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    clrmamepro 3.71a released!

    By Robert,
    3.71a (25-Jul-2005)



    misc: compiled with updated zipclass library (incl. zlib 1.2.3)

    misc: rebuilder log shows '[exists]' for already existing destination files

    misc: showing progress info when couting files

    misc: don't allow moving of not used/new datfiles anymore

    misc: don't allow renaming of not used/new datfiles & profile in use anymore

    misc: don't allow renaming of profiles with romcenter or xml based datfiles

    misc: changed several profiler texts

    misc: old kept scan results won't be loaded this time due to format changes.

          They will be replaced directly with the new format after a scan though

    fixed: scanner: fixdatfile lists wrong entries

    fixed: profiler: renaming profile without datfile header, kills the datfile




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    Credits: Official Site

    StoneCypher Puts $1100 Bounty

    By Wizard,

    To someone or a team who can sucessfully create an open source TCP/IP implamentation for Nintendo's DS handheld.


    GameInsider has found a page posting a bounty of currently $1127.57 for the person(s) that can successfully create a TCP/IP implementation for the Nintendo DS.


    Joystiq // Gameinsider.com


    Fixed some stuff. It isn't really Nintendo. B

    Some Revolution tidbits

    By Gryph,

    Now that non-emulation news is being posted here (which I find odd), I thought I'd partake in this activity. Even though this bit is about Nintendo, expect more PC centric news in the future. :P


    Miyamoto talks Revolution


    Here are the highlights:

    - "Nothing's set in stone yet, but the interface we're creating for the Revolution is well suited to Pikmin"

    - "We're considering connecting the DS with the Revolution via Wi-Fi"

    - "We designed the controller so it can play any of the different conventional [gameplay] styles" (ie the controller design shouldn't prevent porting of games from other platforms)

    - 480p guaranteed

    - "Even if you look at Zelda on GameCube, I don't think that looks inferior to what the competition is touting as 'next-generation' visuals." (Nintendo don't think they'll fall behind on visual quality.)

    - 'Miyamoto refused to reveal any details of the top secret and much-hyped Revolution controller, but he did say he believed it would prove very popular with gamers and eventually become the industry standard.'


    I bolded the one I find to be the most important because it seems to throw a wrench into the entire "It'll be impossible to port games over to the Revolution because of it's weird controller."



    From EGM magazine, via Eurogamer. http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=60185

    Biohazard/Resident Evil 5 Information Leaked

    By Wizard,
    Various websites are reporting that NOA, (Nintendo of America) has stated Resident Evil 5 could be announced for Revolution when more information is divulged on the mysterious console later this year.


    Further more JeuxPo is stating that Capcom has confirmed the game for PC and REVOLUTION. Right now we shall file this under rumour, until some more solid info arises.




    We already know from yesterday's article that Jun Takeuchi (of Street Fighter 2 and Onimusha fame) will be at the helm. But we also now know that the game will star past Resident Evil hero Chris Redfield, and that the title will definitely be set in a South American country, though a fictitious one. Capcom has also confirmed that the majority of the game's environments will be far more open-plan than anything previously seen in a franchise that has almost become defined by its claustrophobic use of space and narrow corridors.


    Enemies have been given a makeover, and are now said to be more intelligent than the usual fodder that litters Resident Evil games (though PALGN reckons Resident Evil 4's villagers were rather efficient). There'll also be hundreds of the buggers, all encircling you in a bid to bite off a chunk of your neck. Oh, and they'll 'speak a strange language'. Finally, heat is going to play a central role in the experience - apparently, players will need to stop off in caves to cool down and avoid the harsh sunlight that features throughout the game if they want to progress.


    It's looking good then, and Capcom seems confident that the game is going to be a success, modestly proclaiming that Resident Evil 5 will 'revolutionise the series by delivering an unbelievable level of detail, realism and control,' though if we had a penny for every time we'd heard that from a game publisher, we'd probably be able to buy Capcom.


    As soon as we have more news and the first (legal, non-copyrighted) screens, we'll let you know.


    Written by Chris-Leigh


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