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    Gens32 Surreal WIP Update!

    By Alpha,

    The authors of Gens32 Surreal has posted an update on their website regarding their last release.


    I have found a bug in Gens32 Surreal v1.29 Mermaid: if you turn on VSync,then you may can not open the browser window under full screen. And,I have found a way to deal with this before the new version released,that is set the Priority to above normal.

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    »» Gens32 Surreal Mermaid v1.29 Released!

    fmsxDS Ver.0.03 Released!

    By Alpha,

    fmsxDS is a MSX emulator for the Nintendo DS that has been updated.


    NOTE: Changes translated from English to Japanese using an online translator.

    Don't you think? well, it is the いつ.の.間.に November. This year they are 2 months after. They are quick ones. If the compiler and the library it replaces, it does not pass compiling, you think that compiling passed, it does not move at all and it was serious. It reached the point where at last, it moves. The う - the む, the variety fumbling, you saw, although, touch panel does not go very well. Temporarily, as for touch panel, whether you abandon. As for renewal contents, in, set adjust scroll just screen 4 correspondence. Never, the spaceman bow was not thought corresponds to the side scroll of MSX2+ with. Changing scroll method with the machine, don't you think? it is the る. BIOS modified in MSX2 fixing. Because BIOS which you use changes, please note. In each case, try to be able to select. It tried changing the menu screen and the file selective picture, (it is and the leprosy and others doing to undertake) sound indicating the part where the screen at the time of the correction 212 dot is not visible in the lower picture Just the person who would like to try moving please.

    »» Homepage / Download


    Thanks to Samor for the news!

    DoomDS Update

    By oshisama,
    Well, its been too long since my last update, but I've been very busy.

    Lots of design work has been done over the past few weeks, lots of progress with Doom

    level editing, but sadly, not alot of progress with the engine.


    I've recently decided to learn C++ then move onto OpenGL and then apply what I have learned

    into DS development. Its going to take a while to get to a decent skill level, but i'm pretty

    determined and learn fast when i want to. This does not mean I plan to work on the DoomDS engine

    myself, I am still relying on outside help for that.

    I am playing around with the source to some engines already, and its good fun.


    There has not been a media update for quite some time, I did post some pictures of the levels over on

    the dual-soft forums, but other then that I don't plan to release too much. I'd much rather wait until

    some hardware testing begins and then show some better stuff.

    The Chainsaw has just been modeled, lots of map objects such as computer terminals, switches and random

    equipment have also been modeled. Levels are progressing well too, but there will most likely be changes

    once testing begins. Textures are also being pumped out at a nice rate too!


    In other news, Stephen Stair is very close to finishing he's work on the DS WiFi code.

    He's progress is fantastic and he looks set to claim the bounty, he deserves it.

    No doubt we will see a surge in WiFi apps for the DS. Pop over to Stephen's site and

    check out the progress. http://akkit.org/dswifi/


    When not working, modeling, mapping, playing games, or sleeping, I've been designing a very

    simple game purely for WiFi play. It would also be a great single player game, but I think the multiplayer

    aspect will be alot of fun. Its seems there is more and more that needs to be learned before the DoomDS

    engine takes shape, this project may serve as a good stepping stone for it, but we shall see.


    I will be sure to keep you posted though, no more delayed updates.

    Thanks again to everyone who's emailed me, your kind words and suggestions are much appriciated.

    Keep them coming.





    Two updates in two days, I like it.

    I have some very good news for you all.


    Over the past month or so, I've been in contact with a talented 3D engine programmer

    named Michele Pace. Michele runs the RE-Software website and specializes in 3D engine

    programming for a variety of platforms.


    After some discussion, Michele has decided to collaborate with me on DoomDS!

    This means, not only does DoomDS have a very talented programmer on board, but also

    that the engine will be designed from the ground up for the DS.


    This is very exciting news, but it isn't without a downside.

    Michele does not own a Nintendo DS and is currently financially unable to purchase one

    and the required development accessories. I have taken it upon myself to create a donation

    button on this website for anyone who would like to help Michele purchase a DS.


    The sooner Michele gets a DS, the sooner DoomDS will eventuate.

    I can assure everyone that any donations recieved will of course go to Michele, and will be

    used for its intended purpose. I want to see DoomDS eventuate more then anyone, i'm not about to

    abandon my project and ripoff the community.


    I will spread the word as much as i can, so hopefully Michele can get a DS as soon as possible.

    I'm really not sure how donations work with Paypal, but i will post a progress report when i'm aware

    of any donations that have been made.


    Michele is hoping to get a job in the gaming industry, so pop over to he's site and have a look around.

    I'm sure he would be a great addition to any developer.


    A big thank you to Michele, and to the community for their continued support.


    Thank You.


    Defect. Two updates in two days, I like it.

    I have some very good news for you all.


    Over the past month or so, I've been in contact with a talented 3D engine programmer

    named Michele Pace. Michele runs the RE-Software website and specializes in 3D engine

    programming for a variety of platforms.


    After some discussion, Michele has decided to collaborate with me on DoomDS!

    This means, not only does DoomDS have a very talented programmer on board, but also

    that the engine will be designed from the ground up for the DS.


    This is very exciting news, but it isn't without a downside.

    Michele does not own a Nintendo DS and is currently financially unable to purchase one

    and the required development accessories. I have taken it upon myself to create a donation

    button on this website for anyone who would like to help Michele purchase a DS.


    The sooner Michele gets a DS, the sooner DoomDS will eventuate.

    I can assure everyone that any donations recieved will of course go to Michele, and will be

    used for its intended purpose. I want to see DoomDS eventuate more then anyone, i'm not about to

    abandon my project and ripoff the community.


    I will spread the word as much as i can, so hopefully Michele can get a DS as soon as possible.

    I'm really not sure how donations work with Paypal, but i will post a progress report when i'm aware

    of any donations that have been made.


    Michele is hoping to get a job in the gaming industry, so pop over to he's site and have a look around.

    I'm sure he would be a great addition to any developer.


    A big thank you to Michele, and to the community for their continued support.


    Thank You.



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    AdvanceCOMP v1.15

    By oshisama,

    AdvanceCOMP is a collection of recompression utilities for your.ZIP archives,.PNG snapshots,.MNG video clips and.GZ files.

    The main features are :

    * Recompress ZIP, GZ, PNG and MNG files using the Deflate 7-Zip implementation.

    * Recompress MNG files using Delta and Move optimization.

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