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Gens32 Surreal v1.28 LDU+ released!
What's New:
What is LDU technology? It is Gens32's mother. And now, she has came back. She can read the text and pictures on the screen, and then, do a lot of crazy stuffs for you. Such as Force Feedback or translate roms into your language in a few hours.
Besides, I have designed a new Feedback equipment to instead the pad.
I will give more details later.
Download it HERE.
Daphne v0.99.7 released!
DAPHNE v0.99.7 Changelog (from v0.99.6)24 Sep 2005
- added game driver for Dragon's Lair 2 support (with Dragon's Lair samples). Dragon's Lair 2 can also be plugged directly to a real LDP-1450 via serial port.
- added game driver for MACH 3 support (with samples)
- added game driver for Us vs Them support (no samples)
- added game driver for Roadblaster
- added game driver for Interstellar
- added game driver for Cobra Command using MACH 3 hardware
- added speech synthesis to Thayer's Quest
- added built-in parallel port support for Windows NT/2k/XP.
- fixed a few bugs in SDL.dll so that YUV hardware acceleration now works on almost all configurations (including most ATI cards).
- added an alternate overlay scoreboard for Dragon's Lair and Space Ace
- added a cleaner set of Dragon's Lair samples
- added support for large files over 4 gig
- added 'home' directory support (so created files such as daphne_log.txt can be created in a different location)
- added ability to disable the log file so it never gets created
- added line blending option to VLDP. This will help get rid of the annoying horizontal lines some people complain about, at the cost of reducing the vertical detail by half. Some people may prefer this to doing an inverse telecine and re-encoding their mpeg.
- added scanline simulation option to VLDP to give a more arcade look
- added test suite that exercises a number of functions to make sure they work across multiple platforms and hardware configurations
- fixed bug in VLDP where it would lock up if.dat file could not be created
- started removing dependence on Microsoft's C library to avoid including extra DLL's
- fixed bug where Daphne would fail if it is not run from its own directory
- added optional seek delay to simulate the delay that occurs when a laserdisc player seeks to a new frame
- switched VLDP so its uses YUY2 overlays instead of YV12 overlays. This improves compatibility and image quality.
- added ability to pause any game as long as the disc is playing
- fixed cpu timing so it stays accurate over a long period of time (instead of getting less accurate over time)
- added non-blocking seeking to the LD-V1000 driver to more closely emulate the original hardware. Previously, everything stopped while waiting for seeks to complete.
- DaphneLoader now properly defaults to 'noldp' mode if the game is not configured
- DaphneLoader now remembers where the window was previously
- added support for DLE v2.1 rom images
- fixed bug in Cliff Hanger driver where long seeks weren't registering a 'busy' status
- added ability to save the static RAM (sram) on a regular basis so that high scores aren't lost if Daphne is shut down improperly (ie powering off the PC)
- added better error messages for missing ROMs to help newbies troubleshoot easier
- unix no longer uses mmap for ogg audio streams because of problems with read-only file systems
- added ability to use a real Space Ace annunciator board with Space Ace by using -use_annunciator from command-line
- improved key remapping parser so it will never crash even if file is corrupt
- added support for more digital joysticks
- added ability to disable joysticks
- added 'sticky coins', which means that coin presses will never be lost even if daphne is in the middle of a seek
- optimized ogg audio callback so that the memory copy functionality is more efficient
- command-line buffer size has been increased to accomodate huge framefile paths
- added a warning to the logfile to try to steer newbies away from using 'noldp' mode
Get it HERE
RuMSX 0.32 released!
Changes from RuMSX V0.31 to V0.32
RUMSXEMU.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded.
RUMSXLNG.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and need to be downloaded for localization-support.
RUMSXLNX.ZIP (*updated*) contains partially localized versions of RuMSX (french+russian). In contrast to RUMSXLNG.ZIP the translation is not completed. So these resources are partially english. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
RUMSXHLP.ZIP (*updated*) has been changed and must be downloaded (it contains RuMSX HTML-help files).
RUMSXUNI.ZIP (*updated*) contains a trial-version of the RuMSX V0.32 unicode build (MSXW.EXE), which supports world-wide character sets in the single file. This file is NOT part of the InstallShield-version.
Since V0.29 RuMSX supports a "My MSX" folder. This feature is disabled by default and has to be enabled by separate tools!
Creation of new configurations created invalid paths to standard ROM images. This bug was new since V0.31.
New introduced V9948 video processor was mistakenly assigned to MSX2+ and TurboR configurations.
The VDP version number of the V9958 was incorrect (=1) since the beginning of RuMSX. This is now fixed (=2).
VDP supports the native modes only (TMS9918A does no longer support SCREEN 4 and higher modes, V9938 does no longer support SCREEN 10 and higher modes). Prior versions reported only the correct VDP version number, but enabled all valid modes and command for every Video-Processor.
When creating a new disk-image it's now possible to select between MSX-DOS1 and MSX-DOS2 boot-sectors.
Using TrueColor RuMSX-logo from Marc Donkers in the AboutBox.
Fixing repaint problems. If RuMSX was running or halted in background not all parts of the MSX display have been properly repainted.
Extended advanced options to prevent entering of monitor power low/off modes (not recommended for laptops).
Initial number of 5th/9th sprite is 0 (rather than 31 used until RuMSX V0.31), indicating that there are no hidden sprite lines.
Minor fix of the Z80 RETI command (should not affect normal MSX programs)
Pending VDP interrupts (signaled while interrupts disabled) were mistakenly discarded. This is now fixed and corrects
(a) the slowdown of games such as "Track & Field" and "Hyper Sports",
( flickering display in games using scanline interrupts such as "Zanac Ex" and "Aleste 2"
Added support for Z80B CPU.
Added CYRILLIC (russian) and ARABIC font to the "Locale" dialog.
Updated MSX-locale and initial VDP-frequency of the CBIOS configurations according to the design- specifications. (RuMSX V0.31 did not contain the specified changes, even if listed).
ROM cartridges with MSX-Basic programs were not detected properly.
Download it HERE.
Dualis 12 released!
2005-09-24CPU: Fixed the Div SWI number (6 -> 9)
CPU: Added BLX (both variants)
GPU: Fixed Y-clipping for rotoscaled OBJs
GPU: Fixed a bug introduced in the last release where the wrong palette would be used for OBJs when using the GDI renderer
GUI: Fixed a disassembler bug where shift amounts would be missing
GUI: Fixed a disassembler bug where the wrong condition code would be shown
GUI: Added the ability to alter the CPU registers through the disassembler (click on a register in the register list)
GUI: Alt+F4 commands to the video output window are now promoted to the main window
GUI: The short lag between pressing Esc and the emulator actually shutting down should now be gone
GUI: Added AVI recording through VFW
GUI: Added the ability to take screenshots (24-bit BMP only)
Get it HERE: http://dualis.1emulation.com
Results of testing HERE