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- Changelog:
- added 21fx support
- added movie recording and playback support
- added rewind support (enable under Settings->Configuration->Advanced, use backspace key to rewind)
- added speedup (fast forward) and slowdown key bindings
- audio no longer stutters on Windows when moving or resizing the main window
- co-processors can now specify their own clock rates instead of sharing the S-CPU clock rate
- Super Game Boy 2 now runs at the correct hardware speed, and not 2.4% faster like the Super Game Boy 1 does
- added Vsync support to the Windows OpenGL driver (Intel graphics drivers do not support this option, because their engineers are lazy)
- OpenGL driver no longer re-initializes when changing video synchronization, helps pixel shaders
- refactored user interface compilation; now split into several object files, auto-generated MOC files placed under src/obj/
- worked around a bug in the PulseAudio sound server that was causing the ALSA output driver to lock up [bearOso]
- rewrote and simplified the save state manager, it is no longer a part of the core
- S-DD1 and SPC7110 can now access up to 256MB via their MMCs
- re-added background and OAM layer toggling under the tools dialog
- added config file options to adjust emulation speed levels (config.system.speed*)
- added snesreader, snesfilter and supergameboy support to the OS X port
- added a really neat pixel shader that can perform point scaling to non-even multiples, eg it looks great even with aspect correction [Fes]
- upgraded to Qt 4.6.0 official
- Debugger Changelog:
- added memory export and import to the memory editor
- added bus usage analyzer: logs opcodes, memory reads, memory writes and M/X states to usage.bin file
- added disassembler that can trace both forward and backward from the current execution address
- extended read/write breakpoints to the S-SMP
- re-added trace masking option
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GEST v1.00 Released
Despite being discontinued in 2004, a new (and possibly final) version of GEST was released today. GEST is a GameBoy emulator for Windows. Currently, only the binary release has been updated. The latest source code is from v0.85. Below is a list of changes in this release:
-fixed random speedup bug-fixed GBC with initial SGB border not working
-fix for King of Fighters 97 and Real Bout Special SGB mode
-somewhat better double gb emulation
-added simple IR link emulation
-added option to reduce CPU usage
-added option to allow opposite direction buttons to be pressed at the same time
-added option to disable visual rumble
-added autofire start and select buttons
-added GB2 soft reset
-added option to load same rom to GB2 that's in GB1
-new config file format
Source: http://www.vtemulation.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=456
Author's Homepage: http://koti.mbnet.fi/gest_emu/
nGlide 0.91 - 3Dfx Glide wrapper Released
nGlide 0.91 has been released.
-added support for Sentinel in 800x600
-added support for Midnight Racing
-added partial support for San Francisco Rush The Rock Alcatraz Edition
-added partial support for Uprising 2
-fixed light sources flicker issue in Motorhead and Motorhead Demo
Download link: nGlide 0.91 glide wrapper
bsnes v0.058 Released
bsnes, a popular Super Nintendo emulator for Windows was updated today. Here's a list of what's new in this release:
Errata: there is one known bug in Qt 4.6.0 that affects the Windows port: menus attached to buttons show up as invisible on Windows Vista and above. I only use this on the file load dialog options button, and only to toggle the information pane on and off. Given that this is less severe than the bugs in the beta versions, I've upgraded anyway. I'll submit a bug report to the Qt team for this shortly. Also, my sincerest thanks to Bradley Hughes from the Qt development team for quickly fixing this show-stopper bug that greatly affected performance in bsnes v056.
Source: http://www.vtemulation.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=453
Author's Homepage: http://byuu.org/bsnes/
Ami/WinArcadia 12.65 released
WinArcadia 12.65 (Windows): 18 December 2009
AmiArcadia 12.65 (AmigaOS 3): 18 December 2009
AmiArcadia 8.3 (AmigaOS 4): 29 October 2008
AmiArcadia 4.81 (MorphOS): 6 December 2007
Super Bug Advance 1.3 (GBA): 11 September 2009
AmiArcadia and WinArcadia are multi-emulators of these Signetics-based
* the Emerson Arcadia 2001 console family (Bandai, Emerson,
Grandstand, Intervision, Leisure-Vision, Leonardo, MPT-03, Ormatu,
Palladium, Poppy, Robdajet, Tele-Fever, Tempest, Tryom, Tunix,
etc.) (1982);
* the Interton VC 4000 console family (Acetronic, Fountain, Hanimex,
Interton, Prinztronic, Radofin, Rowtron, Soundic, Voltmace,
Waddington, etc.) (c. 1978);
* the Elektor TV Games Computer (1979);
* PIPBUG-based machines (EA 77up2, EA 78up5, Signetics Adaptable Board
Computer, Eurocard 2650, etc.) (c. 1977-1978);
* the Signetics Instructor 50 trainer (1978);
* the Central Data 2650 computer (1977);
* the Astro Wars and Galaxia coin-ops by Zaccaria (1979-1980); and
* the Malzak 1 and 2 coin-ops by Kitronix (c. 1980).
V12.65 is the 200th release of Ami/WinArcadia.
Features include: ReAction GUI, load/save snapshots, windowed and full-
screen modes, CPU tracing, trainer, drag and drop support, graphics
scaling, automatic load/save of configuration/game, keyboard/joystick/
gamepad/paddle/mouse/trackball support, autofire, turbo mode, gameplay
recording/playback, PAL/NTSC modes, sprite demultiplexing, help windows,
source code, debugger, frame skipping, redefinable keys, save screenshots
(4 supported formats), ARexx port, network play, real-time monitor, locale
support (5 supported languages), game selection sidebar, text-to-speech,
printer output, undithering, support for ZIPped games, clipboard support,
palette editor, tone retuning, high score management, force feedback.
Changes since V12.64:
. Runtime priority adjustment (WinArcadia only).
. Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.