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    Mame 0.88 is Released !

    By James,



    0.88 (includes 0.87u5 whatsnew.txt details)


    General Improvements



    Emulation of Sega FD1094 encrypted 68k CPUs, this will allow for significant progress

    in the emulation of the remaining encrypted Sega games.  Note that we require working

    CPUs to extract encryption data from in order to emulate the encrypted titles, see

    http://cgfm2.emuviews.com/ for more details.  As a result of this code several of the

    encrypted games will now boot (astorm, ddcrew, wb3a, wb3b, tetris, ddux, sonicbom etc.)

    [Charles MacDonald - extracting data from CPUs,

       Nicola Salmoria - decryption code]


    Misc fixes from Mame32Plus

    ay.diff: add save state support for AY8910 and friends

    crbaloon.diff: add music support

    darius.diff: adjust FM/ADPCM balance

    f3.diff: fix landmakr sound loading

    harddriv.diff: fix undersized array causing memory trashing

    mario.diff: added save state support

    qsound.diff: added save state support

    renegade.diff: fixed missing break; in MCU simulation

    s16.diff: adjust FM/ADPCM balance

    scsp.diff: fixed undersized array causing stack trashing

    ssv.diff: fixed hypreac2 sound loading


    i960 and model 2 update [R.Belmont, ElSemi]


    - Fixed bug in movl (ElSemi)



    - Removed hotd and lastbrnx hacks, the i960 fix

    obsoletes them

    - Added port 0 switching, player 2 start works in

    several games now (ElSemi)

    - Added working timer support, including timer IRQs

    - Updated game status listing


    Fixed some c99 related compiler issues [Jeff Mitchell, Lawrence Gold]


    update to ppmast93 driver, still not playable [David Haywood]


    Discrete sound changes [Derrick Renaud]


    Discrete Sound Changes


    * Continued cleanup of code to make it more readable


    New Discrete Modules Added


    * DISCRETE_NOTE - counter circuit used to create tones/music.

    * DISCRETE_INTEGRATE - various op amp integration (ramp) circuits.

    * DISCRETE_OP_AMP_TRIG_VCA - Did not know what to call this. :naughty:  Basically it

    is a programable voltage controlled amp.  But uses only an on/off trigger.  It

    has resistors to select the rise/fall times.  Also it is not a true VCA.  It

    actually adjusts amplitude by clipping more/less off the bottom of the input

    signal.  But it is a common circuit.


    Game Driver Changes


    * polaris - complete sound rewrite to use new component value code.  Hooked up

    watchdog timer.


    New watchdog functionality [Derrick Renaud]


    Game Driver Changes


    * dominos, sprint1, sprint2, dragrace, canyon, nitedrvr - added watchdog and

    set to proper time using new MDRV_WATCHDOG_VBLANK_INIT function.

    * firetrk, montecar, superbug, pacman, polaris - changed watchdog to proper

    time using new MDRV_WATCHDOG_VBLANK_INIT function.

    * galpania, galpanib - changed to MDRV_WATCHDOG_VBLANK_INIT because these

    games need watchdog init at game start.


    Core Changes


    Changed watchdog to allow it to start at machine run start.  If not used, the

    previous watchdog functionality is retained.  Only define 1 of the 2 watchdogs

    per game.  If both are defined then  MDRV_WATCHDOG_VBLANK_INIT will be used



    * MDRV_WATCHDOG_VBLANK_INIT(watch_count)- Initializes the watchdog in

    MACHINE_DRIVER_.  watch_count is the # of vertical blanking intervals before a

    forced reset.  If the time is unkown then you can use these defaults:



    * MDRV_WATCHDOG_TIME_INIT(time)- Initializes the watchdog in MACHINE_DRIVER_.

    time is the time in seconds before a forced reset.


    New function to enable/disable the watchdog in game.

    watchdog_enable(0 or 1) - used to 0=disable or !0=enable.


    Made a macro that calculates the pulse time of a 74LS122 or LS123.


    r is in Ohms.  c is in Farads.

    c must be greater then 1000pF to use this function



    Added runtime option to disable validity checks [Derrick Renaud]


    Added run time option:


         Forces MAME to skip doing the code validity checks. The default is

         OFF (-noskip_validitychecks).

    This new option will default to doing the test and force you to confirm you

    do not want to use it.  This way users can test their submissions easily and

    then speed things up when confirmed ok.


    NOTE: DO NOT disable the checks when submitting code


    Fixed voodoo code broken by cleanup in u3 [Aaron Giles]


    Fixed qdrmfgp broken by cleanup in u3 [Olivier Galibert]


    Fixed cut and paste error in chdman [René Single]


    Fixed mayday inputs [stefan Jokisch]


    Fixed Puzzle Club dips [brian Troha]


    Input Port System Update [Aaron Giles]

    PORT_INCLUDE() works the same as before.


    PORT_MODIFY("tag") allows you to modify any given input port by specifying

    its tag.


    Any PORT_BIT() entries that you put after a PORT_MODIFY will nuke any

    matching entries in the previous definition, allowing you to overwrite them

    with new stuff.


    I also added a few new functions:


    readinputportbytag_safe() takes a tag and a default value. If the tag is not

    found, the default value is returned.




    port_tag_to_handler32() -- these 3 new functions take a tag string, find the

    input port, and return the appropriate handler. They can be used in AM_READ,

    so instead of:


       AM_RANGE(0x00, 0x00) AM_READ(input_port_1_r)


    You can use


       AM_RANGE(0x00, 0x00) AM_READ(port_tag_to_handler8("MyPortName"))


    I've modified exidy.c to use these features as a testbed. Let me know if you

    see any problems.


    Memory system changes / fixes [Aaron Giles]

    * added explicit casting to the memory handler width when computing the

    shifted data/mask values for read/write handlers -- this should in theory

    fix R. Belmont's 64-bit issues


    * added memory_install_read/write8/16/32/64_matchmask_handler functions to

    allow dynamic installation of match/mask (AM_SPACE-style) memory ranges -- 

    this should satisfy Frank P's request for the astrocade driver


    * changed masking behavior for match/mask pairs so that an AM_SPACE with an

    AM_MASK does not expand the explicitly-specified mask value -- this should

    fix dwidel's problem getting Pac-Man accurate


    * changed dynamic bank assignment to always assign a bank if you have

    explicitly specified a mask value via AM_MASK -- this should allow mirroring

    via AM_MASK if you want to, though AM_MIRROR is still preferred


    Fixed OKI banking in Fixeight bootleg [Quench]


    More changes [Derrick Renaud]


    Game Driver Changes


    * firetrk, montecar - added proper CPU clock frequency change when going

    in/out of service mode.


    Core Changes


    Fixed some last remaining issues with the new watchdog.  The watchdog would

    not remain disabled after a watchdog_enable(0) in some conditions.


    Added a new function to change CPU clock speed in game.  The current scaling

    factor will still apply.  eg. If you force the CPU to change clock to 1MHz

    while the scaling is at 50%, the effective CPU speed will be 500kHz.  Then

    reading the clock speed will give 1MHz, because clock scaling is transparent

    to the driver.


    /* Returns the current CPU's actual unscaled running clock speed */

    int cpunum_get_clock(int cpunum);


    /* Sets the current CPU's clock speed and then adjusts for scaling */

    void cpunum_set_clock(int cpunum, int clock);


    Fixed some problems in Steel Force [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]



    New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:



    F1 Grand Prix Star II [brian Troha]

    roms redumped


    Sonic Boom [Charles MacDonald, Nicola Salmoria]


    Mighty Warriors [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    some sprite problems


    Twins [David Haywood]

    missing eeprom


    Greyhound Selection [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    BMC Bowling [Tomasz Slanina]

    missing music, some wrong gfx


    Field Combat [Tomasz Slanina]

    bad sprite colours


    Gallop Racer 3 [smf]

    sound problems


    Tank 8 [stefan Jokisch]


    New Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:



    Tetris (Sega) (2 encrypted sets) [Charles MacDonald, Nicola Salmoria]


    Wonderboy 3 (2 encrypted sets) [Charles MacDonald, Nicola Salmoria]


    Greyhound trivia (alt questions) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Astro Blaster (version 2a) [Mash]


    New Non-Working games / clones supported



    D.D. Crew [Charles MacDonald, Nicola Salmoria]

    some issues with system18 emulation


    Dynamite Dux (original) [Charles MacDonald, Nicola Salmoria]

    some issues with system16 emulation


    BC Story (set 2) [David Haywood]

    more protection issues?


    Super GX [Mash]

    bad rom


    Skelagon [Mash]

    bad rom


    Virtua Formula

    same issues as VR



    Download Mame32 v0.88

    ZSNES WIP 10/24/04

    By Agozer,

    News: ZSNES WIP October 24 Released


    * Minor Comment update [ipher]

    * FF3u hack no longer discriminates against the Japanese version. [Nach]

    * Battery fixes (unforunetly ZSNES is too complex for a full fix right now). [Nach]

    * SuperFX2 Updates [pagefault]


    get it here.

    Time Crisis Series Reviewed!

    By Alpha,

    Time Crisis Series: Reviewed!




    "People that believe these games to be shallow, too linear, too short or any of the other disparagements they are regularly labelled with are completely missing the point and are playing the game with a completely in-appropriate mindset. They are also probably poor players of this type of game. If you place a coin in a Time Crisis machine and walk away, defeated, 4 minutes later, it isn’t surprising you aren’t seeing the attraction...."

    - shin_nikon_kikaku

    »» Click Here to Read the Review!

    »» Reviews and Rants Forum

    ZiNc 1.0

    By James,
    ZiNc - 3D Arcade Emulator

    Release 1.0 - October 23, 2004


    Emulator by The_Author and DynaChicken

    1.0 enhancements by R. Belmont and smf


    Renderers by Pete Bernert and Lewpy

    Sound by Pete Bernert

    Namco C7x sound simulator by Cap / Team VivaNonno



    What's this?


    ZiNc is an emulator for various arcade games which ran on

    modified Sony PlayStation hardware.  It does not emulate

    any other games, including other 3D games.


    What's it play?


    To see a complete list of supported games, run ZiNc with the "--list-games" parameter.


    ZiNc attempts to provide the fullest possible emulation for each of

    these games while also running on relatively low-spec PCs.  However,

    we don't guarantee perfect emulation for any of the games.  Sound

    and/or music in particular may be incomplete or incorrect for certain

    types of games.


    ZiNc is not flexible enough to support games with analog controls.  As a

    result, some games on supported hardware that you may have seen in

    MAME (such as Crypt Killer) are not included.


    What's new since ZiNc 0.9?


    - True ZN decryption instead of ZiNc's old hacks.  Some Capcom games may take

      a little longer to start up than they did under previous ZiNc versions.  This

      is completely normal

    - Story text in Kikaioh / Tech Romancer now works

    - Support for Tecmo TPS, Atlus PS, Raizing/Eighting PS Arcade 95, Konami GV,

      and Namco System 12

    - Sound simulation for System 11 games, thanks to Team VivaNonno

    - Fixed graphics for Tekken and Tekken 2

    - MAME-style parent/clone support

    - All ROM sets now match MAME 0.87u5 (not a public version)

    - CHD support.  These may go either in your ROM folder or in a subdirectory

      of your ROM folder, the same as MAME


    What's wrong with it?


    Sound is not accurate in System 11 games although the simulator does

    an excellent job in many cases.


    Game speed is wrong in many System 11 games.


    Sound is not accurate in System 12 games.


    The external sound board is not supported for the Raizing games,

    Cool Boarders, or the Taito FX-1b games.



    How to use?


    Put roms in the roms/ dir where the emulator is (or the directory

    specified by the --roms-directory switch, see below).

    Make sure a cfg/ dir exists.


    NOTE: for Linux, it's still best to put the 3 plugins somewhere in your

    LD path.  E.g. become root, copy them to one of the directories listed

    in your /etc/ld.so.conf file (/usr/lib is a reasonable default that

    should work on most systems if you can't figure out something better),

    run ldconfig, then drop back to being a normal user and run ZiNc.


    For the renderer and controller plugins you may use the --renderer=

    and --controller= switches as long as you give an absolute path.

    Example:./zinc 12 --controller=./libcontrolznc.so.


    type zinc --help to get help

    type zinc --list-games to see games

    type zinc x - where x is a game nr to start game


    type zinc by itself to see all the available options.


    Options are:

    --help shows help

    --list-games lists all games supported

    --list-sets  lists the ROM info for all games supported

    --version shows the version info

    --verify verifies a ROM set

    --use-config-file=<value> gets Zinc config info from the filename specified.

    --use-renderer-cfg-file=<value> gets renderer config info from the filename


      A sample renderer config file is provided as "renderer.cfg".

    --roms-directory=<value> sets the directory to load ROMs from

    --use-sound=<yes|no>            def: yes  turns sound on/off

    --renderer=<value>    def: renderer.znc  choose renderer to use

    --controller=<value>   def: controller.znc  choose controller plugin

    --use-controller-cfg-file=<value>  def: N/A  gets controller config info from

                                       the specified file.  the default

                                       keyboard plugin ignores this.

    --sound-filter-enable=<yes|no>  def: no   turns the sound filter on/off,

                                              provides a quality increase

                                              with a tiny amount more CPU.

    --sound-filter-cutoff=<value>   def: 22050   sets the filter cutoff


    --sound-surround-lite-enable=<yes|no> def: no  Enables "Lite-Surround".  Try

                                                   it and listen :banghead:

    --sound-surround_lite-multiplier=<value> def:  40  Adjusts how powerful the

                                                       lite-surround is.

    --sound-stereo-exciter=<yes|no> def: no   enables "stereo exciter" which

                                              widens the stereo image.  Try it

                                              and listen :P

    --use-slow-geometry=<yes|no>    def: no   uses slower but more accurate

                                              geometry calculations.  if you see

           errors, try this as a fix. 

           Gallop Racer 3 in particular

           benefits from using the "slow"

           geometry - the ground breaks up






    1 - Start player 1

    2 - Start player 2

    4 - Test switch (enters test mode in most games)

    5 - Coin player 1

    6 - Coin player 2

    7 - Service switch


    Cursor Keys - player 1 directions

    A,S,D,Z,X,C - player 1 buttons


    B, H, N, M - player 2 directions

    U,I,O,J,K,L - player 2 buttons


    ESC - exits the emulator


    F5 - take a snapshot (may depend on the renderer)


    The renderers also make use of the insert/home/pageup/delete/end/pagedown

    keys for various functions.  These should work approximately the same as

    in popular PlayStation emulators.





    The first time you run Psychic Force you may go into the test menu.

    Select "Factory Defaults" then "Yes" then "Exit".  The screen will say

    "RESET" and just sit there.  Wait a second or two then quit the

    emulator and restart it.  Psychic Force will then play correctly.


    Enjoy and have fun!

    © 1997-2004 The_Author and DynaChicken.  All Rights reserved.

    This emulator may be freely distributed as long as the ROM files are not

    included and the executable is not modified in any way.


    October 25, 2004


    ZiNc 1.0.1 update: This update fixes a crash in "Susume! Taisen Puzzle-dama" on the Windows version, disables two games that weren´t working, adds the US version of Street Fighter EX, removes the obsolete --verify option, and adds a --rotate option for people with rotatable LCD or arcade monitors. Additionally the Linux version will now run on non-Pentium 4 CPUs. The ROM sets have all been synced to the latest MAME 0.88 - thanks to Brian Troha for pointing out the differences.


    >> Offical Site


    You can also download it from the 1Emulation Download section.


    >> Download ZiNc 1.0.1

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