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    ZSNES October 13 WIP Released!

    By Alpha,

    ZSNES is a Windows emulator that emulates the Super Nintendo.

        * ALL: Made gui option save config override dontsave option. Fixed bug #13. [Nach]

        * WIN: Added 1680x1050 FDR [Aerdan]

        * SRC: Cleanup and consolidation [Nach]

    »» Homepage / Download

    MAME Plus! 0.101u1 Released!

    By Alpha,

    MAME Plus! is an unofficial version based on MAME / MAME32.




    Oct 13, 2005


        *  updated to MAME 0.101u1

        *  fixed GUI menu help strings

        *  fixed discrepancy in displayed value and actual value of audio latency option

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    »» Mame v0.101u1

    Mameinfo.dat 0.101u1 DIFF-Update!

    By Alpha,
    0.101u1: Updated to MAME 0.101u1. Added 0.101u1 Source/Listinfo changes. Newest Bugs (12th Oct). Updated Guru's 'SEGA 317-xxxx Security Parts List'.


    -> MAMEinfo Source for MAME32 0.101u1 (Displays Mameinfo and more)

    -> MAME32 0.101u1 Category-, Version and Alltime inifiles

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    »» Mame v0.101u1

    Unofficial NesterJ r2b (NES emu for PSP)

    By Matt,



    "E" has released a new version of the unofficial NesterJ version for the PSP. Nester is a Nintendo 8-Bit (NES) emulator. The release notes are in japanese.



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    »» Credit: pdroms.de

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