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    Chankast Alpha 0.2 Released!

    By Alpha,

    About the news of this release:

      - Improved stability, no more random crashes during gameplay
      - Fixes to the GFX core for games such as Shenmue 1&2 and Soul Calibur
      - Better compatibility, for example F355, Dead or Alive 2, Virtual On and many, many more
      - Optimized code for even more speed
      - Option to over- and underclock the SH4 CPU
      - Completly re-done PAD configuration screen
      - Added support for PAD plugins
      - Added an option for cable selection
      - Integrated Capcom hack into the other versions
      - Re-worked menu and help file
      -... and many more fixes we don't really remember :D

    »» http://www.chanka.org

    »» Contribute to our Compatibility List For v0.2


    PS: Were working now on the Chankast Utilities v0.2 Release with the Official Chankast Alpha v0.2 as you read this.

    Chankast Utilities V.2 Expected After Chankast V.2

    By Alpha,

    Well, after the recent criticism we have been getting from suspected dangerous possibilites that Speed Pig can hurt your computer, we will add a Warning when you try to load Speed Pig. This will notify the user that Speed Pig will modify your system settings to further speed your computer and for you to use it at your own risk. The screen will tell you to "Click Continue or Cancel to Run Speed Pig" on the bottom as well. We will continue to update Chankast Utilities with the Official Chankast Emulator.


    As for Chankast Utilities v0.2, here is some of the full list of changes and addons to expect..


    + Run From CD (Run any DreamCast game without the need of running the Bios first!)

    + Run From Bios Only (Select to Run just the Bios!)

    + Updated Game Buster (It will be updated with more than 320 games added with cheats!)


    .... And More!!


    Chankast Utilities v0.2 will release right after the Official Chanka v0.2. So you can easily be able to use the new Official Chankast with Chankast Utilities.


    »» Official Chankast Utilities Website

    »» http://www.chanka.org

    Chankast Alpha 0.2 This Weekend!

    By Gryph,

    Well it seems those Chankast guys are hard at it. Chankast Alpha 0.2 will be released this weekend with promises of better graphics, better speed, and better stability! There will be many fixes and additions coming with this second release so everyone get ready! This is certainly a good time for emulation. Also, the legendary El Semi, of Nebula fame, has joined the Chankast team! This is certainly wonderful news and we can expect even greater things to come.


    Hi all,


    First at all, we wanna announce ElSemi has joint chanka team He is the programmer of nebula and nebula model 2.


    And about chankast, we are gonna release a new chankast version this weekend. You are gonna love the new features:


    - more stable, no more random crashes

    - better gfx core

    - more compatibility

    - speed improvements

    - cable selector

    - new pad support

    - and a lot of more features




    Credits: http://emulation64.com/


    Read the original thread at the official Chankast forum at EmuTalk!


    Related Links:

    Chankast Author Site

    -=sonic Jam 6=-

    By Diso,

    If you want to see Sonic Play in Mario's World, Play this horrible Sonic hack game for the Sega Genesis. A lot of features are gone from sonic especially his spin dash.


    Read Review Here



    Sonic in Mario's world. WTF!?

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