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    PC2E Updated

    By olaf,

    Below is a description of the changes to PC2E (A PC-Engine emulator).


    - The input functions are now implemented using DirectInput (by courtesy of Sugi)

    - Implemented "READ Q SUB-CHANNEL" operation to some extent

    - Revised implementation of VDC

    - Revised windowed screen modes

    - Improved compatibility

    - The "stretched" screen mode is disabled on this release

    - Stopped running the emulator on a different thread

    - Updated the simple configurator (pc2ecfg.exe)

    - Updated the TOC database

    - Official Homepage

    Reminesce 5.0.0 Released

    By olaf,

    There was no text on what's been updated, but you can visit the official homepage by clicking here.

    Dolphin Final Release

    By Gryph,

    Well, this is the final release of Dolphin, a Gamecube emulator. But don't despair because they will release the source code soon. Hopefully other emulator authors will learn from it. This is what the authors have to say:


    Today it's a good and a bad day for dolphin. After months of silence we decided it's time to do a release... a final release.

    And yes you've read it right, there won't be another release in future.

    BUT don't worry the dolphin source code will be released soon.

    All I like to say is thank you F|RES & ector for this great emu (Proof of concept).



    Falcon4ever & Shadowprince


    >> Official Dolphin Web Site

    >> Download it here

    VBALink v1.7.2l Released!

    IxI SoNiK IxI
    By IxI SoNiK IxI,

    VBALink is the VisualBoy Advance emulator with multiplayer link capability.



    • Core changes:
    • fixed bugs on ELF clean up
    • improved CodeBreaker 0xDxxxxxxx code support
    • updated Scale2x filter to version 2.0
    • improved memory timing
    • added support for z2 (delete break on write) so that gdb can use break on write
    • added search for base language dll
    • fixed GDI problems with selected bitmap being deleted
    • added JPEG and PNG support for skins
    • changed import/export battery file to default to battery directory
    • fixed the translation bug with viewers
    • fixed the GB map view flickering
    • fixed skin bugs
      DL versions:
    • now it exits when closing the window
    • added a new interface using GTK+, which implements a first part of the Windows version

    » VBALink homepage.

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