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    Mame 0.96u3

    By Robert,

    A new MAME release






    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed








    Source Changes


    Fixed Wizz Quiz clone. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Added shadow effects to the SSV driver. [Luca Elia]


    Simplified additive path in slapstic code. This should not impact any games that use it, but it is worth verifying. [Aaron Giles]


    Improvements to The Couples driver: Improved the video hardware, added a preliminary PPI8255 + inputs interface, added a better workaround of the $b011 jump, and added sound. Now the game is somewhat playable, but there are still some problems in the game. [Angelo Salese]


    Fixed DIP switches in several games:

    * Dream Soccer '94

    * Major Title

    * Seibu Cup Soccer

    * Caveman Ninja (World & US)

    * Spinal Breakers

    * Play Girl 2

    * Rohga

    * Shootout

    [brian Troha]


    Added 'find' command to the new debugger for performing memory searches. [Aaron Giles]


    Adjusted sound balance in a few drivers. [David Haywood]


    Added preliminary video emulation to penocup.c. [David Haywood]


    Added better debugging support to the the MIPS and PPC cores. [Nathan Woods]


    Improved sound in Hot Shock and Explorer. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Hooked up light gun properly in Golgo 13. [R. Belmont]


    Fixed sprites, controls, colors, sound, many graphics problems in Panic Road, but still not working. [Tomasz Slanina]


    Fixed TMS34010 reverse blitters so they didn't perform extraneous source memory fetches. [Aaron Giles]


    Old debugger no longer forces the memory display to 16-bit words regardless  of the size specified with the M command. [Andrew Church]


    Fixed OKI sample rate in Dark Seal/Crude Buster. Attempted to fix Vapor Trail dropped sound commands. [bryan McPhail]


    Changed trace and traceover commands so they can append to existing files by placing '>>' before the filename. [Nathan Woods]




    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    AmeriDarts [Aaron Giles]

    A. D. 2083 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]




    New clones added


    Welltris (World) [Aaron Giles]

    Express Raider (US set 2) [Joachim Bassmann]

    The Couples (Set 2) [Angelo Salese]

    Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli]

    Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940113) [Razoola]

    Alien vs. Predator (Hispanic 940520) [Razoola]

    X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960919) [Razoola]

    Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980904) [Razoola]

    Giga Wing (Asia 990222) [Razoola]

    Hot Memory [David Haywood]

    Borderline [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]




    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


    Cyber Tank [Angelo Salese]

    The Lost Castle In Darkmist [David Haywood/Tomasz Slanina]


    »» Official Site: http://mamedev.com/source.html

    »» Download MAME Now!

    »» Download MAME32 Now!

    »» Download MAME32FX Now!

    »» Download MAME32 Plus! Now! [1Emulation Server]

    No$gba 2.1a

    By Gryph,

    A new version of the Gameboy Advance emulator, No$gba has been released. This is what the change log says:

        * multicart: bugfixed uninitialzed initstackram mem handle (thanks oleg volkov)

        * setup: added sav/sna compression enable option to files setup (debug version)


    »» Official Site: http://nocash.emubase.de/gba.htm

    »» Download No$gba 2.1 Win here! [1Emulation Server]

    Weekend News

    By Gryph,

    Rin 1.14

    Here is another release of Rin, a GB/GBC emulator for Sony PSP.


    »» Official Site: http://mirakichi.hp.infoseek.co.jp/software/RIN.html

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    Project64 RDB 1.6x Beta 8

    This is a ROM database for Project64.


    »» Official Thread: http://www.emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=27562

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    SSSPSX 0.0.15

    A new version of the PSX emulation SSSPSX is out. Unfortunately the changes are in Japanese and I can't understand it. But that shouldn't stop you from downloading it and giving it a try. Also, if you know Japanese, it would be swell if you could translate it.


    »» Official Page: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/%7Ebz7t-skmt/

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    PSPE 0.8

    PSPE is a PSP elf interpreter for Win32. Here are the changes:

    • bios fix (Lseek etc)

    • add debug output for developers


    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]

    E3's Last Day

    By Wizard,

    Welp, the show floor is just clearing up and here are some of the highlights of today and late yesterday.


    City of the Dead Trailer

    Fatal Frame 3 (F*CK YES!)

    Burnout Legend for PSP

    The Call of Cthulhu: Destiny's End (Cthulhu!)

    Interview with Yuji Horii of Dragon Quest (IGN)

    Falcoon Interview with IGN

    Interview with Tatsuya Minami by IGN

    Coded Arms Interview with Gamespy

    Interview with Kojima at 1up and Gamespot.

    Gamespot has a handful of video interviews all ready for streaming.

    Interview with Yoshinori Yamagishi by Gamespy

    G4TechTV's Interview with REGGIE

    G4TechTV's Interview with Jack Trentton

    G4TechTV's Interview with Miyamototototototoototot

    Clips of various booths at E3 from GT

    Interview with Phantasy Star Universe's Director @ 1up.


    And my fave qoate from 1up's interview with Kojima-san is

    During lunchtime among the team, now it's a big joke, because everytime someone sees a cardboard box, everyone just shoots the rocket launcher and destroys everything.


    There was some awesome things this year. From Pre-Rendered goodness to CG Quality-gameplay. And Zelda.

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