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    DSEmu 0.0.2a Released!

    By Alpha,



    Our great friend, Two9A has updated his emulator! It has lots of new capabilities and features. Check out the information below. :P


    Thursday, 17th March 2005


    The new versioning policy is in effect. Minor code fixes will cause a letter change, majors a number change. And I've just had a major code change, in the form of a new GPU! Gladius has kindly donated the rest of his GPU after having already given a tile renderer, and now I can safely say I have multiple backgrounds, and they work.


    It's not all his code, mind you; I've had to add mosaic, which was quite a task. However, as of now, I have a GPU that is more compatible and provides more features than the one I wrote, so I'm happy. Sprites are in gladius' original code, but I haven't yet ported them; that will come along soon.

    »» http://www.dsemu.org [Website]

    »» http://dsemu.1emulation.com [Forums]

    NESCafe 0.58

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    NESCafe is an NES emulator written in Java for any platform.


    • Multiple Load and Save States supported by Applet and Standalone
    • Game Genie Codes supported in Applet Version, press G to see Menu
    • Controls can be configured within the GUI
    • GUI Improvements for Applet and Standalone versions
    • Applet version can load ROMs with extension.zip.php
    • When Zapper is plugged in a Cross-Hair appears for firing
    • Settings file can be used to store Controls
    • Special thanks to Daniel Fisher from www.everyvideogame.com

    » NESCafe homepage.

    Gens32 1.59 Released!

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    Gens32 is Megadrive/Mega CD/32X emulator for Windows.


    • Fixed some bugs (not tested yet).
    • rewrote the TV fliter.
    • added TurboKey system.
    • improved 48000HZ playback quality.

    » Gens32 homepage.

    Mame v0.94u2,u3

    By James,







    Compiler fixes [Atari Ace]

    Misc fixes [Nathan Woods]


    New Games / Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:






    Bubble Bobble (newer set) [Tormod Tjaberg]

    Puyo Puyo (World) [Fabrice Arzeno]






    Changes from Aaron Giles



    mame.c: updated documentation

    cps1.c: fixed QSound routing

    cps2.c: fixed QSound routing

    itech32.c: fixed Driver's Edge colors (red/blue were swapped)

    segaorun.c: many tweaks based on schematics

    - connected some outputs via 8255 PPI

    - fixed IRQ handling to match schematics

    - hooked up watchdog, global mute

    - fixed IRQ2 timing

    segaxbd: tweaks

    - added hack to make GP Rider boot; input bug prevents full playability

    - fixed IRQ handling to match schematics

    - hooked up watchdog, sound reset, and global mute

    - hooked up dummy CPU for running SMGP communications

    - reduced interleave on all games except LOF

    se***bd: tweaks

    - fixed CPU speeds according to schematics

    - hooked up global mute

    - reduced interleave on all games

    machine/segaic16.c: changed divide-by-zero case to return a value

    vidhrdw/segaic16.c: several updates

    - implemented Y-board sprite priorities (not fully understood, but

    seems to work)

    - found missing 8th bit in Outrun/X-board sprite pitch

    - implemented Outrun/X-board road priorities according to logic dump

    from Leopardcats

    - hooked up road RAM double buffering that was missing for


    - disabled direct scanline mode for Outrun road, which doesn't support



    Fixed sample playback glitch


    Fixed othunder sound clipping


    Fixed Batrider sound


    Fixed Dream Shopper crash


    Added sound balancing assistance display to debug builds


    cpuintrf.c cleanup


    Removed some unwanted clamping code from sound core


    Adjusted Frogger volume


    Changes from Brian Troha





    Changes from Derrick Renaud



    Added proper watchdogs to

    Bosconian, Galaga, Pole Position, Xevious


    Fixed Wiggie Waggle crash


    Fixed some speaker settings


    schaser - updated sounds to include missle effect and

    fix dot sounds per schematics.


    SN76477 emulation - fixed bug where gain was 3x more

    then it should be, causing effects to clip for 2/3rds

    of the time.


    SN76477 emulation - fixes the attack time for one-shot

    envelope mode.


    Fixed crash in crash, ripcord and robotbwl and added

    sample support to them. Samples not currently



    robotbwl - added discrete simulation for footsteps


    crash - added discrete simulation for beeper



    Changes from Nathan Woods





    - Added entries for two MESS specific sound cores





    - Changed wavwrite type from 'void *' type to an opaque pointer

    'wav_file *'



    - This patch fixes a bug whereby the CPU could switch modes without

    entering the set of functions for that mode. Specifically, if a mode

    change occurs it will break out of the execute function and reenter the

    correct function.


    Changes from Nicola Salmoria



    documented debug mode in TNZS


    Fixed some bad gfx in Sky Lancer


    Rebalanced Gyruss volume


    NMK004 sound simulation


    playmark.c updates

    - Fixed sprite/tile priorities in World Beach Volley, and fixed SOME

    priorities in Excelsior - but not all of them, the high score screen is

    still wrong.

    - Found bitmap enable bit, fixes girl pictures sticking in Big Twin and

    Excelsior, and garbage graphics in Excelsior.

    - Added rowscroll support, fixes wbeachvl37b7gre.

    - As previously noted, wbeachvl37b16gre could be a genuine bug of the

    original - I don't see how it could work otherwise.


    Changes from Pierpaolo Prazzoli



    Super Slam update

    - Fixed sprites

    - Fixed text tilemap colors

    - Fixed text tilemap scrolls

    - Fixed VSync


    Fixed dips in Sky Lancer


    playmark.c update

    - Fixed dipswitches in Excelsior

    - Tweaked bitmap scroll in Excelsior

    - Changed bitmap to be drawn after the fg_tilemap (this is correct in Excelsior

    and looks better in Big Twin, but looking at the service mode in Excelsior

    some "good" bits are trasparent)

    - Added Continue dipswtich in Big Twin




    Other Changes



    NMK16 dipswitch fixes [brian Troha]


    Progress on TX1 / Speed Buggy driver [Phil Bennett]

    Still To Do:


    Buggy Boy/Speed Buggy

    # Arithmetic chip support.

    # Correct object drawing and attributes (e.g. zoom factors).

    # Road drawing.

    # Fix inter-CPU communications.

    # Layer mixing.

    # Fix controls.

    # Discrete sound hardware



    # All of above

    # Missing PROMs



    Allow for more than 40 entries in the Analog menu [Christopher Stone]


    Fixed dips in Dunk Shot [sonikos]


    Fixed some bad gfxlayouts [Atari Ace]


    Update to Shrike Avenger, documentating the motor behavior [Peter Sealy]

    game is now partially working


    Added scroll mouse support [Robin Merrill]


    Allowed f1en to show full attract mode [David Haywood]


    New Games / Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:






    Pit n Run (set 2) [MAN]

    Sky Lancer (Orca) [Manuel Assoni]

    Star Trek (defender bootleg) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Poker Ladies (Leprechaun ver. 401) [Manuel Assoni]

    Pinbo (set 2) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING



    TX-1 [Phil Bennett]

    Buggy Boy [Phil Bennett]

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