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    ZSNES WIP 4/11/05

    By Agozer,

    ZSNES 4/11 WIP is now available at ipher's WIP Site


    Here's what's new:


    ALL: Returning from GUI while paused now restores game screen. [Nach]
    ALL: Better code in zstate.c, should fix the 'dash issue' [grinvader]
    ALL: Selectable amount of rewind states no longer dummy, fixed loading rewind when none left.[Nach]
    ALL: Low CPU usage when emulation paused. [grinvader]
    ALL: New caps for rewind state number and frequency. [grinvader]
    ALL: Removed Netplay... for now. [Nach, grinvader]
    WIN: Primary Buffer Option now works properly [Jonas Quinn]
    GUI: Moved "Rewind" shortcut option to the Save Options window [ipher]
    GUI: Fixed the size of the black box for the Rewind States option. [ipher]
    SRC: Updated Win32 cross compiler [Nach]
    SRC: Pruning of ~6 years of useless EXTSYMs *whew* [Nach, grinvader]
    SRC: Fixed jumping mechanism to be more correct. [Nach]


    It is adviced that you delete old config files before starting to use this one.

    iDeaS released!

    By Robert,

    iDeaS released!




    Emulation status


    - ARM7TDMI : 32-bit ARM CPU support (100%)

                16-bit THUMB CPU support (100%)

    - ARM946E-S: 32-bit ARM CPU support (90%)

                16-bit THUMB CPU support (100%)


    - Real sync emulation for HBlanks and VBlanks

    - GFX Mode 0

    * 16 colors support

    * 256 colors support

    * BG0/BG1/BG2/BG3 support

    * 256x256 up to 512x512 tile maps support

    * Default priorities support

    * Horizontal/Vertical flipping support

    * Horizontal/Vertical offset support

    * FadeIn/FadeOut Effect support

    * Alpha-blending Effect support

            * Rotation/Zoom

    * Windows 0/1 support

    - OAM support

    * Horizontal/Vertical position

    * Horizontal/Vertical flip

    * 8x8 up to 64x64 sprite size support

    * FadeIn/FadeOut Effect support

    * Alpha-blending Effect support

    * Trasparent OBJ


    - 256 colors line-per-line palette support



    Load a demo


    - To load a demo on iDeaS open the dialog Open and load in a strictly order 2 files,

      first you have to choose the arm9 executable file then the arm7 file.

    - If you don't load the second file (arm7 file) the arm7 code will be disabled.

    - The arm9 binary will be loaded at the address 0x2004000, the arm7 binary at 0x2380000.



    What is really emulated


    - arm7 and arm9 processors with the exception of some of the opcodes of arm9.

    - A few the arm7 calls to bios are  emulated.

    - All two the screens are emulated and give all the 3d output and gba output,

      naturally with big limitations.

    - The touch screen works but only with the adc sets to 12 bits.

    - The Real Time Clock is summary emulated.


    >> http://ideasemu.altervista.org/downloads.php [Download]

    >> http://ideasemu.altervista.org/index.php [site]

    DSEmu v0.0.3c Released!

    By Robert,

    DSEmu v0.0.3c Released!


    Saturday, 9th April 2005

    So it seems that the screen-flip implementation in.3b was immensely buggy; maybe the bottom screen moved to the top, but it happened all the time, and what should be on the bottom screen went missing. It turns out I was using a subtract instead of an XOR to flip. A small thing, makes quite a difference. Flip should work fine now.


    Interface issues, and I mentioned that Normmatt had a config editor ready to go. Well, it was still in Visual Basic, and under the GPL, so I ended up only taking a general inspiration from its layout. The editor is available on the new Options menu; try it out.


    »» http://www.dsemu.org [Homepage]

    »» http://dsemu.1emulation.com [Forums]

    »» http://www.dsemu.org/dsemu-0.0.3c.zip [Download]

    Ninphin Discontinued.

    By Gryph,

    Here is an update by Scull at the Ninphin site:


    It's been 1 year now, since I slowly started to lose interest in the project. Since the last update there has been no progress and a lot in my life has changed. Honestly, I stopped coding at all.

    Ninphin was never planned to be dead before it's release.

    But though, I will release parts of the source code once I get some time. But at least, I learned a lot while coding it and met cool people. I don't have anything more to say. Sorry for those who waited for nothing.


    - Scull


    There were no releases of any sort and only a handful of screenshots but it's always a sad thing when an emulator is discontinued.


    >> Official Ninphin Site: http://ninphin.emulation64.com/

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