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    DSEmu is NOT Dead.

    By Alpha,

    Just to clear some things up regarding DSEmu which many people have stated is quite possibly dead. It is not dead, just delayed until further notice.


    It's not the end of the project as a whole. Essentially, I can't work on the current incarnation of the emulator any more, as it's a Win32 project, and I have no Win32 development environment. I do, however, have access to a PowerPC; the loss of the x86 environment gives me an excuse to start on what the project was all about: dynamic recompilation.


    Basically, the current zip will remain as is until I can swap out the core with a portable dynarec.


    If I were to give a wildly inaccurate guess, I'd say another 8 months. But of course, I don't have the time now that I had last August, and lord only knows what'll happen for the rest of this year. As for testing it, I'm most likely to develop for my PowerPC server at the moment, so I'm not sure how much use a Win32 environment would be smile.gif


    Thanks for the expression of appreciation. If more than zero people get some use (or even inspiration) from what I do, then I'm happy.

    A big thanks as well from the 1Emulation Community for Two9A's hardwork in the past couple of months and we wish him the best and hope to see DSEmu back soon. :(


    »» End of DSemu? Thread

    »» http://www.dsemu.org

    »» DSEmu Official Forum

    A Fond Farewell

    By James,



    After much thought I’ve decided to hand over the reigns of the project to Aaron on a permanent basis.


    I feel that my job as co-ordinator is done, and that the project is now in better shape than when I started. I would mark the abolishment of the TESTDRIVER system, inclusion of more preliminary drivers, and the regular source updates as key factors in this, allowing for more open, active development than was previously possible.


    While it can’t be denied that I’m not too optimistic over the way emulation is heading in general lately I hope that Aaron can continue to take the project forward, while sticking to the basic principals which have made MAME so successful and appealing to developers over the years.


    I will continue to work on drivers as interest dictates, afterall, its hard to kick a habit, especially one you enjoy when you can take a relaxed approach to it.


    This site will continue to be used to show any progress made on drivers, however no more official ‘u’ updates will be posted here, and the future system used will be at Aaron’s discretion.


    I do wonder exactly how many source updates and releases I did put together, I lost track pretty early on.

    ZSNES WIP 4/11/05

    By Agozer,

    ZSNES 4/11 WIP is now available at ipher's WIP Site


    Here's what's new:


    ALL: Returning from GUI while paused now restores game screen. [Nach]
    ALL: Better code in zstate.c, should fix the 'dash issue' [grinvader]
    ALL: Selectable amount of rewind states no longer dummy, fixed loading rewind when none left.[Nach]
    ALL: Low CPU usage when emulation paused. [grinvader]
    ALL: New caps for rewind state number and frequency. [grinvader]
    ALL: Removed Netplay... for now. [Nach, grinvader]
    WIN: Primary Buffer Option now works properly [Jonas Quinn]
    GUI: Moved "Rewind" shortcut option to the Save Options window [ipher]
    GUI: Fixed the size of the black box for the Rewind States option. [ipher]
    SRC: Updated Win32 cross compiler [Nach]
    SRC: Pruning of ~6 years of useless EXTSYMs *whew* [Nach, grinvader]
    SRC: Fixed jumping mechanism to be more correct. [Nach]


    It is adviced that you delete old config files before starting to use this one.

    iDeaS released!

    By Robert,

    iDeaS released!




    Emulation status


    - ARM7TDMI : 32-bit ARM CPU support (100%)

                16-bit THUMB CPU support (100%)

    - ARM946E-S: 32-bit ARM CPU support (90%)

                16-bit THUMB CPU support (100%)


    - Real sync emulation for HBlanks and VBlanks

    - GFX Mode 0

    * 16 colors support

    * 256 colors support

    * BG0/BG1/BG2/BG3 support

    * 256x256 up to 512x512 tile maps support

    * Default priorities support

    * Horizontal/Vertical flipping support

    * Horizontal/Vertical offset support

    * FadeIn/FadeOut Effect support

    * Alpha-blending Effect support

            * Rotation/Zoom

    * Windows 0/1 support

    - OAM support

    * Horizontal/Vertical position

    * Horizontal/Vertical flip

    * 8x8 up to 64x64 sprite size support

    * FadeIn/FadeOut Effect support

    * Alpha-blending Effect support

    * Trasparent OBJ


    - 256 colors line-per-line palette support



    Load a demo


    - To load a demo on iDeaS open the dialog Open and load in a strictly order 2 files,

      first you have to choose the arm9 executable file then the arm7 file.

    - If you don't load the second file (arm7 file) the arm7 code will be disabled.

    - The arm9 binary will be loaded at the address 0x2004000, the arm7 binary at 0x2380000.



    What is really emulated


    - arm7 and arm9 processors with the exception of some of the opcodes of arm9.

    - A few the arm7 calls to bios are  emulated.

    - All two the screens are emulated and give all the 3d output and gba output,

      naturally with big limitations.

    - The touch screen works but only with the adc sets to 12 bits.

    - The Real Time Clock is summary emulated.


    >> http://ideasemu.altervista.org/downloads.php [Download]

    >> http://ideasemu.altervista.org/index.php [site]

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