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    DSP 0.8 B 1 released

    By Robert,

    Sinclair emulator


    This emulates a number of platforms to various degrees, see here.


    New version DSP 0.8B1!!

    • General

    +ENHANCE: Simplify the calculation of the CRC

    +BUG: If select 'Mute', you could never activate the audio again.

    +BUG: If there is no sound card, does not hangs.

    +ENHANCE: General cleaning of the code, more speed.

    +ENHANCE: Modified the way sprites are show, more speed.

    +NEW: Added generic handling of big sprites (32x32)

    +ENHANCE: Drastically reduced memory consumption. As an example Black Tiger reduced from consuming 76Mb of RAM to just 18MB.

    +NEW: Support for Windows Vista (purely visual).

    +ENHANCE: Updated to ZipForge 4.03

    +ENHANCE: Update to pascal library SDL v1.38

    +NEW: Removed manual audio amplifier (have no sense)

    +ENHANCE: YM2203 - Now you can control the volume of the internal PSG.

    +NEW: Z80 - Started the implementation of Daisy Channing.

    +NEW: Z80 - Started the implementation of Z80 PIO.

    +NEW: M6809 - Added two opcodes.

    +ENHANCE: Implemented timers, now no longer need calls from the driver.

    +ENHANCE: More accurately in the VBLANK, no longer is calculated by fixed tables. Now you can calculate a more accurate way.

    +BUG: No longer fails a driver if you pause after running the Spectrum driver

    • Spectrum

    +BUG: Fixed beeper audio

    +ENHANCE: Added 'disconnect the tape audio'

    • Konami Audio

    NEW: Added a generic driver for audio drivers Konami: Frogger, Pooyan and Jungler

    BUG: Missing implementation of filters resistance-condenser.

    • Frogger

    ENHANCE: Amplified the volume of audio.

    • Bomb Jack

    BUG: Corrected the random palette failure

    • Green Beret

    ENHANCE: Simplified the scroll.

    • Black Tiger

    BUG: Fixed a bug in the scroll, more speed.

    • Ghost'n'Goblins

    ENHANCE: Implemented priority background-sprites-foreground

    BUG: Fixed a bug in the scroll, more speed.

    ENHANCE: Volume audio effects now are correct

    ENHANCE: Optimized the color palette conversion.

    • Myterious Stones

    ENHANCE: Added functions and simplified the video system. More speed.

    • Commando:

    ENHANCE: Implemented partially the foreground.

    • Star Force

    NEW: Added driver. Sound missing.

    • Rygar

    NEW: Added driver. Failures in the scroll, sprites implemented incorrectly and without sound

    • Pitfall II (Sega System 1)

    NEW: Added basic driver.

    • Pooyan

    NEW: Added driver with sound (Thanks to Michael Franzen, more to come!)

    • Jungler

    NEW: Added driver with sound

    • City Connection

    NEW: Added driver with sound

    >> Get it HERE.

    TrueReality 0.62 (N64 Emulator) released

    By MasterPhW,

    TrueReality a software N64 emulator was updated today and multiple times in the last few months after four (!!!) years of silence.

    No changelog was provided, but it should be interesting for more guys than just me.

    CrabEmu 0.1.7 Released

    By Robert,

    Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator


    Today, I bring you the release of CrabEmu 0.1.7. This release contains far too many bug fixes and code cleanups to mention, but here's a selection of some of the bigger changes:


    * Modified sound output to remove branches from the code.

    * Fixed a Dreamcast GUI issue where CrabEmu would crash after loading about 7 roms.

    * Made the Dreamcast port only show the portion of the screen that would actually be visible on the Game Gear.

    * Added a very simple VDP debugger to the Mac OS X version.

    * Added a mapper detection function for certain games to detect use of special mappers by the two checksums on the rom.

    * Enabled sound output on the Dreamcast port.

    * Added support for the EEPROM used in certain Game Gear baseball games.

    * Added support for the extra RAM in the Ernie Els Golf cartridge.

    * Added support for the extra RAM in the SG-1000 game The Castle.

    >> Get it HERE.

    Model 2 emulator 0.7 released

    By Robert,
    - More accurate emulation of some TGP by using the data tables from the mainboard. You'll need these table roms in Model2.zip or inside the game zip. Thanks to Peabo for the donation of a Daytona board that helped to understand how they worked. This has fixed most of the bugs in daytona usa (reverse and most invisble wall hits) and sega rally (automatic transmission).


    - Improved color table decoding that gives more bright colors for some games.


    - Improved SCSP timing. It should be more accurate and musics should not sound out of sync anymore. As a bonus feature I've left in a debug sound player that allows you to load a SSF (Saturn Sound Format) file for playing. To use it, load a game using SCSP (model 2a,b or c) and enter test mode (so it doesn't send sound commands) then press LeftControl+F5 and choose the ssf file to play.


    - Improved clipping. By moving to vertex/pixel shaders I've got rid of all the clipping issues that happened with ATI video cards and recent NVIDIA ones. Remember to remove set SoftwareVertexProcessing to 0. You'll need a pixel shader 1.1 and vertex shader 1.1 capable card. It's the lowest shader version so any video should work. Asa side effect of this change, there is only a geometrizer now, so the Geometrizer option in the ini file is not used.


    - Fixed problems with textures ending in the lowest line of the texture sheet not being uploaded to direct3d (sega rally black background in 2nd stage and topskater missing floors).


    - Added Wave Runner (Model 2C)


    - Added support for direct3d automimpap generation (see emulator.ini AutoMip option)


    - Added network emulation (see NETWORK section below)

    >> Get it HERE.

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