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    SNEeSe 0.841 Released

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    SNEeSe is SNES emulator for Windows.


    • Sound: Fixed a flaw in the order of operations in sample volume multiplication, causing a slight improvement in sound accuracy
    • SPC700: Fixed a bug in the MUL YA opcode which caused it to not update flags
    • SPC700: Fixed a bug in the POP PSW which caused the direct page base address to not be updated
    • Render: Corrected handling of writes to BG offset registers and mode 7 matrix registers, thanks to anomie for research
    • Sound: Improved timing accuracy of direct envelope height setting mode
    • SPC700: Corrected POP PSW to allow changing of B flag, and PUSH PSW to reflect its current state
    • SPC700: Corrected a bug in updating of H flag by SBC, and some bugs in updating of flags in ADDW and SUBW, and potentially in INCW and
    • DECW: thanks to Overload for some of the related research
    • Sound: Fixed a bug which caused attack rate 15 to be far too slow
    • Sound: Fixed bugs in sustain and release which could cause ENVX to underflow
    • Source: Fixed some issues in the source which caused problems building on Linux, thanks to Jonathan Gevaryahu for pointing this out

    » SNEeSe homepage.

    PSP 1.50 no more swapping!

    By Robert,

    I just noticed on psphacker, that the guys that brought us Swaploit have created a newer version called KXploit. The difference is NO MORE SWAPPING. Comments from readers indicates that it works!



    Just when your fingers are getting sore and your friends keep asking 'Why do you have to switch memory sticks?' Killer-X and the PSP-Dev team have answered our prayers with KXploit, a way to run homebrew on 1.5’s… Minus the memory stick swap!


    The predecessor of Swaploit, users will now enjoy no more jammed fingers or broken nails with the introduction of  “Direct Loader”, and 1.5 users can now pretend they own a 1.0.


    Detailed instructions and more to come soon!


    NOTE: It doesn't run on 1.51 or 1.52



    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]

    BSNES v0.008 released!

    By Robert,

    The SNES emulator BSNES has been upgraded to v0.008




    06/21/2005 - bsnes v0.008 released

          By moving the window + main color window clipping into the bg/oam/mode7 rendering routines themselves, I was able to greatly simplify the most complicated part of rendering: the final pass where color add/sub effects are applied. As a result, the new PPU core is not only ~35% faster (on graphics intensive screens, even faster on simpler screens), but more accurate as well. Awesome.

        In celebration, I'm releasing bsnes v0.008. I can actually run all games I have at >60fps on my Athlon 1.67ghz PC. Probably not something to brag about, though...

        Oh, and I also updated the keyboard polling code to only capture keypresses if the main window has focus. I've been meaning to do this for the better part of a year now, but never got around to it.

        If, for some reason, you still want to use the old renderer, you can uncomment the first line in src/ppu/bppu/bppu.h and recompile the emulator yourself. Or you can use v0.007a.




    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]




    Credits: Official Site

    Great MAME Wip

    By iq_132,

    Check out Ville's WIP log for amazing screenshots of Star Wars Trilogy running in MAME!




    (Thanks to Ooga from the MAME forums)


    Also see Luca's cutesey screenshots of the Spanish Taito game Animalandia Jr.




    (Thanks to R00n5t3r from the MAME forums)


    And last but not least, look at Haze's... interesting... Final Tetris WIP.



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