx will only use 1.0 or 1.1. The update was to fix this issue and make GameEx work if you happen to download it from Windows Update or use it for other apps. Installing.net framework 2.0 will not improve or affect anything in GameEx in any way (at the moment)

    * Everyone finds this very confusing, and MS does not seem to attempt to make this better understood. They often don't tell you at face value even if your using a beta version, or provide good versioning information for Beta versions, but still encourage you to download them.

    * I do plan on starting to use Visual Studio 2005, and I will be upgrading GameEx to use Visual Studio 2005 and.net framework 2.0 in the future once I have some reserve cash to buy the development suite, and I see some benefit in upgrading.

    >> Get it HERE

    SMSAdvance WIP News

    By olaf,

    Emu#dreams reports that Flubba has made progress with SMSAdvance today. Below are his WIP notes.


    Fighted with F-16 Fighter and tried to implement Mode2 graphics and succeded quite well I think, the few SG1000 games I have tried started as well. The only thing missing is sprites.

    Click here to visit his web site.

    Xmame/xmess 0.102 released

    By Robert,
    25 November 2005

    xmame/xmess 0.102; xmame 0.28.1


    Time for a double release: First, there's the up-to-date 0.102 available from the download page, and you can read about its changes in the change log. Second, for history buffs, we now have a copy of xmame 0.28.1 on the page of older releases. Thanks to Christian Groessler for finding this.

    >> Get them HERE

    RockNES WIP News

    By olaf,

    Fx3 recently posted here about news of his upcoming release of RockNES, the Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. RockNES users can look forward to command line support and mouse support, among other things, in the next (December) release of RockNES.

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