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    Cxbx 0.8.0 Pre 2 released

    By Gryph,

    A new version of the XBOX emulator, CxBx, has been released and you can download it from it's homepage. At its current stage it can play Turok: Evolution at very nice speeds. Here is a quote from one of Caustik's (the author) latest updates:

    These screenshots are taken on my GeForce FX 5600 (2.8 ghz P4). Turok is completely playable and suffers from only mild glitches like missing polygons and water effects. The gameplay is very smooth, frames per second are real-time. It is even possible to overclock Cxbx and play at 4x+ speed without choking the system.

    You can also see a video of Turok running on CxBx on it's homepage. Thanks to Caustik for this great work and his continued effort on this next generation emulator. Here is a picture of it:


    You can find more pictures of it in action at the homepage.


    Also, this is an open source project so if any of you are interested you can get the source code from here.


    >> Official Homepage: CxBx: The Xbox Emulator

    Mame 0.86u3 update !

    By James,




    *edit* looks like I applied one of the parts of the update to the wrong tree, you can get the CHDMAN improvement here, sorry! will be in u4



    The update also includes the improvements to the HyperNeoGeo driver shown here, however to see them you will need these modified CPU core files, since this is a *very* ugly hack I ask that you don't include it in any distributed build


    We've also have some bad news regarding the NMK Sound MCUs used on a number of NMK pcbs (Original Mustang, Black Heart etc.) they are read protected and can't be dumped making true sound emulation on these platforms Impossible, just like the Toaplan games. I've also ported the hack Raine uses for Thunder Dragon to Mame, you can grab that here. I originally wasn't going to post this, but given the news about the sound CPUs I now have little motivation to work out how the protection works either. Again please don't include this in any distributed builds as its an ugly hack




    Driver Improvements:



    Converted some CD images to CHD [R.Belmont]


    Regression Fixes for Starblad and Simpsons [R.Belmont]

    restored polygon drawing in starblad

    corrected clocks in simpsons


    Fixed black squares in ozon1 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Fixed filenames in some of the sets added in the previous update [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Donkey Kong Sample improvements [Pete Rittwage, Derrick Renaud]


    Namco Classics Improvements [R.Belmont]

    - Added H8/3002 MCU and C352 sound chip.  Both ncv1

    and ncv2 are now fully playable with full sound and



    Hyper Neogeo 64 Improvements [David Haywood]

    I won't be doing much work on this again until I buy some more RAM

    so don't expect too much.  Needs a kludge in the MIPS core so the

    changes aren't very visible in a normal build (details of the

    required kludge are in the source)


    Gottlieb Input Changes [b.S.Ruggeri]


    CPU / Sound Core Improvements



    H8/3002 Fixes [R.Belmont]

    - Fixed btst #imm, @Rn instruction - it was giving

    reversed results, which crashed ncv2's MCU program.


    Namco C352 update [R.Belmont]

    - Many many fixes to wave start/end/bank handling plus

    added chain mode support.  Thanks to cap @ VivaNonno

    for the tips.


    General Improvements:



    CHDMAN update [R.Belmont]

    This makes the parser deal with.toc files output by

    current cdrdao better.  I need to just give in and

    rewrite it for 2-pass operation sometime, it'll be

    much cleaner then.


    Incidentally, if anyone has any idea where to get

    specs for e.g. CloneCD or some other popularish image

    format(s) let me know and I'll add support.


    Fixed for the random key mappings bug with new config system [Aaron Giles]


    Input Port Fixes [Aaron Giles]

    - reversed pedals now work correctly (e.g., brake in Hard Drivin')

    - all relative controls (dial, trackball, mouse) scale the same regardless

    of the number of bits allocated for that port



    New Games supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:



    Namco Classics Vol.2 [R.Belmont]

    some tile flip problems in classic pacman / rallyx

    some sound problems (hanging sound in digdug classic)


    New Non-Working games / clones supported



    Zero (bootleg of Defender) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

    4 New Reviews!

    By Alpha,

    [8/31/04] Gunstar Heroes - Author: Jiggs

    [8/30/04] Secret of Mana - Author: LordKanti

    [8/30/04] Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Author: LordKanti

    [8/30/04] Kirby's Adventure - Author: Disoblige


    Related Links

    »» Reviews & Rants Forum

    Mame Diff 0.86u2 Update

    By James,






    Quick update but since there have been some large submissions I feel it is



    Driver Improvements:



    Misc Updates [R.Belmont]


    - Added analog and digital I/O port support. (anyone

    know how to control PC case fans from software? Prop

    Cycle's "fan" output is bit 1 of 37710 port 5... :lol:

    - Added LDB absolute and DIV direct opcodes.

    - Rewrote the RLA instruction. Pretty much everything

    was wrong with it including the result, flags, and

    cycle count.

    - Fixed disassembly for RLA.



    - Added word-wide flash ROM support (specifically IDs

    itself as the Sharp LH28F400 found on Konami "Beat the

    Champ" PCBs).


    Boomer Rangr + Touchdown Fever Dipswitches [brian Troha]


    Fixed Dragon Bowl sprite colours with new set [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Improved Field Goal colours [stefan Jokisch]


    Turned off auto-center in some games [stefan Jokisch]


    Added missing button in dblpoint [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]


    Improvements to HyperNeogeo64 emulation [ElSemi, David Haywood]


    Large Mahjong Update from Takahiro Nogi (updated to compile by Pierpaolo Prazzoli)



    drivers/gomoku.c - improved sound




    drivers/pastelg.c - added dipsw1&2 handling(2Player is not implemented



    vidhrdw/pastelg.c - rewrote drawing routine


    machine/nb1413m3.c - added some process

    machine/nb1413m3.h - added some definitions


    drivers/nbmj8688.c - added mjsikakc, mjsikakd, mmsikaku, mcitylov, livegal, kaguya2, korinaim, kyuhito, mjcamerb

    vidhrdw/nbmj8688.c - fixes to add mmsikaku, livegal


    drivers/nbmj8891.c - added lovehous, mmaiko, mgion, omotesnd, taiwanmb(testdriver)

    vidhrdw/nbmj8891.c - changed drawing routine, added font process routine for



    drivers/nbmj9195.c - added sailorwa(sailorws clone), jituroku, wcatcher, yosimoto, janbari(mjanbari

    is now clone of janbari)

    vidhrdw/nbmj9195.c - changed drawing routine (fixed screen misalign in

    attract mode of "Otachidai no Okite")


    drivers/niyanpai.c - added musobana, 4psimasy, mhhonban

    vidhrdw/niyanpai.c - changed drawing routine, added highcolor process

    routine for musobana


    drivers/hyhoo.c - changed key mapping

    vidhrdw/hyhoo.c - fixed title screen of hyhoo2


    pairsten - fixed inputs


    adjusting interrupt of drivers using machine/nb1413.c/.h

    So, some titles are broken.


    New Clones supported or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status:


    Street Fighter EX 2 Plus (USA) [brian Troha]

    D&D Tower of Doom (alt Japan set) [Razoola]


    New Non-Working games / clones supported



    Roads Edge / Round Trip

    Samurai Shodown: Warrior's Rage

    Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition

    Hyper Neogeo 64 based, these need more complete MMU emulation in the MIPS core

    amongst other things, driver is still only preliminary

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