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    DSEmu v0.0.2e Released!

    By Alpha,

    That was fast hehe.. thanks to Two9A for the direct news. ;)


    So it turns out I had a pretty poor implementation of touchscreen, in that it only picked up the coordinate values when I clicked the button. I've changed it to work by catching mouse-move messages as well as mouse-button messages, and now the outputs of both David Rorex's first demo and his Minesweeper are much better. The issue still remains that the touchscreen isn't calibrated, though; that means the position of the touch is offset from the position of the cursor. I'm not sure how to fix that.


    In other news, the DS palette viewer is now complete. You can see background and OBJ palettes, from both GPU cores. I'm hoping to pick up a configuration editor dialog from somewhere soon, so you can all finally change your key mappings with ease.

    »» http://www.dsemu.org [Home Page]

    »» http://dsemu.1emulation.com [Forums]

    DSemu v0.0.2d Released!

    By Alpha,

    I apologize were a little late on this. I don't know what happened.. but somehow we missed 3 releases. ;)


    I said I'd keep looking at the core, and I did. I ended up finding the major error relating to the jump-to-0 bug. I suspected that it was to do with the stack getting corrupted somehow, and with some good debugging help from various sources, I tracked it down to the stack pointer getting changed. It turns out that Thumb ADDSP-imm has a reciprocal mode, SUBSP-imm, encoded by the same first byte. Fix that, and suddenly nothing jumps to 0 anymore. Mind you, it's still the case that nothing works.


    Elsewhere, I've noticed that when the emulator is put into animated scanline mode, the output screen starts flashing like a madman. It's because the MMX word-flip operation to turn the colours the right way up gets applied every scanline, to the same buffer as its previous output. After adding yet another output buffer, the screen no longer flashes in a psychedelic manner.


    »» http://www.dsemu.org [HomePage]

    »» http://dsemu.1emulation.com [Forums]

    MagicEngine 1.0 PR 10 Released

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    Magic Engine is a PC-Engine emulator for Windows


    • completed the DirectX driver!
    • added a new command line option '-nocd' to disable the CD driver;
    • useful when running ROMs from a front end program, this will speed up MagicEngine startup time.
    • new 'driver' option in the pce.ini file to select the video driver (DirectX or OpenGL).
    • new 'background_scrolling' option to enable/disable MagicEngine logo scrolling in the GUI.
    • enabled ALT+ENTER key to toggle between fullscreen<->windowed.
    • fixed screen centering in Aoi Blink, After Burner II and TV Sports Basketball.
    • fixed minor glitches in a few HuCard games.

    » Magic Engine homepage.

    Rice Video Plugin 6.1.1 Beta 10 Released

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    Rice Video plugin is a N64 emulator GPU plugin.


    • Display initialization messages to tell the status of texture file searching progress
    • Won't remember the texture dump option value anymore. This option will be disabled when the plugin is loaded. In order to use the texture dump feature, you have to manually turn it on every time after you restart the emulator. This prevents the texture dump option is accidentally left on.
    • Fix the graphic tearing problem at Super Mario head (This is a general bug in many games) and related polygon depth bias problems.
    • Textures are now dumpped into subfolders and texture dump will also check into the subfolders.
    • Using sorted list to manage the texture info, and using binary search to speed up texture checking/loading process. This should speed up the game when texture dump is enabled, also speed up hires texture loading a little bit.
    • Palette CRC calculation is only up to the maximum palette values really used by a texture. This will reduce the duplicated texture dump for different palette CRC values.
    • Other extra checking to reduce duplicated texture dump
    • For Mario Kart. You want to enable the option "Fast loading tiles". The new beta will give you much better texture dump for this game because of new implementation and extra check on texture size for this game. For most textures used by this game, you can have them dumped in complete textures instead of broken sub-textures.

    » Rice Video Plugin homepage.

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