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    Chinese(Traditional) Language Files SNESGT 0.205!

    By Alpha,

    Nhlay has made the traditional chinese language files for the latest version of the SNESGT emulator!




    The file can be downloaded at...

    »» http://gigo.retrogames.com/bbs/c-board.cgi?cmd=tpc;id=

    Mameinfo.dat 0.100u3 / History.dat 1.03 Released!

    By Alpha,

    [ MameWorld.Net ] and [ Arcade-History.com ] have updated their Mameinfo.dat and History.dat to the latest version of MAME 0.100u3.


    0.100u3: Updated to MAME 0.100u3. Added 0.100u3 Source/Listinfo changes. Newest Bugs (30th Sep). Correct Mameinfo infos.
    No typed changes

    The files can be downloaded at...

    »» http://www.mameworld.net/mameinfo/ [mameinfo.dat]

    »» http://www.arcade-history.com/h.....?page=news [history.dat]

    MAME32FX 0.100u3 released!

    By Alpha,

    MAME32FX is a derivative unofficial build based on the original MAME/MAME32 source code with improvements.


    Updated to MAME 0.100u3 - MAME32 0.100u3

    The file can be downloaded at....


    GreenBoy 0.3 Released! / Murdoc 0.2 Released!

    By Alpha,

    GreenBoy is a Green Beret arcade emulator for the Game Boy Advance. The source has been updated as well!


    Murdoc is a Mr. Do! arcade emulator for the Game Boy Advance. The source has been updated as well!


    Both files can be downloaded at....

    »» http://hem.passagen.se/flubba/gbadown.html

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