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    Nhes v0.32.0 WIP release

    By Robert,

    Nhes is a Gameboy emulator currently under development.


    A new version of NHES is here. Version 0.32.0 contains some HUGE improvements from the last public release 0.20. Now supported is Color Gameboy emulation, sound, and much more. Please keep in mind NHES is a work in progress, and is still very buggy. It's getting there though :P



    +GB/GBC Emulation

    +MBC1, MBC2, and MBC5 Cartridge Support


    +BG Tile maps

    +Window Display

    +Sound Emulation

    +All CPU Opcodes

    +Timings and IO Registers


    +Saving/Loading (Partial for MBC5)

    +"Casual" Debugger, Logging, and Options


    +DirectX7 For Video

    +SDL and Blargg's GB PAPU Library for Sound


    +Requires at least DirectX 7, Windows

    >> Visit the Homepage / Download here!


    Credit: Thanks to Emulation9 for the heads-up.

    Gens32 v1.29 Mermaid rebuild wip

    By Robert,
    R2 Changes:


    1) Some stuff on display.

    2) Fixed a bug, which can not load roms when VSync in full screen mode was on.

    3) Low Idie when minimized.

    4) Open and closes faster now.

    >> Visit the Homepage.

    EmilNES Beta3 1st revision released

    By Robert,
    Here is what is new:

    -Code optimized (50% faster).

    -Overspeed limit implemented (use -l flag).





    -Use sourceforge in order to download this version: http://sourceforge.net/projects/emilnes

    -The sources has been released too.

    -EmilNES is a multiplatform emulator you just need a system with gcc and support for the SDL library and you can build it. NOT JUST WINDOWS.

    -Anyway I've released the win32 and linux binaries in order to make things easier.

    >> Visit the Homepage.


    Credit: Thanks to Emulation9 for the heads-up.

    Xe 05.11.10 released

    By Robert,

    Xe is a multi-system emulator that runs on Windows and Linux.


    Xe updates:

    * [Xe] Implemented RAM Cart option.

    * [Xe] Implemented Memory Card option.

    * [Xe] Implemented machine specific options.

    * [Xe] Changed status bar display to include Memory Cards.

    * [Xe/Win32] Fixed settings spin button range.

    * [Xe/Win32] Doubled sound buffer size.

    * [Xe/Linux] Doubled sound buffer fragments.

    * [Mark III] Implemented option to disable YM2413.

    * [PC Engine] Implemented option to disable PC Engine CD.

    * [PC Engine] Implemented 6-Button Pad.

    * [PC Engine] Implemented Ten No Koe Memory Bank support.

    * [PC Engine] Changed BRAM from 8KB to 2KB.

    * [PC Engine] Merged with Super Grafx.

    * [PC Engine] Swapped Super Grafx VDC1 and VDC2.

    * [Mega Drive] Implemented option to disable Mega CD.

    * [Mega Drive] Implemented 6-Button Pad.

    * [Mega CD] Implemented RAM Cart support.

    * [Neo Geo] Implemented Memory Card support.

    * [Game Boy] Implemented Mono Only mode.

    * [Neo Pocket] Implemented Mono Only mode.

    * [Wonder Swan] Implemented Mono Only mode.

    >> Visit the Homepage.

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