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    ClrMamePro 3.65 released

    By Robert,

    ClrMamePro 3.65 released.


    ClrMamePro 3.65 (26-May-2005)


    added: rom date support

    date "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" is the romtag in the datfile. Dates are MS-DOS valid dates 1980-2107 or something. HH is an hourvalue in 24h format. In the scanner you can check/fix romdates (if specified in the dat). Rebuilder creates automatically the correct date in any case. Merger doesn't care about dates at the moment. Dir2Dat / Datexport can create/export dates, too. Setinfo shows date. Other Scanner fix operations should be aware of romdates, too...


    misc: some minor speed improvements here and there

    fixed: a receive-data issue when you got a binary with the same name in cmpro dir

    fixed: some test results aren't directly shown if the rom was marked as wrong named


    »» ClrMamePro Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    Credits: http://www.emufanatics.com

    Emulators for the PSP

    By Robert,

    Development of homebrew apps continues apace for the PSP.

    Here are the latest releases.


    PCEP 0.52

    A PC-Engine emulator for the PSP.


    No official site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    RIN v1.16

    A GameBoy and GameBoyColor emulator for the PSP.


    »» Official Site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    SMS PSP 0.1

    A Sega Master System and Game Gear emulator for the PSP.


    No official site

    »» Download it Now! [1Emulation Server]



    Credits: http://www.emufanatics.com

    Mame 0.96u3

    By Robert,

    A new MAME release






    MAMETesters Bugs Fixed








    Source Changes


    Fixed Wizz Quiz clone. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Added shadow effects to the SSV driver. [Luca Elia]


    Simplified additive path in slapstic code. This should not impact any games that use it, but it is worth verifying. [Aaron Giles]


    Improvements to The Couples driver: Improved the video hardware, added a preliminary PPI8255 + inputs interface, added a better workaround of the $b011 jump, and added sound. Now the game is somewhat playable, but there are still some problems in the game. [Angelo Salese]


    Fixed DIP switches in several games:

    * Dream Soccer '94

    * Major Title

    * Seibu Cup Soccer

    * Caveman Ninja (World & US)

    * Spinal Breakers

    * Play Girl 2

    * Rohga

    * Shootout

    [brian Troha]


    Added 'find' command to the new debugger for performing memory searches. [Aaron Giles]


    Adjusted sound balance in a few drivers. [David Haywood]


    Added preliminary video emulation to penocup.c. [David Haywood]


    Added better debugging support to the the MIPS and PPC cores. [Nathan Woods]


    Improved sound in Hot Shock and Explorer. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Hooked up light gun properly in Golgo 13. [R. Belmont]


    Fixed sprites, controls, colors, sound, many graphics problems in Panic Road, but still not working. [Tomasz Slanina]


    Fixed TMS34010 reverse blitters so they didn't perform extraneous source memory fetches. [Aaron Giles]


    Old debugger no longer forces the memory display to 16-bit words regardless  of the size specified with the M command. [Andrew Church]


    Fixed OKI sample rate in Dark Seal/Crude Buster. Attempted to fix Vapor Trail dropped sound commands. [bryan McPhail]


    Changed trace and traceover commands so they can append to existing files by placing '>>' before the filename. [Nathan Woods]




    New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status


    AmeriDarts [Aaron Giles]

    A. D. 2083 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]




    New clones added


    Welltris (World) [Aaron Giles]

    Express Raider (US set 2) [Joachim Bassmann]

    The Couples (Set 2) [Angelo Salese]

    Moon Shuttle (Japan set 2) [Corrado Tomaselli]

    Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940113) [Razoola]

    Alien vs. Predator (Hispanic 940520) [Razoola]

    X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960919) [Razoola]

    Street Fighter Zero 3 (Asia 980904) [Razoola]

    Giga Wing (Asia 990222) [Razoola]

    Hot Memory [David Haywood]

    Borderline [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]




    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING


    Cyber Tank [Angelo Salese]

    The Lost Castle In Darkmist [David Haywood/Tomasz Slanina]


    »» Official Site: http://mamedev.com/source.html

    »» Download MAME Now!

    »» Download MAME32 Now!

    »» Download MAME32FX Now!

    »» Download MAME32 Plus! Now! [1Emulation Server]

    No$gba 2.1a

    By Gryph,

    A new version of the Gameboy Advance emulator, No$gba has been released. This is what the change log says:

        * multicart: bugfixed uninitialzed initstackram mem handle (thanks oleg volkov)

        * setup: added sav/sna compression enable option to files setup (debug version)


    »» Official Site: http://nocash.emubase.de/gba.htm

    »» Download No$gba 2.1 Win here! [1Emulation Server]

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