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    DSEmu v0.0.3c Released!

    By Robert,

    DSEmu v0.0.3c Released!


    Saturday, 9th April 2005

    So it seems that the screen-flip implementation in.3b was immensely buggy; maybe the bottom screen moved to the top, but it happened all the time, and what should be on the bottom screen went missing. It turns out I was using a subtract instead of an XOR to flip. A small thing, makes quite a difference. Flip should work fine now.


    Interface issues, and I mentioned that Normmatt had a config editor ready to go. Well, it was still in Visual Basic, and under the GPL, so I ended up only taking a general inspiration from its layout. The editor is available on the new Options menu; try it out.


    »» http://www.dsemu.org [Homepage]

    »» http://dsemu.1emulation.com [Forums]

    »» http://www.dsemu.org/dsemu-0.0.3c.zip [Download]

    Ninphin Discontinued.

    By Gryph,

    Here is an update by Scull at the Ninphin site:


    It's been 1 year now, since I slowly started to lose interest in the project. Since the last update there has been no progress and a lot in my life has changed. Honestly, I stopped coding at all.

    Ninphin was never planned to be dead before it's release.

    But though, I will release parts of the source code once I get some time. But at least, I learned a lot while coding it and met cool people. I don't have anything more to say. Sorry for those who waited for nothing.


    - Scull


    There were no releases of any sort and only a handful of screenshots but it's always a sad thing when an emulator is discontinued.


    >> Official Ninphin Site: http://ninphin.emulation64.com/

    DSEmu v0.0.3b Released!

    By Robert,

    DSemu v0.0.3b released!


    Friday, 8th April 2005

    I've implemented the screen-flip bit in POWERCNT, so anything that uses that feature should work correctly now. In particular, the ARM Wrestler will appear in its right place, on the top screen. Also, regarding the opening of ROMs, I've attempted a hack at type selection; anything with an NDS extension will load in DS mode, and anything else will open as a GBA rom. I know it's buggy and it will break, but it should help a little.


    In other news, Normmatt seems to have finished his configuration editor dialog. I haven't been able to grab his code and take a look just yet, but I shall do so for a release in the near future. That should help matters regarding the config file.


    Wednesday, 6th April 2005

    It's been a slow few days; there've been maybe a couple of bug fixes in the source, but not enough to warrant a new release. I am going to start tracking down the bugs in the CPU that seem to be stopping the majority of demos from running, though. It could be a long process.


    I'm not sure that too many people were able to catch the hint in the last post, but the emulator does now have two CPU cores. The ARM7 doesn't actually do anything, and there's nothing else on the bus (a touchscreen controller, for example) for it to interface with, but it is there and executing. If only something actually ran, I could see it in action.


    Regarding CVS, it has been out of date recently. Not to worry; I've updated all the existing files, and added in the new ARM9 and its associated files, so any checkouts from CVS should be current now.


    »» http://www.dsemu.org [Homepage]

    »» http://dsemu.1emulation.com [Forums]

    »» http://www.dsemu.org/dsemu-0.0.3b.zip [Download]


    By Robert,

    The mamedevs have their own website.


    Welcome to the official MAME development team site. This site is intended to be the official communications channel for the development team.


    At the moment, this site is in "beta" mode in order to get feedback on the new license and the other info that appears on the left-hand side. Note that most of the text from the old license didn't really belong in a license, and is now a separate document called About MAME. If you have feedback, please use the contact form to send it to the appropriate place.


    What you will find here:


    announcements of official releases

    links to the official source code distribution

    information on the MAME license and trademark

    links to useful MAME-related sites

    a means of contacting the team and some of the individual developers


    What you will not find here:


    binary distributions of MAME

    message boards

    chat rooms


    On the left side of the page is all the mame legal stuff.


    >> http://mamedev.com/ [site]

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