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    Snes9x 1.43 Released!

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    Snes9x is a SNES emulator for Windows.


    • Movie Support
    • JMA support
    • Fix for ROM dialog
    • New Joypad Dialog
    • Netplay is disabled in the release
    • More emulation improvements

    » Snes9x homepage.

    Winkawaks 1.52 released!

    By Gryph,

    Wow, another Kawaks so soon, awesome. :( Here is the list of updates:

    What's new in 1.52:



    * Updated the decrypted M ROMs in the following games;

    - The King of Fighters 2001

    - The King of Fighters 2002

    - Matrimelee

    - Metal Slug 4

    - Rage of the Dragons

    * Made Bang Bead (decrypted C) use the ROMs created from the save

    decrypted C after loading option.



    >> Download it from the Official Homepage

    DSEmu 0.0.1d Released

    By Gryph,

    Well, this is a day late but DSEmu 0.0.1d was released. Better late than never. You can get it from here.

    Gregorian New Year rolls 'round again. After discussion with a certain someone, I've got a few ideas for optimisation and speedup. The first one to be implemented is instead of checking for the T bit in CPSR, making T another of the specialised flags (I'm supposed to have 8, after all); that way, I eliminate one AND from the dispatch. You'd be surprised what 1 AND means for speed.


    Also, since it's optimisation time, it's probably high time that I moved to beta D. So, 0.0.1d is now available.


    >> Download it at the DSEmu Website

    >> DSEmu Official Forums

    Dolphin Final 1.01 released !

    By LoRd_SnOw,

    Surprised enough as it is that many have already beleived that Dolphin was a dead project. Seems that the Dolphin Team wanted to make one last release before they give away there source code to the project. View changes below :P


    i have cleaned several parts of the source code and (oh wonder ) i have fixed some bugs too. Here is a new build (Dolphin Final 1.01).





    ps: Please test if the UXTheme bug is fixed too. I cant test it because i dont have win2k.


    Download Dolphin Final 1.01 - EmuTalk

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