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    PSP UAE v0.40 (Amiga emu for PSP)

    By Matt,



    "PSP UAE" is a port of "UAE", an Amiga Emulator, for Sony's Playstation Portable. The official page has not been updated yet, the download will be provided from another page. Changes in this release:


      * Several minor optimizations on M68K and Amiga/PSP graphics.

      * Semi-transparent ( customizable from Config Menu ) full-featured keyboard.

      * Fully configurable button and analog stick assignments from Config Menu/Options ( finally ) : includes flexible assignments of key presses, joystick/mouse buttons to PSP buttons. : includes flexible assignment of Joy0/Joy1/Mouse to PSP Analog stick/Directional Buttons.

      * Auto repeat on menu selections.

      * Adaptive Border Padding ( change from Config Menu )

      * Load / Save / Default configurations ( 2 slots )

      * ScreenSave to.bmp file. ( Assign key from Config Menu/Options, START button by default )

      * Fine mouse movement ( HiRes ) is possible while holding button ( assignment customizable )

      * From Config Menu, press Select to shortcut back to the Amiga.

      * In the Config Menu ( activated by Select ) : Cross (X) is select, Circle (O) is cancel.

    »» Homepage / Download

    »» Credit: pdroms.de

    Online Nintendo 64 Emulation Configuration List!

    By Alpha,
    The months pass, and the time comes when I get bored and I say: "I'm gonna work on my N64 Configuration List today." Over time I added a few settings, but the big surprise is that I gave it a whole new look. Instead of a "click and find" list, I have converted the layout into one huge table. My original list did not support Firefox due to errors in my code, and since I have jumped on the bandwagon, I needed to change something. Well, here it is, BMGCL v3.0. It has some new stuff, not much, but the look is new. Now that I have something easier to follow, updating won't be such a hassle. The latest version as always can be found in my downloads section.

    »» Homepage / Download

    »» Online Nintendo 64 Emulation Configuration List


    Thanks to Emulation64 for the news!

    PSP Firmware 2.50 released!

    By Matt,

    PSP Firmware 2.50 released!


    New editions are:



        *  [LocationFree™ Player] has been added as a feature under [Network]. (see below for more info)

        *  [Auto-Select] and [unicode (UTF-:)] have been added as options to [Encoding] under [View] in the [internet Browser] menu bar.

        * Settings for [Text Size] and [Display Mode] in [internet Browser] can now be saved.

        * The input history of online forms accessed through [internet Browser] can now be saved.



        *  Copyright-protected video can now be played under [Video].

    (This applies to video saved on Memory Stick Duo™ media).



        *  [set via Internet] has been added as an option to [Date and Time] in [Date & Time Settings] under [settings].

        *  [WPA-PSK (AES)] has been added as a security method under [Network Settings].



        *  Korean input mode has been added to the on-screen keyboard.



    Using the LocationFree Player

    You can watch TV or videos on your PSP™ system by using the LocationFree™ Player. To watch TV or videos at home, you must have a LocationFree™ Base Station (a Sony product sold separately). To watch away from home, you must have a LocationFree™ Base Station (a Sony product sold separately) and access to the Internet using a wireless LAN. For details, visit http://products.sel.sony.com/locationfreetv/owners/psp.html


    Use of the LocationFree™ Player feature may not be supported in all countries and regions. Depending on where you live, the Base Station may not be available for purchase or use.


    »» Credits: Sony.com

    New DS shipping out this Nov.

    By Wizard,


    Nintendo's handheld Wi-Fi revolution is almost here. The gravy train's first stop is Mario Kart DS on November 14th and a the "Hot Rod Red" bundle featuring a hip, red-colored Nintendo DS packaged with Mario Kart DS - and can actually save you about $15 - on November 28th.


    The bundle will retail for at a MSRP of $149.99 and comes with a checkered-flag wrist strap and a series of racing decals. So, no, the ugly flames you see in the official images released by Nintendo don't seem to come standard on the machine; you can pick and choose which stickers to slap on.


    You'll have to wait a little longer for the Hot Rod Red bundle, but considering the avalanche of videogames headed to the market in November, waiting two weeks for a cheaper deal might not be a bad idea for those currently without a Nintendo DS.



    Game news isn't really streaming in by the stock pile.

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