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    ZSNES WIP 05/19/05

    By Agozer,

    A new ZSNES WIP is here.


    NOTICE: You MUST delete your config files before using this version.



    ALL: Graphics engine updates, fixes ToP intro and some other stuff [pagefault]

    ALL: Added variable FastForward/Slowdown options, and a Emulation Speed slider. [ipher, grinvader]

    ALL: Rewind interval is now a multiple of 1/5 seconds [grinvader]

    ALL: Added Pause After Loading State and Pause After Rewind options to the Save menu [Nach, ipher]

    ALL: Fixed preproccessor code [Nach]

    ALL: Panic key now resets offset mode and windowing state [pagefault]

    ALL: Fixed some issues during Pause [Nach]

    ALL: Fixed some issues during frame increment [grinvader]

    ALL: New caps on rewind. [grinvader]

    ALL: Lower memory usage. [Nach]

    WIN: Renamed the ZSNESW window from ZSNESWIN to ZSNES [pagefault]

    SDL: Fixed various save files not working correctly when loading ROM via command line. [Nach]

    DOS: Fixed space bar video change problem. [Nach]

    DOS: Can now rewind. [Nach, ipher]

    MOV: Added Append (dummy) and Dump Raw movie (GUI, CL) options [Nach, ipher]

    MOV: States in movies are now compressed [Nach]

    MOV: Added initial state of input configuration to header. [Nach]

    MOV: Added mouse support and Super Scope support (buggy) to movies.[Nach]

    MOV: Movies now record average speed. [grinvader]

    GUI: Changed "Game Keys" to "Misc Keys" [Nach]

    GUI: Added Speed Option window, moved all speed related options there. [ipher, grinvader]

    GUI: Added keyboard shortcuts to Add-Ons, Chip Cfg, and Movie Option windows. [ipher]

    GUI: Grayed out all Netplay options, they are no longer selectable at all. [ipher]

    SRC: Partial cleanup/reorganization of the GUI code. Lots of little things fixed. [ipher]

    SRC: Removed dead code [Nach]

    SRC: Worked around an odd NASM bug. Thanks MxC and Noxious Ninja. [Nach]

    SRC: Cleanup [ipher, grinvader, Nach]




    »» Ipher's WIP Page

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    PSPE r7 Released

    By Robert,

    PSPE is a PSP emulator that runs ELF-compiled programs only.


    The author and official site are unknown.



    – Memory bug fixed

    – Some bios functions fixed

    – Works with the SNES9x Emulator


    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]

    ngPSP v1.0 released

    By Robert,

    nexis2600 has released the world's first NeoGeo Pocket emulator for the PSP. As always, your PSP needs bios v1.00 installed. Alternatively, you can run this in PSPE.


    =ngPsp v1.0 by neXis & neopop_uk=

    ==Based on NeoPop==


    = History =





    .) First build

    .) Basic menu

    .) High compatibility

    .) Slow but decent FPS

    .) No Sound

    .) Supports NGP (B&W) & NGPC (Color) Roms



    = To Come =



    .) Real GUI

    .) Rom Selecting

    .) Sound

    .) Src (next build)



    = To Use =




    .) Copy a rom to PSP:\PSP\GAME\NGPSP\ROM.NGP



    = Input =


    PSP Button - Result


    .) In Game

    X - A button

    O - B button

    start - Option button (like start button)

    select - return to menu


    .) In Menu

    Up & Down - Change Selection

    Left & Right (on number options) - Change Value

    O - Change value or take action


    »» No home page as yet

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]


    Thanks to Wraggster for the information.

    No$GBA 2.1 released

    By Robert,

    No$GBA is one of a number of freeware emulators created by Martin Korth.


    17th May 2005 - version 2.1

    - multicart: remove_machine: also unloads associated ROM, unless memory shared

    - multicart: load into  machine; if none such: allocate new machine(s)

    - multicart: cartloader target selectable (specific machine, or all machines)

    - help: added various NDS chapters, 2D video, memory map & control, arm9 I/O map

    - help: described NDS cartridge header & protocol with some new details

    - cpu: handles CP15 system control coprocessor opcodes and Cn,Cm,N registers

    - debug: disassembler supports all copro opcodes, assembler all except ldc/stc

    - help: cleaned up coprocessor operand names (Pn,Cn instead P#,CRn,etc.)

    - help: corrected sprites/scanline formula (10+n*2 per n pix, not 26 per 8 pix)

    - shareware: changed decrypter extension (microsoft declared.prg as virus)


    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]

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