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    DSemu 0.4.6 Released

    By Gryph,

    Chris Double has told us that a new version of DSemu is available. Here are the changes:

        * VRAM mapping is more correctly emulated. Demo's that didn't correctly show both screens should start working now. Most notably this allowed WinDS and Teenage Queen to work.

        * Various bug fixes to solve crashing problems.

        * Fixes to enable console text to display with DevkitPro r15 compiled applications. Unforunately this fix breaks console text displayed by applications compiled with earlier versions of DevkitPro. If you wish to run these applications in the meantime I suggest using DSEmu 0.4.5. I hope to have this resolved in the next release.

        * SRAM support contributed by Ryo Sazaki. This adds a new file menu allowing saving the contents of SRAM and loading data into SRAM. As an example, the SRAM tutorial now works.

        * A log window has been contributed by Troy Davis. Using 'View/Log' in the menu will display it. When using the debug SWI 0xFF the message will be displayed in the log window.

        * Some of the code was cleaned up by Julien Hamaide so the number of compiler warnings is reduced. Julien also fixed a problem with the square root SWI.

        * Unfortunately a problem has surfaced with a few demos crashing that did not crash in previous releases. Strangly these happen only in the release version of DSEmu 0.4.6. If you build a debug version from source they run fine. I hope to have this fixed in the next release.

    Thanks to Chris and those who contributed patches.


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    Credits: Chris Double via this thread.




    Read the Test Results

    Easymame 5.1.2 released!

    By Robert,

    Easymame is a frontend for MAME



    Version 5.1.2 release info:

    - New : Added 'Movie' tab. Playsback automatically the available.mng file for the selected rom. When the libmng.dll is not available this tab is disabled.

    Note : To view the.mng file in the original recorded resolution you have to disable 'Auto Stretch Screenshots'.

    Note : To preserve memory all streaming memory for playing a.mng file is cleared when starting a game.

    - Changed : Removed all previous buttons and menu items for playing.mng files. Also removed the MNG item in the statusbar.

    - Fixed : While clicking in the empty space of the listview resulted in access violation.



    I really liked the idea pointed out by MaMu to browse the roms and seeing the mng file automaticaly instead of clicking everytime on a button. It's actually much interesting now to make a full mng set of all roms. Maybe someone can make one?  A.mng file of about 5 seconds/rom would be enough to get a idea of the action involved in the game.



    When upgrading it is recommended to delete the easymame.ini file inside the INI folder




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    Credits: Official Site

    SSF V0.07 Alpha R11 released!

    By Robert,

    The Saturn emulator SSF has been upgraded to the next Alpha version, R11




    No English changelog is available




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    Credits: Official Site

    NESCafe 0.611/0.612 released!

    By Robert,
    NESCafe 0.612 (21 August 2005)

    NESCafe Improvements

    • Added support for GZIP compressed State Files and a PHP script to view Thumbnails.

    NESCafe 0.611 (20 August 2005)

    NESCafe Improvements

    • Added 2xSaI algorithm to filter images and improve quality of display (requires fast PC)

    • More improvements to the GUI, and included a Graphics Options menu

    • Increased the quality of the Thumbnail images in the Save State files to 100x100 pixels.

    • Added support for International Patching System (IPS) files and new IPSURL Applet Tag.

    • Fixed how resources are loaded from JAR files in the Standard distribution

    • Fixed Cursor display in Applet Mode

    • Added Debug Mode to the Setting file (to assist website developers using NESCafe)




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    Credits: official Site

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