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    PSPEmu is issued a cease and desist letter!

    By Alpha,

    Matt Fazzer has notified us that he has been issued a cease and desist letter and has abandoned his PSPEmu project that was supposed to emulate the Sony PSP on the PC. He got far enough to emulate Lumines, the firmware, and even boot PBB files. We wish Matt well on his future endeavors as this was really another tragedy in the emulation scene.


    hello guys, I'm having serious trouble with my

    host. I have also received an important email,

    threatening court action for the production of

    my playstation portable emulator. I therefore,

    cannot continue my work with PSPemu I am

    very sorry for all the inconvenience this may

    have caused the PSP community. I would just

    hate to get into serious trouble. Thanks alot to

    all the people who were there for me throughout

    the project, and thanks to all the people on the

    psp-hacks forums for supporting me and

    participating in the logo competition.


    mattfazzer will be re-opening in October, offering

    news,reviews,previews and ISO release lists. I

    will also be working on brand new JavaScript apps

    on top of various legal homebrew applications. Once

    again i am very sorry for the sudden end to this

    project...and I also apologize to Sony.


    People are welcome to contact me using the following:


    MSN Messenger:matt_farrow62@msn.com


    Thanks Again


    »» http://mattfazzer.bl.am/

    »» Projected PSPEmu Feature List

    Video Game Bill Passes in CA!

    By Wizard,
    Violent games bill passes California Legislature

    Governor Schwarzenegger has 30 days to sign AB1179 or veto it; bill would take effect January 1.


    The California Assembly has adjourned until next year, but not before squeezing a few bills in under the wire. One such bill was Assemblyman Leland Yee's AB1179, which looks to prohibit retailers from selling violent games to minors, lest they be fined $1,000 for each violation.


    AB1179 was passed by the California Senate yesterday by a vote of 22-9. The bill then went back to the Assembly, where it was approved 65-7. Now the bill goes to the desk of California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who must sign or veto the bill by October 9.


    "Governor Schwarzenegger is no longer an action star but an elected representative of all Californians; I am hopeful that he will consider our children's best interests by signing this commonsense legislation into law and giving parents a necessary tool to raise healthy kids," said speaker pro tempore Yee in a statement.


    If signed by Schwarzenegger, AB1179 would go into effect January 1, 2006.


    Yee has previously introduced similar legislation to this effect, and while one such bill was signed into law by Schwarzenegger last year, it had been thoroughly watered down along the way. Yee's AB450 (which eventually became AB1179), stalled in the legislature earlier this year, but the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Hot Coffee scandal once again attracted public attention to the issue and spurred the bill out of its legislative limbo.


    Yee's bill also would require violent games to be labeled as being for sale to adults only by way of a solid white "18" sticker no smaller than 2 inches by 2 inches on the front of the package; the "18" would be outlined in black. For an idea of how visible that sticker will be, keep in mind that Game Boy Advance boxes are slightly smaller than 5 inches by 5 inches.


    The bill makes no mention of the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) or its ratings system, instead offering its own definition of what constitutes a violent video game. According to the bill, that would be "a video game in which the range of options available to a player includes killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being," so long as it's offensive to community standards and without artistic merit or allows players to hurt other characters "in a manner which is especially heinous, cruel, or depraved in that it involves torture or serious physical abuse to the victim." The bill also defines terms like heinous, cruel, and torture. However, with no definitive governing body set up to determine in advance which games fall into this category, it appears publishers and retailers will have to decide for themselves what fits the government's definition of a violent game, and worry about fines and legislation later.


    Other states have instituted laws like this before, but previous attempts have been declared unconstitutional. At the moment, an Illinois law banning the sale of violent games to minors is being challenged, and the dispute is likely to be fought on a nationwide level in the coming months. Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) called for federal legislation in the wake of the Hot Coffee scandal, though nothing has come of that yet.


    Interestingly enough, Yee's bill, the full text of which is available by searching for AB1179 on the State Assembly's Web site, does not require labeling of games containing consensual sex of the sort that tipped off the Hot Coffee controversy in the first place.


    >>Retailers' Reaction

    Mame v0.99u10

    By iq_132,



    Source Changes


    Fixed bug in INP recording that crashed MAME. [Aaron Giles]


    Added some small optimizations to the Namco System 22 3D renderer. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed interrupt problem in the M37710 core that caused problems with the recent Namco update. [Aaron Giles]


    Fixes to the recent Namco sound update: [R. Belmont]

    * Fixed incorrect voices in System 11/12 games

    * Fixed swapped stereo in System 11/12 games

    * Fixed missing sound in Namco Classics games


    Added conditional DIP switches to 10 Yard Fight driver. [Curt Coder]


    Added and wired up color PROM for Truco Clemente, but still missing a transform. [Roberto Fresca]



    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    Monsters World [David Haywood]



    New clones added


    Surprise Attack (World Ver. K) [Corrado Tomaselli]

    Power Instinct 2 (Japan) [EGCG]

    Chuugokuryuu II (ver. 100J, Japan) [EGCG]


    http://www.mamedev.org :P


    MAME32 released!

    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    MAME32FX released!

    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]

    SSF v0.07 alpha R12 released!

    By Robert,
    SSF Ver0.07 alpha R12

    The trouble which with dual core CPU becomes skip state was corrected.

    SH2 order was corrected.

    The stage selective picture of the gang Lee phone being repaired, it increases.

    Sprite windowing of the VDP2 was corrected.

    It reaching the point where the background of the mah-jongg four sisters Wakakusa story is indicated, it increases.

    Drawing processing of the surface of revolution of the VDP2 was modified.

    The EG of the SCSP was corrected.

    Reproducibility of the built-in sound source a little has improved.

    Idling loop check of slave CPU was improved.

    The reset button was made apparatus similar operation.

    The reset key from the TAB was modified in the F4 attendant upon that.

    Source, translated by Google.


    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]




    Credits: Official Site

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