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    olafnes v1.0v Released

    By olaf,

    I've updated my NES emulator (olafnes) today, and it is now open source. Below is what's new in my emulator.


    - minor cosmetic changes to windows

    - rewrote the scale2x filter algorithm in microsoft visual basic, and added it in

    - rearranged video menu, and removed "tile based" and "new scroll code" configuration (useless)

    - finally fixed the need to restart for muting/unmuting bug

    - Official Homepage

    gCube Front-End v0.3R2

    By olaf,

    gCube Front-End has been updated again. Click here to see what's going on with it at EmuTalk.

    gCube Front-End for 0.3

    By olaf,
    gCubeFront is back!


    The original was downloaded 42 times and not one person left any feedback...ah well, who cares, the 42 of you who did download it, I hope it worked and you enjoyed it!


    As most of you will know gCube 0.3 was released recently, and it now has more options on the command line to allow greater control and compatability of the emulation. I have updated gCubeFront to incorporate these options (and a few other minor fixes) and figured i'd give it to you guys again.


    You can find the new options in the "Advanced Options" window. Please be aware that the Refresh Delay box should only contain a numeric value, although the gCubeFront will accept...well...anything, gCube itself WILL NOT, I will create a check for it if people tell me they want one otherwise I'll assume you're all happy!


    Run it in the directory with gCube.exe and enjoy!





    P.S. If you do download it, please some sort of feedback!

    - EmuTalk.net Forum Post

    SIO MultiPlayer PlugIn Released

    By olaf,
    Technical documentation


    Product name : MultiPlayer Plugin

    Current Version : beta (14th December 2004)


    Supported platforms : Windows 95/98/Me/XP/2000

    Windows NT4(not tested but should work...)


    Author : Actarus

    Website : http://spazioinwind.libero.it/linoma/multi.html

    E-mail : rascalboy@nzone.it



    Technical Info:


    MultiPlayer Plugin is a plugin for RascalBoy Advance to add the support for multiplayer on

    Internet. It can emulate up to 2 GBA in a MultiPak sistem.





    It is necessary minimum a 1GigaHertz PC or superior with at least 132Mb of memory and ADSL/Line.





    Just copy the file multiplugin.dll in the emulator directory, then from the emulator choose :

    Options->Communication Port->SIO MultiPlayer PlugIn.

    - Official Homepage

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