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    WinUAE v0.9.92 Released!

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    WinUAE is an Amiga emulator for Windows. Final beta before 1.0 (?)



    • Filesystem emulation now uses NTFS named streams to store Amiga
      FS protection flags and comment instead of __UAEFSDB.__-files. (non-NTFS drives still use old method)
    • Postscript printer emulation using Ghostscript. All Windows supported printers work now. Amiga-side only needs standard Amiga Postscript printer driver.
    • Automatic print job flush after user configurable timeout.
    • Improved hardfile creation, filesystem selection (OFS/FFS/SFS) etc..
    • Disk swapper key shortcuts.
      END+1-0 (not numeric keypad) = insert image from swapper slot 1-10
      END+SHIFT+1-0 = insert image from swapper slot 11-20
      END+CTRL+1-4 = select drive
    • GUI drag'n'drop. (no more ugly up/down arrows)
    • screenshots are now named _xxx.bmp
    • user configurable emulation speed adjustment from 5 to 100 fps
    • rar and 7zip -archive support (using archiveaccess.dll)
    • some custom chipset emulation improvements here and there.
    • improved drive click sound emulation
    • X-Arcade build-in key mappings
    • onscreen disk and HD leds flash red while writing
    • "Always on top"-windowed mode setting and more..

    » WinUAE homepage.

    Hatari v0.60 Released

    By olaf,
    Hatari version 0.60 has been released. It is mainly a "bug fix" release, not much new this time except the possibility to load external cartridge ROM images and some improvements in the graphical user interface.

    - Official Homepage

    Modeler v0.9.4 Released

    By olaf,

    Modeler is a Sega arcade emulator for Macintosh. The only information I know about this released was made because the programmer wanted to be able to play Outrunners. Click here to visit the official homepage.

    VisualBoyAdvance 1.8.0 Beta Released

    By olaf,

    This version of VisualBoyAdvance is mostly a bug fix release. Click here to visit the official homepage.

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