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    PCSX2.NET is Back!

    By Alpha,

    CkEmu from NGEmu.com has informed us that PCSX2.NET is back! It now has a new design from the old look that was used for several years. Many speculated it was dead, but of course, we knew it was never gone because it said what they were doing in the PCSX2 logo (you had to look closely) that was shown while they were working on it. :D


    I also took a look at the new screenshots they have and Capcom Fighting Jam looks spectacular. It's also going at 16FPS which is pretty good compared to the other games.




    PCSX2 has been running for over three years now, and it was high time this project got a new site design! Well here it is! We hope you like :D


    The site now has a much improved compatibility section, which is continously updated. Currently it shows what you can expect from the future 0.9 release. So far only 150 games have been entered, out of the 500 or so we do test! Check back regularly!


    Downloads have been made clearer, and the site now has a fresh screenshots section, where the best shots will be posted. Many other things have been added, so please browse around and explore!


    The site was designed by CKemu and coded by Falcon4ever. We would both like to thank the developers, betatesters and our host Bobbi for their help and support. An apology from myself, for putting up "..is dead!" -  sorry if I scared any of you evil3jq.gif


    The site isn't technically complete yet. Whilst all parts function, there is much more to do, but both myself and Falcon4ever are pressed for time, so we shall work on it whilst the site is public!

    Credits: CKEmu and NGEmu.com

    Mame v0.99u3

    By James,









    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed


    hanagumi082red [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

    rtypeleo062gre [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    labyrunr080u1gre [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    tricktrp061gre [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    gng37b4gre [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    battlane076u2gre [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]




    Source Changes


    Updates to the ST-V driver: [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

    - vdp2: added rotation in RBG0 layer (improves diehard, vfkids,

             vfremix, thunt, sassisu backgrounds)

    - vdp2: added 15bit RGB tilemaps (used by thunt)

    - vdp2: added opaque alpha blended bitmaps (fixes missing gfx in

             shienryu intro)

    - vdp2: added enable bit for RGB sprites (fixes some bad sprites in


    - vdp2: added alpha blending for RGB sprites

    - vdp1: fixed polygon drawing

    - vdp1: added line drawing

    - sh2:  fixed bug in division unit

    - sh2:  added callback called when cpu reads FTCSR register (intended

             for idle loop skipping for slave sh2 in stv)

    - stv:  added idle loop skipping for several games

    - dsp:  fixed dma (fixes some bad gfx in thunt)


    Added dsp56k CPU core and hooked it up to the Polygonet Commanders

    driver. [Andrew Gardner]


    SCSI hard disk updates: [R. Belmont]

    - Added FORMAT UNIT, READ (6 byte), WRITE (6 byte), READ (12 byte),

        MODE SENSE, and READ CAPACITY commands.

    - Changed INQUIRY to ID as a real Seagate model, which makes MacOS

        much happier than a manufacturer code of "MAME".

    - Some MESS-specific tweeks to initialization.


    Fixed all the volume table calculations in the YMF271 core. [Ville Linde]


    SPI Improvements: [Ville Linde, Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    - Added real coin inputs. The previously used coin input was service coin

    - Hooked up eeprom in rdft2us, rfjetus and rdft22kc


    Fixed recent LSI53C810 update which caused the Model 3 games to crash.

    [Ville Linde]


    Fixed PowerPC recompiler so that Scud Race works again. [Ville Linde]


    Significant overhaul of the user interface infrastructure: [Aaron Giles]

    - All user interface rendering is now cached until the end and rendered

        in one pass.

    - A large number of extraneous and redundant functions have been removed

        and replaced with a smaller set of more flexible APIs.

    - Global access to the UI fonts and colortables is now gone, they are

        private to the user interface code.

    - All global user interface function names have been normalized. Most

        importantly, usrintf_showmessage is now ui_popup.

    - Pause behavior has been redefined; instead of sitting in a tight loop,

        the code proceeds normally, but the CPU execution system does not

        advance time.

    - Code for the menus has been reworked; some menus are temporarily not

        available (cheats, memory cards).


    Removed the internal display of history.dat. Cramming this kind of data

    into MAME's limited UI is not really useful, and viewing the history.dat

    information is supported by many frontends and websites. [Aaron Giles]


    Removed the following obsolete and/or redundant command line options from

    the Windows build: [Aaron Giles]


































    Removed the "Press any key" prompts when displaying ROM warnings. Instead,

    a warning about bad/missing ROMs is now displayed on the warnings screen.

    Details of the bad/missing ROMs are still printed to the console.

    [Aaron Giles]




    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    Taisen Tanto-R Sashissu!! (J 980216 V1.000) [Mariusz Wojcieszek]

    Tetris (Japan, System E) [David Haywood]




    New clones added


    GTI Club (ver JAA) [Arzeno Fabrice]

    Master of Weapon (US) [Arzeno Fabrice]

    Sunset Riders (4 Players ver EAA) [Johan Samuelsson]




    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


    Forte Card [David Haywood]

    Jackpot Pool (Italy, bootleg) [David Haywood]


    MAME32 released!

    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]

    New Saturn emulator? SaturnTV

    By Robert,

    Noticed on emuhelp.com was a reference to a new Saturn emu.


    It's not released yet.


    You can read this thread.


    The author is Subleaf, and the official site is: http://saturntv.consollection.com


    Some hotlinked screenshots: (note the FPS speeds)













    MAME GP32 1.6 released!

    By Robert,

    MAME for the GamePark32 has been upgraded.






    New MAME GP32 1.6:


    - TheGrimReaper: Option to save/load High Scores on SMC.

    - TheGrimReaper: Improvement in controls for Hypersports, Track & Field, Bank Panic, Centipede, Pinball Action, Speed Ball, Reactor.

    - TheGrimReaper: Some improvements in the frontend.

    - Franxis: More optimizations and improvements in sound core. Similar sound quality than MAME GP32 1.3 (it got worse in 1.4 and 1.5).

    - Franxis: Decreased executables size due to CPU emulators selectivelly loaded in each of executables. Nice speed improvement :thumbsup1:.

    - Franxis: Video Core selection: New Gfx Core (v1.5) or Old Gfx Core (v1.3). Use Old core to solve problems with some games.

    - Franxis: Internal change: Vector games are now in a different executable (mvector.fxe).

    - Franxis: Removed some games available in frontend list my mistake but not really emulated (Paper Boy, Championship Sprint, etc).


    For more details, see whatsnew.txt.





    »» Official Site





    Credits: Official Site

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