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    Gcube Discontinued

    By Gryph,

    Gcube, another promising Gamecube emulator, has been discontinued. However, Monk (the main author) released the 0.4 source code for those who wish to improve upon it. Unfortunately no binaries were released so you have to compile it yourself. Here is a quote from the Gcube Homepage:


    Sad but true :huh:. Monk no longer has the means to continue developing this great emulator so the project is over. He did however release the Gcube source with the latest changes that were made for anyone that can find it usefull or for even those that wish to continue Gcube, but in either case please give Monk the credit he deservs.


    >> Gcube Homepage: http://gcube.exemu.net/

    Mame 0.92 Released !

    By James,






    This release comes prior to some major changes to the sound system from Aaron.

    Once Aaron has submitted his sound system changes 0.93 will be released to

    allow for easy testing of them.




    Fixed most of the remaining issues with Taito F3 sound [Nicola Salmoria]

    Sound in Ring Rage and Riding Fight still doesn't work

    Quiz Theater has a bad sound rom

    Bust-A-Move Again (US) sound roms need checking again real (non

    -conversion) cart.


    Improvements in the Microprose 3D driver [Philip J Bennett]

    games not playable, but still a big improvement over the skeleton



    Improvements to MACs driver [Tomasz Slanina]

    now using ST0016 Video, however emulation is still incomplete so

    it doesn't do much more yet


    Improvements to Hyperstone based drivers [Tomasz Slanina]


    Added missing PROMs to many drivers [HIGHWAYMAN]


    Fixed Vs. Goonies Dips [chaneman]


    Lethal Enforcers Improvements [R.Belmont]


    - Tilemap colors

    - Guns hooked up and aligned properly

    - Tilemap and sprite layers aligned with the guns

    - Various other cleanups - added a sprite ROM that was missing previously


    To do:

    - Figure out the correct sprite decode

    - Sprite/tilemap priorities

    - "Reload" indicator is funky, probably needs tilemap

    flip bits.

    - Fix K056832 external linescroll RAM support (used

    for high scores, parallax in scrolling stages)


    Misc Changes [Nathan Woods]





    - Added a hook that allows a driver to install a custom read handler

    for reading interrupt vectors (the 65816 has a signal that is asserted

    when reading a vector and certain hardware needs to reroute the read)




    - Created a memory_get_op_ptr() call. This call is equivalent to

    memory_get_read_ptr() in ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM with the exception that it is

    aware of the opbase handler.




    - Modified debugger to use memory_get_op_ptr() to determine if opcode

    memory is unmapped.


    Misc compiler fixes [Lawrence Gold]


    Taito SJ update [Nicola Salmoria]

    - added sound CPU -> main CPU communication (fixes Tin Star hangs without

    need for a kludge, and makes tunes between levels correctly play until the


    - added memory map derived from schematics

    - added DAC volume control (I hear little difference, even if it's used).

    - coin lockout (important otherwise games could accept more than 9 coins)


    Correct Hyperstone Iram mirroring [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Added real noise generator to TMS5110 [Jarek Burczynski]


    Workaround for Dipswitch problem in Mr Do's Castle [Nicola Salmoria]


    Fixed bug in M37710 cpu core [R.Belmont]


    More Sega improvements, including lots of set renaming and cleaning up of drivers

    by removing unused code [Aaron Giles]


    Updated some mahjong drivers to use the new standard inputs [James Wallace]

    note, there was a further submission, this will need resyncing and



    PSX based driver improvments [smf]

    - new board notes from Guru

    - removed 8.3 restrictions on namco system 11 rom names

    - improved root counter emulation

    - improved dma acknowledge emulation

    - changes visible area immediately instead of during video update


    hooked up sound cpu in fitfight.c [Tomasz Slanina]


    Misc compiler fixes for VC [bryan McPhail]


    Sound in Minesweeper driver [Frank Palazzolo]


    ... and probably a whole bunch of other bits and pieces I've forgotten to mention

    (the WIP updates might give a better overview)


    Anything that is missing will probably need resubmitting after Aaron's changes.


    New Games / Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:



    Golden Tee 3D Golf [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]

    Golden Tee 97 [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]

    Golden Tee 98 [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]

    Golden Tee 99 [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]

    Golden Tee 2k [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]

    Golden Tee Classic [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]

    World Class Bowling Deluxe [brian Troha, Aaron Giles]


    Land Breaker [Tomasz Slanina]


    Point Blank II [smf]


    Updated some NeoGeo sets to match Kawaks support (not tested) [Kawaks]


    Super Trio [David Haywood]


    Join 'em [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Rack + Roll [Pierpaolo Prazzoli, siftware]


    Bronx (Cycle Shooting bootleg) [Tomasz Slanina]





    Lightning Fighters (World) [Gerald]

    Wall Crash (alt encryption) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    Egg Venture (ver 7) [brian Troha]

    Colt (NY Captor bootleg) [Tomasz Slanina]

    Minesweeper (4 player) [Frank Palazzolo]

    Puckman (Falcom bootleg) [smf]


    New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING



    Wild Arrow [Tomasz Slanina]

    seems to be some kind of gambling machine anyway


    Ping Pong King [Tomasz Slanina]

    missing MCU simulation etc.


    Gunpey [Tomasz Slanina]

    skeleton driver, does nothing useful yet


    Dambusters [Tomasz Slanina]

    skeleton driver, does nothing useful yet


    Championship Bowling [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    sprite glitches, no controls


    Trivia Challenge [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    missing question roms


    Space Guerilla [Jarek Burczynski, Tomasz Slanina]

    graphical problems, no sound


    Laser Base / Future Flash [Tomasz Slanina]

    unemulated protection


    Kyuukyoku no Othello [Tomasz Slanina]

    incomplete video emulation

    SNES | ZSNES WIP 2/10/05

    By LoRd_SnOw,

    A new version of the ZSNES Wip has been released. View changes below.



    Added Use Primary Buffer option [Nach, ipher]


    Begin support for HQ3X and 4X, support will have to wait for a bit while I fix something else. [pagefault]


    Netplay fixes round 4. [Nach]


    Init'd a ton of sound vars. [Nach]

    Rewind backups more sound vars. [Nach]

    Cleaned up debug. [Nach]

    SRAMPath should be fixed for good now. [Nach]


    Added "# of rewind states" dummy option to Save Options. [ipher]


    Added release grade parameter. [Nach]

    Fixed platform changes during compile. [Nach]

    Fixed an error from using search and replace without checking.


    Page - Official Page

    ZSNES WIP 2/07/05

    By Agozer,

    ZSNES 2/07 WIP is now available at ipher's WIP Site.


    Here's what's new:



    D_W: Fixed SRAM path saving when loaded from config file. [Nach]
    W_S: Even lower CPU utilization in GUI, this is a really quick and dirty fix [pagefault]
    W_S: F1/F3 menu's now included in CPU usage fix [pagefault]
    WIN: Begin support of the debugger. [pagefault]
    SDL: Fixed video change freeze problems. [Nach]
    ALL: Fixed register overwriting when using Check SRAM+Save. [Nach]
    ALL: Fixed loading of sound off. [Nach]
    ALL: Fix some ZMV bugs. [pagefault]
    ALL: Fixed some bizarre sprite corruption bugs in some squaresoft games. [pagefault]
    ALL: Fixed video fail restore. [Nach]
    ALL: Removed some unneeded code that only slowed things down. [Nach]
    ALL: Netplay fixes round 3. [pagefault, Nach]
    ALL: Align more data. [Nach, pagefault]
    GUI: Changed video change key to spacebar. [Nach]
    SRC: Added CPU parameter for specific CPU optimizations. [Nach]
    SRC: Something to help our porting of code from assembly to C. [Nach]
    SRC: By annoying bordering on moronic demand, added win32-unix-shell. [Nach]
    SRC: Merged ztcp. [Nach]
    SRC: Removed src/video/2xsaiw.inc [Nach]

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