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    Pinmame History.dat 1.60 released

    By Robert,

    >> Get it HERE.

    JavaCPC v 4.2

    By Jitway,

    JavaCPC v 4.2 is a Amstrad CPC emulator in JAVA


    Get it HERE


    Change Log

    new feature: ROM-settings

    You can choose now your own ROM images with a selector.

    Press "Home" to open thie ROM-files dialog.

    Type in the full ROM-name in it's field...


    Type in Lower ROM - OS6128.zip


    If you enter "none" or erase a field, the ROM will be removed from this place.


    new web-parameters:


    SKINNED = true/false - Tells the emulator, if you want to use a skin or not

    SKINB = true/false - Use second skin or not, if SKINNED is set to true

    MEMORY = 64,128,256,512 or SILICON - Sets the desired memorysize of emulated model. (If not set, 512k is used)

    uBee512 v2.6.0

    By Jitway,

    uBee512 v2.6.0 is a microbee emulator


    Get it HERE


    Change Log

    uBee512 v2.6.0


    New for this release:

    * Joystick emulation added. Emulates the standard Microbee Joystick. The

    joystick is also able to be mapped to Microbee keys permitting games and

    other applications to use joystick controls.

    * Added joystick select and enable option --js.

    * Added Microbee joystick options: --js-clear, --js-mbee, --js-up,

    --js-right, --js-down, --js-left, --js-fire, --js-play1, --js-play2,

    and --js-spare.

    * Added joystick to keys mapping options: --js-klist, --js-kbd, --js-kk,

    --js-kb, --js-kset and --js-ksel.

    * Added EMUKEY+J+K (or EMUKEY+J <K>) hot keys to select a joystick key map

    set. K is 'A'-'Z'. First 26 sets are selectable from keyboard, 256 sets

    are available in total.

    * Added EMUKEY+J+0 (EMUKEY+J <0>) disables Microbee and keyboard mapping for

    joystick. EMUKEY+J+1 (EMUKEY+J <1>) enables Microbee joystick.

    * Z80 CPU speed improvements to better regulate the execution rate rather

    than just per each Z80 code frame executed. This improves sound quality

    but may vary between installations.

    * Full screen toggle using the mouse now requires a double clicking action.

    * Added --dclick option to set double click speed for mouse events.

    * Added --status option to customize the status line in the title bar.

    * Additional status information displayable now includes joystick, tape in,

    title, sys, serial, print, short/long drive and others.

    * Added --title option to set a custom title name.

    * Added --spad option to set padding between status information.

    * Added --basram option to use SRAM instead of ROM at 0xA000-0xBFFF.

    * Added --pakram option to allow a PAK location to use SRAM instead of ROM

    at 0xC000-0xDFFF.

    * Added --netram option to use SRAM instead of ROM at 0xE000-0xEFFF.

    * Added PAK1-PAK7 ROM PAKs for 2mhz model emulation. Use OUT 10,n followed

    by an EDASM command to select.

    * All PAKs are now preloaded when emulator starts up.

    * Added function_joystick() functions.



    * File name matching in win32 fixed in a function that returns the next

    directory entry. Was only able to match file names that used all lower

    case. CP/M support program HOST2CPM should now work.

    * Options --rom2 and --rom3 overrides did not load any ROM images.

    * Teleterm model keys are now associated with the Teleterm keyboard.

    * Added two missing compile conditionals '#ifdef USE_LIBDSK' around where

    disk.dg.dg_secsize is used in fdc.c. Needed when compiling with LibDsk


    * Fixed an endianess issue in function_stdio() function for the 'putchar


    * PIO potential mode set problem discovered when adding joystick code.

    D-Fend Reloaded v0.4.0

    By Jitway,

    D-Fend Reloaded v0.4.0 is a graphical interface for DosBox makes setting up DosBox easy.


    Get it HERE


    Change Log

    Version 0.4.0 (05/14/2008)


    * Simplified Chinese language file (thanks to muzuiget)

    * The new profile wizard has been completely redesigned. With the new auto setup templates new profiles (for games known by the D-Fend Reloaded database) can be setup by only entering the game name and the filename.

    * ScummVM based advantures can be configurated and listed together with the DOSBox based profiles now.

    * If you define a QBasic interpreter in the setup dialog, you can define bas files as normal program files for games. When executing a bas file profile D-Fend Reloaded will automatically execute it in QBasic in DOSBox.

    * A new first run wizard makes setting up language and updates for new users much easier.

    * The content of image files can be extracted to a folder now.

    * You can build a floppy image from the content of a folder now.

    * If you copy prof files to the "Confs" folder while D-Fend Reloaded is running they will be added to the games list immediately.

    * Icons form outside the "IconLibrary" folder can now also be used as profile icons (and can be transfered with the profile and included to installers just like the icons in the default icons folder).

    * If you delete a profile file while D-Fend Reloaded is running it will ask you if you want to restore the deleted file.

    * Now you can setup a codepage to be used in DOSBox for each profile. Additionally there is a default codepage stored in each language file which will be used if the codepage is set to "default" in the profile.

    * Now you can (optionally) define a key mapper file for each profile. (If no key mapper file is defined, the DOSBox default key mapper file will be used.)

    * A list of batch commands which DOSBox will run after the end of the game can be defined now (some kind of complement of the Autoexec.bat commands).

    * Now you can also make installer packages from your profile templates.

    * The templates dialog now has an option to change multiple templates at once (like the multi profile editor for normal profile).

    * More option to configurate low-level access to mounted CDROMs.

    * When creating floppy images you can choose to make the image bootable now.

    * The tray icon has a context menu for direct starting and adding of profiles.

    * The transfer profiles function can create a portable version of D-Fend Reloaded (by copying files from the current installation and modifing the configuration) in the destination folder before copying the profile data.

    * Now you can define if the path to the game and the setup exe file should be interpreted absolute (in the physical file system) or relative (to the file system in DOSBox).

    * Now you can configurate in the setup dialog if D-Fend Reloaded should show configuration options in the profile editor which can only be used with DOSBox CVS builds (like multiple floppy images per drive, PhysFS support, setting the number of text mode lines, VGA chipset and video RAM, Glide emulation and printer support).

    * When changeing multiple profiles, creating installers etc. now you can select and unselect profiles also by any user defined information. (Until now selecting was only possible by the predefined fields like language, developer, year, etc.)

    * Profiles (conf and prof files), screenshots and captured sound can be imported by drag&drop now. Dragging program files to the D-Fend Reloaded program window will open the new profile wizard with the chosen file.

    * Within the multi profile editor you can add, change and delete user-defined information fields now.

    * For each profile you can define some extra files which will be transfered, uninstalled and packed into installer packages together with the other game files (like it is already possible with the extra directories).

    * The profile editor will show a warning if the user trys to create a new profile with no game program filename (and is not using a boot image option).

    * When opening the select game exe or select setup exe dialog from the profile editor or the wizard the path of the setup exe or the game exe (if already defined) will be used as initial directory instead of the games base directory.

    * When a checksum error (changed or exchanged game program file) is detected, D-Fend Reloaded now also offers the option to turn off checksums for the profile (until now only keep old checksum or create new checksum).

    * The checksum driven game file change detection can be turned off in the setup dialog now.

    * The mount dialog will show a warning if the users trys to use the same drive letter for two mounted drives.

    * The mount dialog will show a warning message if the users trys to mount the the root directory of a drive.

    * The dialog for playing captured game sounds has been improved: You can jump to any position in the file via a slider and the captured wave sound can be encoded to mp3 or ogg directly from the dialog now.

    * The screenshot view dialog has been improved: You can cycle though the screenshots of a profile via two new toolbar buttons (or by using the cursor keys or the mouse wheel) without closing the dialog. Additionally the zoom level is set to 100% when a new image is loaded.

    * The import conf file function now trys to make mount records from the mount commands of the autoexec section.

    * Now you can setup which icons should be visible on the toolbar.

    * The tooltips in the games list now also show the last modification time of each profile.

    * Some new icons in the modern and classic profile editor (thanks to Banjo).

    * [Fix] Even if you choose "Restore profile on disk with version from memory" when a file conflict occures the profile on disk will not be changed and the version in memory will be lost as long as you do not make any changes to the profile in memory before closing D-Fend Reloaded.

    * [Fix] The boot from floppy image function did not work if you used a single image file.

    * [Fix] When using D-Fend Reloaded in portable mode the path to the DOSBox language file was not updated properly what could DOSBox prevent from starting.

    * [Fix] The main activation of DOSBox IPX support is not written to the DOSBox conf file when starting a profile with IPX support enabled.

    * [Fix] When installing D-Fend Reloaded in user directory mode (the default installation mode) the templates were only created for the user account the installer was run from.

    * [Fix] The column visible status was not saved when closing the setup dialog if the columns were not in default order.

    * [Fix] When changing the filename of a profile all character after the first "." in the new filename were removed.

    * [Fix] The capture folder settings were ignored when importing conf files.

    * [Fix] User defined fields were ignored when exporting a games list.

    * [Fix] Wrong language in dialogs after changing the program language but closing the setup dialog with "Cancel".

    * [Fix] When using the "Minimize to tray" option together with "Start minimized" the application is minimized to the taskbar instead of the tray area on programm start-up.

    * [Fix] When adding a new profile via the wizard the information fields (genre, developer, etc.) of the new profile always showed "Not set" until restart of the program.

    * [Fix] Wrong default icon in the profile select dialog which opens when clicking on "Template from profile" in the templates dialog.

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