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    NesterJ v1.00 (PSP) released!

    By Robert,

    The NES emulator NesterJ for the PSP has been released as version 1.00



    Here are the (meaningless) translated changes:

    At the time of the QUICK SAVE rarely operation  improvement picture size at the time of the problem correction QUICK SAVE/LOAD which becomes operation continuation impossible before  compared to the マシ in setting improvement (as for the Scanline it  meaning that the eye becomes painful the drawing speed improvement with assembler use abolition) (NesterJ first asm introduction W) FPS indication setting addition (the Preferences section)



    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]





    Credits: Official Site

    Today's PSP releases - RIN and NesterJ

    By Robert,

    Two upgrades today, RIN and NesterJ.


    Firstly, RIN 1.22 has been released. Here is a (meaningless) translation.... :(


    * In border of the SGB correspondence (just at the time of the picture size x1 indication the bug which is in drawing of the) SGB at the time of correction

    * turbo change the picture being disordered in sum nail retention of correction

    * state saving corresponding

    * and more...



    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]




    NesterJ for PSP continues to progress hourly, and is now at version 0.97


    No changelog is available.



    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]






    RIN: Official Site

    NesterJ: PSP Wiki


    and thanks to Keith.

    SSSPSX 0.0.18 released!

    By Robert,

    SSSPSX has been upgraded to version 0.0.18



    No English changelog is available.




    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]





    Credits: Official Site

    Gens32 2.29 WIP released

    By Robert,

    Gens32 has a WIP release!



    1) Less system resources needed. Maybe slowdown/speedup in some PC, if this happens, just turn on the "Full Speed" option.


    2) "Edit Config" option back again.


    3) Bug of Set display mode was Fixed. Without test, because no Win98.


    4) Some changes in Sound system, "Power Instinct(J)[!]" works more correctly now.


    5) Bug of "freely update" was fixed.



    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]





    Credits: Official Site

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